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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tackleberry

  1. tackleberry

    Terre Haute, Indiana

    OK, you want the good news? Here goes... I was banded on 11/17/03 by Dr. Jeff Allen in Louisville, Kentucky. Prior to surgery I weighed 343.5 (officially), but according to Dr. Allen, probably more like 350 when I finally went on the table for surgery. In just 8 short months, I have lost over 77% of my excess body weight. I have gone from that 343.5 starting weight down to 215 today. I blew right past my original weight loss goal of 234 in just 7 months. My new weight loss goal is 205, but my doc and I are seriously considering seeing if I can be one of the few who can lose 100% of their excess body weight, which would put me at 187. Before surgery, I had diabetes, hypertension, severe hip and knee pain and had just endured my 2nd back surgery in which hardware was placed into my back. I haven't worked since October 2002. Now, 129 pounds later, I have no diabetes, no hypertension, no hip or knee pain, and can actually jog up to 2 miles on good days. I take no medications whatsoever, other than my trusty Flintstone chewable Vitamins. :cool: A family member came up to me right after my surgery at Christmas time and commented that I had made just a drastic decision, and wondered if it was right. My response was this -- "Is it more drastic than being 38 with a wife and 2 kids and laying 6 feet underground in a metal box?" That shut up that line of questioning. Yes, any weight loss surgery is risky. In fact, any surgery is risky, no matter what it is. Anytime the body is placed under anesthesia and is opened up, there is a measure of risk to be had. Only you can calculate whether the benefits outweigh the risks. I'd venture to say they do. Tom Dr. Allen 11/17/03 343.5/215/205 1.75cc Fill
  2. tackleberry

    Indiana Lapband

    Hi Ginger, I am from Indiana as well. I had my surgery on 11/17/03. Feel free to chat away! I'm always looking for a fellow bandster to chat with! :cool: Tom 11/17/03 Dr. Jeff Allen 343.5/215/205 1.75cc
  3. Mine felt like someone punched me in the gut 3-4 times. However, the surgeon sent me home with Percocet and I never took one pill. I was so tight post-op that pain was the last thing I thought about, LOL. Tom Dr. Jeff Allen 11/17/03 343.5/285/234 1cc fill - 1/9/04
  4. tackleberry


    Well, I'm a relative new bandster (11/17/03), but I'll be happy to share with you what I've learned thus far. Your life drastically changes. By that, you basically have to teach yourself how to eat all over again. The days of eating all you want whenever you want are behind you. The pouch that is created is roughly 1/2 cup in size, give or take a little. Even before your first fill, you will notice that you can't eat the same amounts that you used to. Eating becomes a new experience. You must learn to greatly narrow down your portion sizes that you put into your mouth. meats must be chewed extremely well, lest you risk bringing it back up or a stoma obstruction. Protein becomes your mainstay, as my doctor preaches getting in the protein first, in case you are unable to hold any other food. There are physical sensations that you must learn to adjust to. For example, if you eat to rapidly you are going to know it. I got in a bit of a hurry the other day eating some deli turkey breast and before you know it I was having a good old slime episode. You learn to know when you are full. For me, I feel like there is a golf ball in the top of my stomach. That to me is a good feeling because it certainly discourages me from eating that one last bite. I am having to learn to reexamine my relationship to food. I would eat a big steak, baked potato and vegetable along with a compliment of dinner rolls in 15 minutes. Now, I have to literally fight to make my 1/2 cup meal last 30 minutes. I still haven't mastered that one yet! Having gone through Thanksgiving newly banded and getting ready to go through Christmas banded also causes me to give a moment of psychological pause as well. It's darn hard to watch everyone around me woofing down piles of turkey, ham, dressing and mashed taters with gravy while here I sit basically nibbling! I'll certainly be glad when the holidays are behind me! Hope you carefully think things out and choose wisely for your personal needs. Choosing the LapBand has been the best decision I have made
  5. tackleberry

    Pre-op Esophagus Challenges

    Not only am I off of the Prevacid, I am no longer having to take any diabetes oral medications. Also, I should be able to stop my blood pressure medications before too long.
  6. tackleberry

    Pre-op Esophagus Challenges

    FYI, I was banded on 11/17/03, and one of my "comorbidities", if you even can call it that, was GERD. My surgeon did an UGI to rule out hernias, there were none. Since my surgery, my GERD has vanished! I suffered from this for almost 15 years and lived on Prevacid. I have not had one incidence of reflux since my surgery! So yes, the surgery does "cure" GERD.
  7. tackleberry

    Water Pills??????

    Cool! I live over in Clark County.
  8. tackleberry

    Water Pills??????

    I really can't imagine that anyone is stupid enough to advance this kind of notion. The potassium concern is the most serious one, but also, if you are properly tightened with that band, hydrating yourself becomes a day long activity every day. So, with the diuretics you are counteracting your own efforts to stay hydrated. Insomuch as the one possibly being a "sodium addict", there is a simple way to fix that -- STOP!!! I can speak from experience, as I was a saltaholic. Give me a plate of salt, I'd salt it. I was as swollen as anybody could be, edema of +2 and higher in my feet and legs. Since banding, my feet are normal size, and the only sodium I eat is that which is naturally in the food itself. NO CORNED BEEF!!! Tom 11/17/03 Jeff Allen, MD 343/311/234
  9. How many of you had trouble starting the liquid phase upon coming home from the hospital? I was banded on the 17th, but just came home from the hospital today, as the band was super-tight and basically obstructed. I had to be on IV fluids for 5 days and was vomiting frequently. My surgeon says he is not worried about a slippage though, because the band was so tight. Both lunch and supper today came back up on me. I know that the liquid is getting through to the lower stomach, but I can't figure out why it's coming back up. Any of you have that problem or know somebody that did? I'm entirely open for suggestions!
  10. Hello all, I am new to the Lap-Band Forums and wanted to say "Hi" to everybody. I live in Southern Indiana and am scheduled for my surgery on 12/1/03 with Dr. Jeff Allen in Louisville, Kentucky. I am excited about the reality of a "whole new me" emerging from all of this process. I've already browsed some of the posts, and you really have some good stuff going on here. Hopefully I can be a help to someone as I progress along my journey of being a BANDSTER!!! Tom 343/too darn much/234 (I want to beat that last number though)
  11. tackleberry

    Newbie saying Hi!

    Brandi, you don't know how right you are in that statement! I got a call from my surgeons office today and my surgery has been moved up to THIS Monday, 11/17/03!!!!!!! Right now, I'm a combination of nervous and wanting it over with so I can get on with life. I've been studying and researching this for a year now, so I'm ready to get it over with!
  12. tackleberry

    Terre Haute, Indiana

    I am in Southern Indiana near Louisville. My surgery is scheduled for 12/1, so it won't be long now!!! :banana

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