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Posts posted by susansilver

  1. I am so sick of eating or should I say OVEREATING! Nothing fits anymore and I am miserable. I am almost tempted to just start my preop diet! What's holding me back is that I still have 4 weeks to go and don't want to sabotage following it perfectly just before the surgery.

    I can't seem to just eat like a normal person...maybe because I am not normal!!! :) If I were normal I would not be in this position....The funny thing is that I am not really enjoying my food right now either. Would anyone like some cheese with my w(h)ine???:drama:

    I am darn lucky to be able to have this surgery! I should stop the moaning and groaning and be thankful that I will have this aid in just a few short weeks.

    Okay..new resolve. Be grateful. Try to eat only when I am hungry. Enjoy what I am eating.


  2. Thanks Mac - If you can do it alone from out of town, I can certainly brave it out mself for just a few hours! My hubby will pick me up later in the day and take me home - he also will stay at home with me the next day. I'll take the pacifier out of my mouth now....:violin:


  3. I have been thinking of this one. Here is my situation. I have a 9 year old daughter who is very sensitive. She does not like changes in routine etc and like most kids worries that I will die and leave her. I was a single mother for most of her life and we are very close. We moved in with my hubby 2 1/2 years ago - which was a very difficult time for her.

    I finally told her about the surgery. She seemed to take it okay especially when I told her that I would most likely be back at home by the time she got home from her after school program (I am having the surgery done in the hospital). I have to be at the hospital for 6:45 am and originally thought that she could sleep over at a friend's and they would take her to school in the morning, so that DH could take me and stay with me. But because she does not like changes in her routine, instead I told hubby to stay home, take her to school, go to work and come pick me up later in the afternoon. I would take a taxi to the hospital and be there alone.

    Truthfully, I am a little nervous to do this by myself, so I wanted to know if anyone else just went in (not necessarily to the hospital, but to the clinic) and then had someone pick them up. I didn't want to ask a friend either because it is so early.

    I am a grown woman after all, but still a little scared...


  4. Andrew,

    I plan on borrowing your cards some day! I love that you said it was forward of her! I have someone at work who when I was losing 60 lbs last year kept asking me how much have I lost and how much more do I want to lose etc. It was really hard to be tactful, but I realize now that I should not have worried about tact since she was so tactless! I will be armed this time!

    Oh btw Andrew - I brag about YOUR weight loss to my hubby all the time!:heh:


  5. Last night was Passover for my family and as with most holidays it was a feast. I felt a little awkward because the last time I had seen most of these people, I was 40 lbs lighter. I know most of us can relate to that!

    Anyways, I indulged of course...:hungry: many of these foods probably wont go down the band. No one said anything about my weight gain, but I am sure they were wondering....

    These are people I will not disclose or discuss my band with. It kept running though my mind the next time I see them and the marked contrast in how much food I will consume. Then I started to think about when people notice me losing weight again....they are sure to ask what I am doing. My answer: PORTION CONTROL!:high5:


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