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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by susansilver

  1. Yesterday was my first really hungry day. I had a Protein shake for Breakfast, cream of Tomato Soup for lunch and pomegranate juice, when I came home I had 1/2 c. veggie juice and then a full can of cheddar cheese Soup (I know the calories in that are high, but I felt I needed some). Then later had another 1/2 c. veggie juice and a sf popsicle.

    This was the most I have eaten in weeks! My scale went up about a pound this morning, but I am not going to worry about that yet.

  2. I'm glad to see that everyone is feeling better. I have a few questions.

    Does anyone feel tight when they get out of bed in the morning?

    What can I do do to combat this bad breath... I brush and use mouth wash but since the surgery it smells like something died in my mouth.

    I never thought I would say this but I had yogurt for Breakfast and it was so yummyyyyyyyy.

    No tightness for me. For the bad breath I am using those breath strips. They last for a little while anyways.

    I will NEVER eat yogurt again!!!! I didn't realize it was on the full fluids list. I thought only Soups and juices.

  3. I spoke to Maral today and one of the things I asked her was why I got the Swedish band when so many others have the mid band. She explained that the Swedish is a longer band (not larger in capacity than the Mid) and it depends on the size of your stomach. Apparently mine is quite large, but I think that is a given! LOL

    Actually, she then rushed to tell me that the size of the stomach is NOT reflective of a person's size or weight. It is genetic and a large size person can have a small stomach and vice versa.

    I feel better knowing. I also love that Dr. Yau makes these calls when he peeks inside and is able to choose the best band for you.

    Did I mention my crush on Dr. Yau???:embarassed: Even though he looks 15!!!

    Don't tell my DH. :high5:

  4. I was banded on Friday, and today is Monday. I am finally weaning off of the pain pills. I can't handle the liquids not making me feel full. So, I broke the rules tonight and had a baked potato. I guess I will know soon if I am going to regret it. My incision sites are very sore. I don't even know which one is my port! Good luck to all who go tomorrow. Be prepared for gas pains!

    Ginger, I don't mean to admonish you, but I was just reading the manual I got with my band, and the reason that we are not supposed to eat anything solid for 1 month is that the food could possibly mis-shape the band, or slip it out of position. Please be careful, you don't want to have another surgery. I started on full fluids today which include Protein Shakes, which are filling, cram Soups which are delicious and vegetable juice which is both!

    Godd luck.

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