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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by susansilver

  1. Hi Susan,

    My fill is at 1:30 on the 18th, looks like we might miss each other... I have Mondays off work so I could come down a lot sooner.

    Donna, my july fill is on the 4th, whens yours?

    Jannet - any other day would be great, but it is my daughter's birthday so right after the seminar and fill I have to run downtown to pickup some treats and bring them to her class. :cry

  2. Hi Donna,

    I'm doing really well I don't think I've lost much weight during the post-op but that doesnt bother me, I know that this time is meant for healing. My Fill is on June 18.... are getting filled in Toronto? If you are maybe we can get together for a coffee.

    Jannet My fill is on June 18th as well. What time are you going? My appt is for 9:30 am

  3. Does anyone else get in a bad mood when they're cleaning? It takes about five minutes before I'm yelling and abusing everyone. It puts me in a foul temper to just pointlessly do the same thing again and again and again.

    YES!!! That is why I got the cleaning lady!!! I hated feeling that anger and resentment.

  4. Last night - watched the show on TLC - Brookhaven OBesity Centre. Yup, no cheating last night for sure. Has anyone else seen it? I can imagine myself, if my life were somewhat different being in that same situation. I have LOTS of issues with how they run that clinic, but I do hope that people who see the show will have more compassion for the morbidly obese and a little more understanding of food addiction.

  5. Hi Rob,

    I have found that it is difficult to reach someone right off the bat by telephone. I suspect that the clinic is very busy with patients. What I have found that works best is to leave a message on the voicemail with a call back number and your question. I have always gotten a call back with the answers. re: Email - also found that very efficient. Will usually get a response within 2-12 hours.

    Take a deep breath and try again. I would explain calmly that you are not happy with their level of service and ask what YOU can do to ensure that they are more responsive to you. I am sure you will see a difference.

    Let us know.

  6. When I was working out my budget to see if I could afford the lapband surgery (self pay in Toronto), I told my husband that the only thing I will NEVER give up is my cleaning lady. We are only three people, so although my 9 year old DD is messy, our condo doesn't tend to get too dirty. She comes once every two weeks and I will only do something in between if there is a spill etc. Otherwise it's all hers! I do laundry once a week and that is my big chore in the house besides cooking.

    DH and I no longer fight wabout housework because we don't have any! I no longer resent all the hours I used to spend cleaning only for it to get dirty again! My house is clean, mostly tidy and we are VERY happy! It is well worth the expense!

  7. I agree with the last two posters above. I have been on anti-depressants for the last five years and most likely will stay on the rest of my life. I have chronic depression and anxiety and being obese just makes it worse. I don't think that losing the weight will get me off the meds - I do have a chemical imbalance and just as I take insulin for diabetes, I take my anti-ds for my depression. Mental illness is an illness, a physical illness of the brain.

    So, I would suggest you get your meds straight so that you are feeling good regardless of the band. To me that is a separate issue to deal with. HAving said that, if I were not on meds, I don't think that I would be able to do this. It is not easy and you have to have a good sense of yourself and your goals to be successful.

    I wish you the very best of luck whatever you decide.

  8. Yoda. I knew about the 3/4 of a cup combined, but this weekend I definitely went over that.

    Today was much better though I did your refried Beans with a layer of homemade guacamole and mushed chicket breast. It was good and filling. I agree that Beans are a good option, nutritious and delicious!!!

    I am hanging in....

  9. Green - My first fill is June 18th and I can't wait. I know it will just have to be easier than this! Fortunately or unfortunately I heal very well so I have not had any swelling to feel restricted since I started full fluids!!! That was about May 8th.... I think this hunger has been building for a while and that is why I let myself go.... That bowel infection sounds nasty, I do hope that clears up soon.

    LL - you tell that Matt that he is a sweetie! He is proud of you with good reason! Those pickles sound good! When do you fly into Toronto?

  10. Hi Katschai,

    Well the CN Tower is of course one of the best known landmarks in the city. You can get to it very easily by cab or streetcar. In the same area is the Toronto Harbourfront, which is very pretty or hop a streetcar to Chinatown. There is a very fun tour bus call the Hippo Bus which will take you around the downtown core and then...into Lake Ontario. If you like sports - the Blue Jays play at the Rogers Centre and we have a new professional soccer team called the Toronto FT. Casa Loma is further away but is quite beautiful. Try this website to see what is going on in the city at that time. toronto.com, Toronto Restaurants, Events, Hotels, Attractions, Shopping, Movies, Bars, Clubs, Guides & more


  11. I am having such a hard time and truthfully I did not expect this. I feel so ashamed of myself. Not only are my portions over the 1/4 c. measures, I have on occasion eaten bread, a couple of potatoes and some sliced deli meat. They say confession is good for the soul!

    I have vowed to stick to my 1/4 c mushies until the end of this period, but I am seriously doubting myself right now. Do you think I have done some damage??


  12. I was banded on May 2nd and was thinking about taking a bike ride this weekend. Do you think it is too soon? I know I am not allowed any heavy lifting for 3 weeks, but would this be the same?

    Thanks in advance for you advise/opinion!

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