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Posts posted by susansilver

  1. What does Shayna Punim mean? My father was Jewish but not my mother and I was raised as an atheist except for the period when I was put in a boarding school which was run by nuns. And they did that because I was a trouble-maker!

    How come I have no trouble believing that you were a trouble maker Green! LOL Shayna Punim means pretty face. This was my nickname since I was a baby and when I say Susannah's signature I couldn't believe it! I pmed her immediately and now she has graciously offered to share!


  2. Hey Susan, Twenty five pounds down! Yay.:clap2:

    I think I have seen one of the shows on the Brookhaven nursing home. It was really sad and scary to watch.

    Susan, I have decided to share the title of Shayna Punim with you.:( There is room enough in this town for the two of us.:biggrin1: Susannah

    Shayna - you are the best, I will add it to my sig when I have a moment!

  3. Miranda - you are doing great. I can now agree when everyone told me that this was the hardest part - Post op. Full fluids was hard, because I was definitely healing and hungry. I found that the Gardennay Soups or the cream soups I was able to get at work really helped when I put in hot sauce (I like spicy food), because although there was not much texture, I did get alot of flavour. Hang in there - you are not that far now.

    Its amazing how food can have such a powerful hold on us. When I was in my 30s I decided to go to professional cooking school because I felt that food was my enemy and I wanted it to be my friend. The point being that I no longer think of food as "bad" but that it is certainly an addictive substance for me!

    Monday is my first fill and I will talk to the clinic staff - got all the support I need and go bravely forward!

  4. Yeah Wheezy! I am realizing how important these fills are because I am waiting for my first one! Not long now - June 18th, but boy, this is tough. I have gained 6 pounds!!! (Not reflected yet on my ticker - weill do it Monday morning). I look at people who have just been go go go since their preop andI wonder why I can't do it as well. But, we are all different and I am hoping that my first fill will get me off and running -

    We are all in this together!


    Three men were sitting together bragging about how they had given their new wives duties.

    Garry had married a woman from the U.S. and bragged that he had told his wife

    she was going to do all the dishes and housecleaning that needed done at their

    house. He said that it took a couple of days but on the third day he came

    home to a clean house and the dishes were all washed and put away.

    Jimmy had married a woman from Australia. He bragged that he had given his

    wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes, and the cooking.

    He told them that the first day he didn't see any results, but the next day it

    was better. By the third day, his house was clean, the dishes were done,and

    he had a huge dinner on the table.

    The third man had married a Canadian girl. He boasted that he told her that

    her duties were to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry

    washed, and hot meals on the table for every meal. He said the first day he

    didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything, but by the third

    day, most of the swelling had gone and he could see a little out of his left eye.

    Enough to fix himself a bite to eat, load the dishwasher, see the dials on the washing machine

    and start the lawn mower.

  6. Lferland and the other stick to it guys you should be proud of yourselves. Your weight loss is fantastic for such a short time. I did eat solids early and just for susansilvers poll, I was at my first fill yesterday and all 5 of us there started solids early. Shame on us!!!

    How was your fill Donna D? - Do you feel restriction now? I go on Monday and can hardly wait! I need some restriction here!!!!

  7. oops --I didn't realize this was a Canadian thread...I don't even live close to you all. I'm in Reno, NV!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you don't mind!!!!!

    No of course not!!! Pets are universal. It's very commendable that you take in strays. It's people like you that we need more of - not the ones who give them away because they decide they want a puppy!

  8. My daughters boyfriends mom has been given only 2 months to live. Poor thing, she is only 53 years old. She has two black mini poodles who will need some love and a home and I will most likely take them in. Not the best situation but at least she can know they will be loved and cared for.

    That is so sad. My mom was 45 when she died and our dog was her most devoted companion at the end. He was completely heartbroken upon her death and within a month he ran away and never came back.

  9. That makes me so angry. I am so glad you rescued Lily. She is absolutely stunning. I have a new soft spot for long hairs since we got our 3 Birmans. I have 3 kids, and they each got their own kitten. They have brought so much joy to our home, I can't explain. eventhoughthereiswhitecatfureverywhere

    And Kayko, what a good looking dog. I talked to a Japanese Chin breeder (similar breed). She says they are great dogs

    Yes, Susansilver, with 3 kids, your family is complete.

    Japanese Chins and Japanese Spaniels are the same breed. The care called Spaniels here in Canada but Chins elsewhere. Why??? No idea!

    She is a great dog, but has this little stubborn streak - it makes me laugh cause she is so small! Only 8 lbs.

  10. It has been a long time since I wrote on this thread - not much to report I guess, until this morning when talking to a friend I had an AHA moment.

    Since mushies and now solids, I have not lost any weight - pretty much maintaining my loss pre and just post op. I have not always made the healthiest choices and having no restriction I can eat as I did before surgery; which I have been doing. I have been feeling terrible about it.

    Berating myself everyday. "Why can't you get your eating under control"? "You paid $16K for this band and you are wasting it". Then of course I feel so miserable that I am turning to my buddy food for comfort. Nice cycle of destructive thoughts and behaviours.

    This morning I finally realized that the reason I got the band was to help me deal with those exact same issues!!!! Hello!!!

    I do not have a fill yet, have no restriction so I am the same person I was before surgery. I am NOT a failure, I am just me with my issues around food and my TOOL is not fired up yet! AHA!!!! I will be gentler on myself from now on, but that does not mean I won't try to make better choices.

  11. Thank you for posting pics of your pets! PAulax your cats are gorgeous and Marcar, I have fallen in love with Albert! Come on Susie we want to see your Lab.

    Jachut- that seems really unfair. To your family, Lady and Tabitha. Pets are a serious responsibility, you would not give away your kids if you moved!

    Lily the Cat was a rescue cat as well. Imagine, that they found this poor sweet thing in the streets who was declawed! How could she have possibly fended for herself. When we picked her up from the foster family she was all skin and bones. As you can see - that is no longer an issue for this little piggie!

    We got her for my daughter Lily's 7th birthday and when we were on the website looking we saw her...A beautiful 7 year old cat named ... Lily! We knew it was a match! That is why she is named Lily the Cat.

    We got Kayko as a puppy from a breeder in Stratford, ON in February. We were going to wait until spring - which is the logical time to bring home and train a puppy in this weather, but saw her and fell in love.

    We only have one human child so after getting Lily and Kayko, I feel my family is complete.

  12. I am now 5 weeks post op, no fill yet - on solids for over a week.

    Today I tried to eat a sandwhich and realized quickly that the bread was too fresh and was not going through. I felt really stuck, very panicky, even got an ache in the middle of my forehead. I burped like crazy but it did not come up, evetually subsided. I still have a dull ache in between my shoulder blades and my tummy doesn't feel great (it is also th first time having my period with the band - don't know if that makes a difference).

    I have been sipping Water fine, just feel yucky and burping. Any suggestions? Should I stick to fluids for the rest of the day?

    Thanks in advance for your advice.

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