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Posts posted by susansilver

  1. Just a quick update - as I continue to lose, I am now down to 30 units of Levemir and many days do not require any Novorapid even with meals! I am starting to metabolize some of my excess blood sugar! This is most amazing to me.

    So to those who have not yet reduced their meds, or are worried they won't - be patient. Do your work with the band and you will definitely see results.

  2. Like I said above - it took over a year for it to start happening for me, and just when I had resigned myself to it never happening.

    The thing is the health benefits of losing weight, regardless if your diabetes can be controlled without meds or not, are still way better than living obese.

    I don't look at being on insulin the same way as many people do - maybe because when I was first diagnoes 25 years ago, I started on insulin, switched to oral meds after I had lost weight and then back on insulin when I was trying to get pregnant. I find that being on insulin helps me control my blood sugars way better than any oral meds. Y ou can make small adjustments to fit your lifestyle and any food or exercise out of the norm.

    Good luck - keep a realistic attitude and all will be good.

  3. Hi Marie. Congrats on making a great decision on your life and health. Pre-op I was taking 50 units of Levemir (a long lasting insulin as well) and between 20-30 units of novorapid (short acting) with meals - the variation was I adjusted to the amount of carbs I would eat at that meal.

    Now I am down to 32 units of levemir and betwwen 2-6 units of novorapid. I will teel you that this did not happen for me right away as many others will tell you. It was about 1 year after my surgery and 40 lbs down that I started to see these results. We must remember that we are all different and our endocrine systems react differently to the band and our food intake etc.

    Good luck and keep us up to date.


  4. I was just sitting in my clinic's waiting room, because I needed a small defill.

    There were three four other women there, one who was dominating the conversation. They were talking about vomiting and being too tight. The one one had been talking nonstop said that she had struggled with eating disorders. They were saying that the clinic should have an eating disorder psychologist etc... blah blah blah. Then she said that she can only eat 1 or 2 bites of food and she vomits etc. When I suggested she neeed a defill, she said "maybe, but one out of every 10 days I can eat what I like. Yesterday I ate 21 ice cream bars". I nearly fell off my chair! Who the %&*# told her to eat 21 icce cream bars!!!

    I told her that this clinic was to give you a tool for your weight loss and maintenance and not to fix your head! I told her I am in therapy to do with the non physical issues around my weight. She said she has been seeing an eating disorder specialist for years!!! (Obviously not the right one). She also said that she was afraid she would starve if she did not eat those 21 ice cream bars, because she had not been able to eat the other nine days. Hello????? What about Protein, fruits & vegetables?

    I do not "diet", but I am not a moron and know that 21 ice cream bars is not healthy!!! Does that woman have no common sense??!!! Fortunately, the nurse called me in at that point because I was ready to go over there and smack her!!!

    Thanks goodness for this rant and raves area. Had to get that off my chest. Just goes to show you there is no minimun IQ required for this surgery.:smile2:

  5. I'm prepping for surgery, July 18th. I'm not a good diabetic :thumbs_down: I get really panic'd when my blood sugar drops and I'm really worried about post op on all fluids. Anyone have any hints for managing BS well those first few weeks? I'm on meds only trying to avoid it getting worse...thanks

    The best thing to do is to talk with your endocrinologist of PHCP (whoever is managing your diabetes) BEFORE the surgery. It really depends on the meds you are taking, what dosage etc. It would be foolish for any of us to try and give you advice.

    What I can tell you is that for me, I tested my bs about 5-6 times/day and because I was on insulin was able to adjust down very easily. When I was getting low, I would sip on a little juice until it was back to normal.

    Good luck and let us know how it goes!

  6. I'm very frustrated as well. I'm actually considering going back on to the pre op diet for a week or two just to see if that helps.

    Hey Marivan,

    That may just work, but not because it is so restrictive, but because you would change up your habits. One of the best things you can do to break a plateau is make some changes. Try some different foods, eat at different times if you can and - please don't jump all over me for this guys - cut down your exercise from 5 - 3x/week for just a couple of weeks. I bet you will see a nice drop! Once you are losing again, go back to your regular routine if you like.

    Good luck and let us know,


  7. This is why I have no problem with a site for BBW dating. If you are a BBW and you want to date people who think that's awesome, then BBW Romance is going to work for you. It's targeted towards people who want to date you vs. a generic dating site which isn't targeted to anyone and therefore 90% of the people on it aren't interested in 90% of other people on it.

    well put.

  8. When I was using online dating I also used the term BBW. For me, as it was for Gloucester it was a way of describing my body size without using the word fat. Fat has such a negative connotation that I felt like it would imply I was a negative person. I also would not want any potential date to feel that I was deceptive by using words to describe myself that were not true.

    Many years ago I worked worked for a company where I was ono the telephone with suppliers quite a bit. I had always been told that I have a "sexy" voice and there was one man in particular that was very keen to meet me. I told him many times that I was not the fantasy girl that he was envisioning (this was before PCs and digital photography) but he was very insistent. I finally gave him my home phone number and we had a number of very long telephone conversations whcih we both really enjoyed. We also discovered that we had a lot in common.

    Well, one day he announced that he was coming to the city one business where I was living at the time. He asked me out to dinner and I said yes. When he came to pick me up ....well if it wasn't so sad and so devastating to me - it would have been comical to see the way his face fell when he saw me! Needless to say it was a horrible, horrible evening. He barely spoke, answered my questions with as afew words as possible and belittled some of the subjects we had previously talked about. As soon as dinner was over he said he had to go somewhere else and left me to make my way home by myself. It was such a humiliating experience. Now, I look back and recognize him to be rude, ill mannered and a complete jerk, but then I just blamed myself and hated myself. It took me years to even date again and I actually conciously worked on raising the pitch of my voice!

    Soo back to 5 years ago. As I said, I described myself in my online ad just as I was. I started dating a wonderful man who told me that he was attracted to the words in my ad describing my personality and my interests. 5 years later, we are living happily together and he is very supportive of me. When I had doubts about losing the weight he told me "I fell in love with you when you were bigger than you are now and I will love you no matter your size". So, for me, honesty was the best way to go and using BBW was a gentle but honest description of myself.

  9. Hey There! New Here.

    I have beeen researching this like crazy, I know that this is what I want to do, it's like a dream that people are being cured. I want to be cured.

    I am 21 and diabetic. I am currently on Humalog, Lantus and Metformin. 1000 MG of Metformin, 50 units of Humalog before each meal and 75 of Lantus at night. With all this I am fasting and still at 200 in the ams. Endro says that I won't make it for another 5 years living this way.

    I just saw my PCP and asked her for a referral to a surgeon that can do this procedure. I currently have CIGNA.

    I know I have a lot of steps to go, but I was wondering what the steps are. When I called CIGNA they flat out told me that there was no way that they would cover this, when my husband called 1 day later, they said that they would cover it if it was a neccessity....so I am confused, excited, angry and happy.

    I am waiting for the referral PCP says it takes a week, I would really like to know what will happen, does anyone have cigna? Has anyone heard this before? Are there people out there that have CIGNA and have had this procedure?



    I can't tell you anything about your insurance carrier - I am from Canada and we are almost all self pay here. But I would like to make a couple of comments on your post.

    Firstly, Can you be "cured"? No - once you have Diabetes you are in it for life, BUT - it can be managed with just diet and exercise. Don't expect miracles though, it can take time. I was banded last year and initially lost 40 lbs with no change at all in my meds. I was very disaapointed at first then came to terms with it. I had gained some weight so I went to get a fill and have started losing again. All of a sudden, I had to reduce my insulin usage. I went from 50 units of Levemir (similar to Lantus) to 36 units. For my Novorapid, I was often using 20-30 units per meal down to 2-6 units. I have also started to reduce my blood pressure meds.

    The other thing I would like to ask is if your sugars are in the 200s in the morning or after fasting - why is your endocronologist not adjusting your insulin? One of the advantages of being on insulin is being able to achieve perfect or near perfect blood sugars! I would definitely question him/her and empower yourself to make these changes yourself.

    I hope this all works out for you! I wish you the best of luck.

  10. Personally, I am not a fan of 12 step programs. If abstinence was enough then the recidivism rate for addicts of all kinds would not be so high. I believe that you must get to the root of your addicitive behaviour - not the object of your addiction. You must deal with the underlying issues that led to addiction and heal those wounds first.

  11. I take my pen with me because I only have one typ eof insulin to take during the day (novorapid). I have a meter at home and at work, so I don't need to carry it around at all. Have supplies of strips, lancets etc at each place. I found that really helps not to carry around everything - I feel less "burdened" by having to test all the time.

  12. Oh Mandi,

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. This must be a very traumatic time for you. I re-read your post a few times and each time I can't help thinking how the timing was right for you and your mom to say goodbye. I would say that you are in a bit of shock and that is completely normal! We are grieve differently, in different times and different way.

    When my mom died I was just turning 16, as a matter of fact she died 1 week after my sweet 16 and was candid with my friends to say that she waited for then (her prognosis was 3 months and she lived 13 months). I believe it was the right time for her to let go - just like it was the right time for your mom to let go. She had said goodbye to her precious daughter, saw and heard how well you are doing and knew she was able to let go.

    It was a Sunday when my mom died and when we came home from the hospital our house was filled with people. One of them was our "grouchy old man" neighbour. He grabbed me and starting hugging me and I could not stop laughing!! He thought I was crying so held me tighther which made me laugh more. I finally broke away and ran into the bathroom to calm down - I was mortified! My mother had just died and I was laughing like a hyena. I finally realized later in life that it was a way to relieve all that stress and tension. So please don;t worry about they way you react - if you cry or not - or worry if you will become hysterical at her funeral. This is your time to grieve and you should grieve however it comes to you.

    Mandi, my thoughts are with you. Time does heal the wounds and you will continue planning and living this wonderful life you have ahead of you. Your mother will be so pleased.


  13. When I got on the scale this morning, I was at 225 lbs. This number has always been an invisible barrier for me psychologically. I am not sure why, but a few years ago when I began this weight loss journey with Weight Watchers I started at 289 and my last weigh in I was at 225. It was all downhill (or should I say UP hill) from then.

    Just before banding I was 268 as my ticker states - so as you can see I gained quite a bit of it back and that is one of the reasons I chose banding. I really wanted to take off the weight for good.

    Well, as I said, I hit 225 again this morning (I only change my ticker once a week on Mondays) and was bursting with pride! This time I know that I will go below that and more - all the way to my goal this time. I put on a fabulous new dress for work and have received so many compliments today that it makes it all the more sweeter!

    Thanks for your support, I know that I would not be doing so well without you guys.

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