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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by susansilver

  1. I think you do need some counselling - but we all do. We have to learn about the emotional issues underneath why we abuse food. Many addicts use food, drugs, alcohol. gambling etc to displace feelings of hurt, anger, helplessness - it sounds like you have not faced these issues and are determined to continue to abuse because you don't know what else to do. Don't beat yourself up over this - it is your addiction. Get some psychotherapeutic help and find a Dr. or clinic who will see you and in no time, you will be back on track and alot healthier both mentally & physically. Best of luck - let us know how you are doing.
  2. susansilver

    Needing some advice!

    Neither do I! (Indignant)
  3. susansilver

    Second Fill - don't feel any different

    Glad you're feeeling better!
  4. I just had my 2nd fill and so far, no difference. Will I notice it more when I go back to eating solids tomorrow? She only put in .5cc because of all the PBing I had from my first fill - even though I explained that it was my fault for eting too fast, taking bites that are too big etc. I have my 3rd scheduled for July 18th if this is not the one.
  5. susansilver

    newbie from Toronto

    Hi Lisa, Welcome and congrats on your being banded! I am from Toronto as well - we actually have a whole Canada section further down the page. Some people just hang out there and others (like myself) are all over the board. It's nice to have "homies"!
  6. susansilver

    Is it possible to pb and still need a fill?

    Thank you! I thought I was crazy. I am more restricted at beginning of day and night time than in between! I agree with the others that I PB because I either eat too fast or do not chew well enough. I just had my second fill and I am not yet at my "sweet spot". The PBing I do is because I forget, or do not eat consciously. When I do, I can eat a bit more than a cup of food and then will get that full feeling between my esophagus and my throat and stop. If I ignore that feeling, then I will PB.
  7. susansilver

    5 more Sleeps until Surgery...

    Hi Peaches, I take Effexor and I was able to open the capsules and take the little pills inside on a spoon, swallow them down and chase them with Water of juice. The taste was awful so as soon as I could, I just started taking them whole again, one at a time (I take 3) and slowly. I take 2 other meds for high BP and a birth control pill and usually throw all 6 of them in my mouth, take a swig of water and off they go. Sometimes I feel them for a bit going down, but I have never PBed on them. Oh yes, I was banded May 2nd so it has been awhile. Good luck with your surgery!!! Let us know how you did.
  8. susansilver

    Needing some advice!

    Uniqueone, Stick an "Eh" on the end of every question and you automatically become an honourary Canadian - oh yes and you have to add the letter "u" into many words where an "o" is present. WELCOME!!!! My highest weight was 287 when I started WW July 2005 - lost 60+ lbs and gained 40 back - that was when I said enough - I can't continue to gain and lose and gain and gain so I started researching and decided to go with the band. It is a struggle every day to relearn and rethink. I am finding it a little easier to eat more consciously and less is getting stuck. (Although I did PB some of my Breakfast this morning - I think because I ate too much). I had posted on the general discussion about how I miss taking big bites and the feeling of my mouth filled with food. To feel almost like I am pigging out, so I have started taking bites that are a bit bigger, chewing, chewing and swallowing a little bit, chewing more swallowing more etc. I find this is helping with my desire to eat more. Ah the things I do to trick this crazy mind! Location, Location: I am way further east than Vancouver - Ontario in fact and specifically Toronto. Although I have been to Vancouver a couple of times. I have been to Las Vegas once but not to Reno or Lake Tahoe which I hear is spectacular! I am not sure how I would deal with that kind of heat being a Northerner! I would need a personal air conditioner! So my dear, now that you are Canadian, please continue to join in our little group - just don't suggest any products or stores that can only be found in the US because we get a little tesy about that! LOL!!!! Hope to hear from you soon, Susan
  9. susansilver

    Needing some advice!

    Guys, I went through the exact same thing! Firstly - what Donna said about the fills is exactly right - it takes some time to find the right restriction and the band to do it's job. Secondly - just because we are banded, does NOT mean that we have lost our addiction to food or compulsion to eat certain foods. My understanding is that it helps once we reach our "sweet spot". but we have to do some of that work ourselves. Why do we eat? What triggers our eating? Are you finding comfort, solace, stress reduction from over eating? Do you use food (like I do) to displace feelings of anger, helplessness, lonliness? I personally feel that understanding the root of why I have used food is very important and will allow me to identify those feelings and make proactive changes. I see a huge similarity in many of us that we have that "let down" feeling while healing and before the fist fill. I think we need some support in that area. A meeting or at the very least some info pre/post op on this phenomenon so we know what to expect. I have spoken to a number of people who have questioned their decision to be banded at this point! That is very de-motivating at a time when we are most vulnerable. So....hang in there, spend this time as Donna said, working on things like eating and chewing as a bandster, honestly examining your thoughts and feeling around food and looking forward to a good and healthy future. Let's keep posting about this!
  10. susansilver

    Second Fill - don't feel any different

    Rob - I just answered you on the general discussion.
  11. susansilver

    Do i need an unfill?

    Rob - give it a bit - I find my restriction comes and goes. Even though you chewed well, many people can't eat pork so with all the sliming your esophagus could be irritated. Go back on liquids until tomorrow morning - then see. Let us know
  12. susansilver

    Second Fill - don't feel any different

    That sounds good Rob. I have noticed that sometimes when my "Stomach" is full, I still WANT to keep eating, but I have learned not to. I hope that WANTING will start to fade..
  13. susansilver

    Second Fill - don't feel any different

    I had lunch and I ate much less than previously, maybe 2 ounces of chicken 1 small piece of tomato, couple of lettuce leaves and about 1/2 tsp of feta cheese. This is good. I feel anxious to be losing weight again.
  14. susansilver

    Second Fill - don't feel any different

    I now have 4.5 cc and do feel a little more restricted - but not as much as I had hoped. Maybe it will start to kick in between now and my next one on the 18th
  15. susansilver

    Second Fill - don't feel any different

    What did you get on your first fill? How much do you have total?
  16. susansilver

    Second Fill - don't feel any different

    thanks Doddie - you always have such solid advice!
  17. susansilver

    Port Location

    Kathy - you will see him before the surgery, but I would also email either Kathy Palmero or Daryl Corbeil and tell them that as well.
  18. I know it must sound very strange and is certainly a psychological component of my obesity, but I actually miss having a great big mouth full of food! How weird is that??? Having to eat small bites, chew very well before each swallow and then wait to take another tiny bite is definitely not as satisifying. Hmmm....maybe that's the point!! If eating doesn't povide the same stimulation/comfort/whatever it is to you that it did before, it will become less powerful to you.... Has anyone else felt this way?
  19. susansilver

    Hi, new to group from Toronto

    Welcome Carla! Yup the pre-op diet is awful, but it's kind of like a rite of passage. Once you have gone through it you can brag about it! Congrats on your upcoming surgery.
  20. susansilver

    Nervous, second guessing myself

    Sherrylynn, Like you I have tired and failed so many times in the past - that is why I have turned to the lap band. I still have a long ways to go, but I don't for a minute regret having it done. It has and will continue to change my life - but you have to be prepared for that. Your like when it comes to eating will change drastically. No only will you not be able to eat the same amounts, you will find that there are foods that you ocannot tolerate, and that they WAY you eat will have to change and that if you use food (like I have) for comfort, to relieve boredom or stress - it will not be able to work like it did. You have to be prepared for all these changes and more. I hope I did not scare you - but it is important to really weigh your decision. I have been banded since May 2nd which is not a long time and there have been moments that I thought I must have been insane when I signed up for this, but again, I do not regret this for a second. I wish you the very best of luck - keep posting!
  21. Hoping to meet some more folks. My appt is a 9:30 this morning.
  22. susansilver

    Anyone else having a fill at TLBC today?

    Hi Peaches, I have had really good experiences with the folks at TLBC. I adore Dr. Yau and had my second fill with Nancy today. Good luck on your upcoming surgery! I have lost 25 lbs - but most of it was preop. I was banded May 2nd, so I have been on solids for a while. My first fill was two weeks ago and initially I felt restriction and then lost that about a week ago. She put in another .5 cc today, so hoping that will help. This really is a learning process. I have had to relearn to eat! I always took big bites, chewed twice and washed it down with Water before quicky taking another big bite! This does NOT work with the band. As a consequence, I PBed alot after my first fill. Now, I am learning to eat properly. I cannot eat fresh bread at all. Rice does not go down well, but I can eat Pasta and toasted grainy bread. I also had a toasted pita that was fine. I have had no trouble with any meat, fish or chicken even dry. I have found that the only type of lettuce I can eat is icebeg. Everything else gets stuck. No fibrous veggies either. Generally I eat my Protein first and then a few bites of veggies but not always. Last night I had a grilled sausage in a well toasted bun, but I only ate about 1/2 the bun and then had some edamame. My best advice is to be PATIENT! Follow your instructions post op and remember that it is a time to heal. Do not worry about your weight loss at that point. You will be living with this the rest of your life - so follow the rules, learn to re-eat and when you are properly restricted your weight will come off for sure!
  23. susansilver

    Medic Alert ID or not?

    I got mine from Canadian Medic Alert. It says: Diabetes on Insulin Gastric Lap Band: Needs flouroscopy with NG tube It also has an ID # and an 800# that medical personnel can call to get more details with all my medical history as well as my doctor's contact information and my emergency contact information. I got a very plain stainless steel bracelet because I did not want it to be mistaken for jewelery of any sort. I feel much better having it.
  24. That is how I describe the noises that come from me when I eat. It is not really burping, which is more sudden and quick, but a longer drawn out creaking sound as the food is making it's way into the band. Does anyone else have this and does it go away?????
  25. susansilver


    No - it started after my first fill which was 2 weeks ago.

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