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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by susansilver

  1. susansilver

    Just want to introduce myself

    I was exactly the same. Very weak and dizzy at times. Are you drinking Protein shakes? That will help. I will PM you with my phone numbers.
  2. I aks this questions for two reasons. 1. I find it hard to measure 1/2 a pita - is that a cup? 1/2 C? etc. I am going for my second fill July 18 and wonder if what I am eating is good or should a tighten up a little more. Typical day for me now: B - 1 packet weight control oatmeal L - 1/2 Grilled WW pita stuffed with tuna & 1 slice cheese 2 Tbsp. pea and nut salad sometimes 1-2 pieces of cut up fruit salad D - 1 Tbsp brown rice approx. 1 cup of black bean chicken stir fry with veggies S - 1 pack 100 calorie Peanut Butter thinsations So what do you guys think?
  3. susansilver

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Would love your take on what I ate yesterday because I am trying to figure out if I need another fill or not (have had 2) 3/4 toasted bread sandwhich with ff cheese and lean ham 1/2 grilled ww pita with tuna and cheese, 2 Tbsp crunchy pea & nut salad, 1-2 pieces of cut fruit salad 1 Tbsp brown rice, 1 c. black bean chicken and rice stirfry with veggies 1 packet 100 calories thinsation cookies Too much?
  4. susansilver

    Head Hunger Help

    Jack - you are giving me hope!!! I was diagnosed 25 years ago. Went on insulin immediately then lost weight and went on orals meds until 11 years ago when I was ready to conceive (cannot take oral meds if you want to conceive or are pregnant). I never went off insulin after that. I currently take 48 units of Levimir which is a 24 basal insulin and take Novorapid (which works within 15 mins and finished by 3 hours) with every meal depending on the carbs I eat. Some meals I don't take any because I am not eating carbs at all. I have always doubted that I would get off insulin, but now you are giving me some hope. Thank you for posting about your experience.
  5. Thanks Julie - now I feel more confident that when I go for my fill next week I can tell them that I need it.
  6. I have trouble with most lettuce except iceberg - which of course is the least nutritious! I can eat small bites of crunch veggies fine.
  7. I am now after my second fill, but not really sure if I am still eating too much. I was able to more than 3/4, but a little less than a whole toasted greainy bread sandwhich w/ff cheese and lean ham - for Breakfast yet! I think that is too much!
  8. susansilver

    Just want to introduce myself

    I am not far and would love a lift! I live at Spadina & Queens Quay. I can come up to your area to meet you.
  9. susansilver

    Optifast makes me homicidal! :)

    Is theatreprincess and alias for Drama Queen??? LOL! Sorry, but most have us have been through preop and we know it's not much fun. Hang in there. I haven't used Optifast but I understand it can be blended with ice to make it more palatable. There are also SF syrups and flavourings you can buy. Take a deep breath and relax. When is your surgery?
  10. susansilver

    "honey, I'm home" ..... from the Clinic

    Welcome to bandland! Rest and heal.
  11. susansilver

    step one done

    that's the attitude!
  12. susansilver

    BMI is 35/36.

    I am from Toronto, Canada and we are all self pay over here. Depending where you live Toronto might be closer but it is $16K CDN. I firmly believe that if you want it bad enough - if you really believe that it is the answer for you - you will do whatever you have to to get it.
  13. susansilver

    step one done

    Do not listen to negative people. Believe in yourself and if you do then YOU will make it happen!
  14. susansilver

    Needing some advice!

    You know what Mirand - we all have to follow our own path. Yes there are instructions from our clinics, but in the end we have a sense of our bodies to make the minor modifications that suit us best. I started my preop diet about 1 week early, because my eating and binging was out of control. It made it harder, but it was important for me. If you need to do the pre-op at this point in order for you to get control - or feel in control - then you know your body best. It certainly won't hurt you or your band. Good luck!
  15. susansilver

    Another one Banded

    Ellen! Nice to see you! You are rocking on your weight loss!!!
  16. susansilver


    WOW! You have lost all that weight WITHOUT a fill???? That is amazing. Do you feel restricted at all?
  17. susansilver


    I have not yet tried any grains like cousous, bulghur etc. Has anyone else tried them and do they have a tendency to get stuck?
  18. susansilver

    Just want to introduce myself

    Welcome home Lisa! I live downtown so TLBC was a natural choice for me as well. Do you work? When do you go back?
  19. susansilver

    newbie from Toronto

    Yes, I was banded at TLBC and called them to get their okay about the laxatives. I lost most of my weight pre and then post op. I gained back about 7 lbs when I started mushies and solids. I was very concerned about it and spoke to Maral at the clinc who reminded me that this is a time for HEALING and the losing weight will come once I start getting fills. She was right, I have lost those 7 lbs and another 2, this after my 1st and 2nd fills. I go for my 3rd fill July 18th and I don't think I will need much, I am almost at my "sweet spot". Since you are no longer a newbie - come on down and introduce yourself on the Canadian thread. Argon posted the link here for you on her reply.
  20. susansilver

    Another one Banded

    Yup we women are terrifiying!!! :whoo:
  21. susansilver

    newbie from Toronto

    Hi Lisa - not too many people know what that means! That was my family nickname since I was a baby but yes, I got that such a shayna punim but....The reason I use it here is because there is a woman from Australia who calls herself Shayna Punim and so I wrote to her about it. She allowed me to use Toronto Shayna Punim. Now you need to add it as well! About the BMs - watch it. I ended up in emerg at Mt. Sinai with severe abdominal pain. They found that I was completely "backed up" and it took about a week using laxatives and fibre powder to get me back to normal. So I would suggest the powder in your liquids now. Benefibre is very good and stirs up in Water even without any taste at all. Also, The doc I saw there was a bit of a jerk because he was very disdainful of my band! Ignorance!!!
  22. susansilver

    PLEASE tell me it gets better

    Don't be so hard on yourself! You just had surgery and you need time to heal. As Leslie said - everyone is different. Take your meds, walk when you can and be good to yourself! It will get better!
  23. I take effexor as well. I had to open the capsules for the first few days, but it tasted so awful that I just started taking them whole again and I have no problems. I agree that effexor is a life saver. I tried Celexa before it and it did nothing for me.
  24. I have to agree with DBAGuy. I have heard of many people who eat around the band and will continue to do so without the emotional support. I have said it other places on this board, but I firmly believe that you have to uncover why you abuse food. That's not to say that you have to do all that before you are banded - I say go ahead but know that you have to work on these issues as well. The band is not a panacea.
  25. susansilver

    Another one Banded

    Hi Vince - welcome! Another TLBC Bandster here.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
