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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by susansilver

  1. susansilver

    Ontario to cover lapband surgery in 2008

    I am already 47 years old and wish that I had the band 15 years earlier! I personally would not waste any more time hoping and wishing for the government to pay for my surgery. I am very glad I did it, paid for it and can get on with the business of regaining my health and quality of life.
  2. susansilver

    Thought I shouldn't be hungry?!?

    Go to Tickerfactory.com and you can easily create one and then it is very easy to update.
  3. Yes Magic it does. Not everyone agrees with the 3 meals a day rule. My clinic wants you to eat 5 or 6 small meals, each with Protein. That is to get your metabolism going and working all through the day. It is also to avoid major hunger. I find that I am hungry about 2 hours after my meals so I need a small snack to keep going. If I am too hungry I tend to make poor choices. Sounds like you really have gotten it now - good luck! You can do it!
  4. susansilver

    Argon's Activities

    Love the pic Dan made!
  5. susansilver

    Thought I shouldn't be hungry?!?

    Hi Leslie - Hope you don't mind that I cut and paste my response to one of our friends above who is in the sam situation as you: Welcome to Bandster Hell! When you are first banded you have NO restriction. Although some people do feel a little bit, it is usually from the swelling due to surgery. If you are like me and recover well from surgery then you will definitely feel hungry because you are taking in very little food at this point - however....it is very important to follow your post op diet because it is allowing your stomach to heal and adhesions to form to keep your band in place and avoid slippage down the line. Drink as much Water as you can to help fill you up and add lots of Protein powder to your mushies - that will help to keep you feeling full. I had my first fill 6 weeks after surgery and although I had some restriction, it was not enough - most people need 3-4 fills and I have had 3 so far and feel pretty good. I am losing the requisite 1-2 lbs per week. Not speedy, but safe and those pounds are gone forever. Remeber that the band is a tool (imagine a $17K tool on the shelf in home depot)! It is not a magic cure and you still have to work it. Hang in there - it WILL get better.
  6. susansilver

    4 days left

    Good luck today Andree!!!!
  7. susansilver

    Band Land finally!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations! Let us know how you are doing.
  8. susansilver

    Banded Friday July 13th!!! Maybe that's why!

    Throw those superstitions out the window! And welcome to Bandster Hell! When you are first banded you have NO restriction. Although some people do feel a little bit, it is usually from the swelling due to surgery. If you are like me and recover well from surgery then you will definitely feel hungry because you are taking in very little food at this point - however....it is very important to follow your post op diet because it is allowing your stomach to heal and adhesions to form to keep your band in place and avoid slippage down the line. Drink as much Water as you can to help fill you up and add lots of Protein Powder to your mushies - that will help to keep you feeling full. I had my first fill 6 weeks after surgery and although I had some restriction, it was not enough - most people need 3-4 fills and I have had 3 so far and feel pretty good. I am losing the requisite 1-2 lbs per week. Not speedy, but safe and those pounds are gone forever. Remeber that the band is a tool (imagine a $17K tool on the shelf in home depot)! It is not a magic cure and you still have to work it. Hang in there - it WILL get better.
  9. susansilver

    Argon's Activities

    Mandi that is fabulous! So romantic your Dan! I am sure that you guys will be very happy and healthy together. CONGRATULATIONS!
  10. susansilver

    Hate eating (help)

    Hi Jannet, Yes please go get a defill - see if they can take you today. Good luck with your Dad.
  11. susansilver

    Midnight munchies

    Oh Yeah! I remember the money bribes! (My grandfather even offered me a car)! One of my saddest moments was when I was about 16, my mother had passed away the year before and my emotional overeating was out of control. I woke up one morning and there was a half eaten sandwhich on my night table. I had absolutely no memory of getting up, making it or eating it! I really admire you Vessa, what you have undertaken with a new baby is amazing! You are truly selfless because it is not just for you -b ut for your wonderful husband and baby!
  12. susansilver

    Midnight munchies

    Hi Vessa, I am going to ask you a strange question and then explain why. Have you ever been a sneak eater? Especially from people who you feel are expecting alot form you? I am a nighttime eater too and realized that I eat at night because I am a sneak eater! I have been doing that since childhood when my mother had my on amphetamines at 11 yrs old to loose weight. food was always forbidden is some way so I learned to sneak eat. I have only had one night time episode since being banded (and a few daytime ones) and realized that I don't want DH to see because I think that he will assume that I am not committed to this very expensive procedure (self pay from Canada). I am a people pleaser and could not bear to dissapoint him! Realizing the root of my behavious has helped me to deal with it. You are right - you are much better off resting or coming on this board or doiong anything else but sabotaging yourself. Think about your own situation and how you can best find solutions. I know you can do it! Good luck.
  13. On the May 4th update, many of us "Confessed" that we started solids early and I said that I was going to do a poll. So here it is - of course you can remain totally anonymous or talk about why you did or didn't start early. I started early because a) I was climbing the walls I really needed to get my digestive system working c) I felt that I was able to handle them
  14. susansilver


    I saw it and it was very sad. I remember when I was pregnant with my daughter 11 years ago. I had a high risk pregnancy and was at the clinic every 2 weeks right from the beginning. Plus, I had tons of ultrasounds, tests, even a fetal EKG. I remember thinking at that time thank goodness that I live in Canada, I would be bankrupt if I lived in the States.
  15. susansilver

    There are cookies in the office

    Sweet, Be careful about the amount of pressure you are putting on yourself. Yes it is important to make a commitment to this and yes it is expensive, but the world will not come to an end if you don't lose 150 lbs by next year. Some of us are slow losers, slow fast, some take a while before they "get it". Just remember to belive in yourself and take it easy.
  16. susansilver

    Band Slippage.........

    Sorry Coco, I don't know enough about slippage.
  17. susansilver

    Vomit..Maybe a stupid question?

    You did not vomit - you slimed. The milk did not come up it was the saliva that was trying to push it down and had no where to go so it had to come back up,
  18. susansilver

    Help Help Help Hurry Hurry Hurry

    What about a spa gift certificate or a certificate for a manicure pedicure - that tells her she is special, feminine and can pamper herself without the sugar. Good luck!
  19. susansilver

    What do I tell my 10 yr old daughter?

    I had the same issue with my 10 year old - even to the slightly overweight and bigger than the other girls (she is tall as well). I thought and thought and finally I decided to tell her the truth. I told her that I had struggled with my weight ever since I was her age and younger, that in my time we didn't know enough about how important healthy eating and exercise is and now that I am older it is even harder for me. She saw me lose 60 lbs with WW, but I reminded her that I could not keep it off. I told here that this was my last option to come down to a healthy weight and get my health better so that I would be around for a long time. I told her that if she continued eating healthy and being active she would not have my problem and would not need surgery to deal with it when she was older. She was great about it! Really seemed to understand and I have noticed that she is making better choices, talks about healthy eating and has slimmed down this summer. Good luck whatever you choose to do. Remember that kids are smart!
  20. susansilver

    Can you say freakin' awesome???

    You have put a huge smile on my face! Congratulations, I am sure there will be many more wonderful moments for you!
  21. susansilver

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    I am now one month away from being banded so I decided to start my own journal/blog to chronicle this adventure. Last night I had an interesting dream. I dreamed that the colleagues I used to go to WW@Work with, all went to a seminar for a weight loss diet that involved eating very small amounts but with whole wheat pita. I said that I was not going to go because I was being banded, but I found myself wanting to try it and then being indecisive about getting the band. A reflection of my (as Jack would say) 52nd thoughts. I yo yo from being so excited to terrified and can hardly wait to wishing it was 2 months away! (Although I have gained 5 lbs since I had my consult - eating all this junk to give in to the cravings). I am so glad I found the board with all of you. You are all so supportive of each other and seem to genuinely care that we all do well. I know I am making the right decision and reading the posts make me feel that there will not be any surprises. I have confidence in Dr. Yau and the team. I think they too have my best interests at heart and will look after me. Then...it will be up to me to make this work. I can. I will. Susan
  22. susansilver

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    It has been ages since I posted here. Here is my update: Had my third fill July 18th - another .5cc for a total of 5 cc. I think I am at my sweet spot, perhaps a little tight but if all goes as with the other fills, it should loosen a bit. Got weighed at my fill and I am right on target - losing 2 lbs per week. I am trying to curb my impatience ( wanting to lose 5 lbs per week), and feel good about what I have done. To be honest some days are tougher than others - I still miss big quantities of food and there are times when I cannot eat another bite, but I don't feel "full". Head hunger I know, so I am working on that. I am very excited because I am just 12 lbs from where I got to with WW before I started gaining again. This is a huge physical and emotional milestone for me (225 lbs) and can hardly wait to cross that barrier - and it has been a barrier for me. I am also realizing that as much support as I get at home, on here and at the clinic - this is a very personal journey. So much of it happens in my head and I am the one who has to make the decisions, expecially about what I put into my mouth, day in and day out. This is good, I am taking ownership for how I got here and for getting to where I want to go.
  23. susansilver

    It had to happen

    Hang in there LL - we all will have small ups and downs now again. The main thing is that with our band we can keep on track and wont gain all of it back!
  24. susansilver

    Calling all Toronto area LapBanders!!

    Hi Guys - sorry was out of commission for a few days. Yes I still want to come - Lisa I will call you. I will reread this thread today to find out who to rsvp to so the reservations are correct.
  25. susansilver

    Argon's Activities

    Mandi - LOVE your haircut!! You are looking fabulous. Hope AC finds your luggage that is a huge loss. I like being a pale face as well!

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