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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by susansilver

  1. susansilver

    May 2007 Banders

    Dont forget about me! I havent posted here much yet but I am May 2nd! 2 more days
  2. With mothers day coming up, we have a lunch in a restaurant with my in laws and then dinner at my sisters. I will only be on mushies at that time and none of the aforementioned people know about my band. I have no desire to tell them either. What to say? My husband suggested telling them I am on a special diet - but that does not ring true to me - I have never heard of a diet where you can only eat mushy food! Then I thought about telling them I am having problems with my teeth and until I can get it fixed I am on mushy food. Do either of these sound plausible? Has anyone else been in this situation and what have you done?
  3. susansilver

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    Yup! It sure does and I am feeling proud that I have done well. I am ready for this surgery!
  4. susansilver

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    This should be the link, but if it doesn't work - its in Lapband FAQs. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=33949
  5. susansilver

    MAY 4th

    I had a good weekend with no cheats (after Friday night - I had a chicken drumstick). I more day of this cc&Y and then liquids tomorrow. I welcome the liquids! We can do it guys - counting down the days.
  6. Good luck to you both! Hope all goes well and you recover quickly.
  7. Welcome back Yoda! Glad you survived your trip. Mr. Yoda has kept us amused but it is very clear he was pining for you! Glad you two are back together.
  8. susansilver

    MAY 4th

    No good Rob - you still have a few days left and you have to eat something. Try some more yogurt and if you are desperate eat either egg beaters or egg white only. But you must eat. Call the clinic they will tell you that and perhaps even a small piece of chicken.
  9. susansilver

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    I realized I haven't posted on here for a while. Didn't want to forget. Last night I had a little cheat again. Maybe I am wrong and for others who might read this, don't follow my example, but I feel that my liver must be in pretty good shape from 2 weeks of this cr*p, so I am not terribly worried about it. I will now continue on to the end, only 2 more days and then 1 day liquid and then...taa daa! There is a great video on this forum that I watched yesterday which shows the whole procedure on the lap monitor. Fascinating stuff. Funny that I feel less nervous and more confident after watching it. I think it is because I see that for the surgeons it is a relatively easy operation. So it will go for me....easy peasy!
  10. susansilver

    All Pre-Op Dieters...Check In!

    And you will get throught them!
  11. susansilver

    MAY 4th

    It's fine. As you know we can have crystal lite wich is made with artificial sweetner.
  12. susansilver

    Very Emotional Today

    With less than an week away until my surgery I am feeling almost over wrought with emotion. Probably making my will at this time is not helping, but that is something I had put off for too long. Last night I had a cheat on my pre op. It is of no consequence what I ate, but I really made the choice to eat it. I felt entitled because I had started the diet a week earlier than I needed to. I am back on this morning and don't feel like I have compromised my surgery in any way. I am so sick of yougurt and cottage cheese that I would rather not eat at all. This morning I had a good cry with DH before I left for work. HAd to tell my daughter my eyes were red because of a sad part of the book I was reading. I really don't want to alarm her or think I am scared because she will be scared as a result. Hope I start to feel better soon.
  13. susansilver

    All Pre-Op Dieters...Check In!

    Good for you! It always boosts my self esteem to see that scale go down. Now I am hoping once I am banded it will stay there!
  14. susansilver

    All Pre-Op Dieters...Check In!

    And you are an inspiration MsRobby! Thanks for the encouragement!
  15. susansilver

    All Pre-Op Dieters...Check In!

    you CAN do it - remember the end goal and it will all be worth it! Good luck.
  16. susansilver

    All Pre-Op Dieters...Check In!

    Yup - I remember being in that position of just waiting....:notagree What helped me was becoming active here on the boards and reading and learning all I could to have realistic expectations of what was to come. Don't worry the time will pass and before you know it you will be on the pre op diet as well!
  17. susansilver

    One Week from Today!!!

    Definitely easier. Although just the tought of cottage cheese the last couple days has made me want to barf! Just 3 more days left for me, because I do 1 day os liquids before my surgery on Wednesday! How are you doing on the preop?
  18. It felt like this time would never come! I am so excited an can hardly wait. I have been on a preop diet of yogurt and cottage cheese for 1 1/2 weeks already and I am so sick of the stuff, I almost prefer not to eat at all! This forum has been so great in helping me decide and prepare for this life changing moment. I look forward to the time when I am on the other side and I can give the same type of support and encouragement that I have received.
  19. susansilver

    One Week from Today!!!

    You too Heather! Where are you being banded? I am with TLBC in Toronto, but having the actual surgery at Scarborough Grace Hospital due to being insulin dependant. (They take no chances with that one)
  20. susansilver

    DonnaD's countdown

    Hey Donna D! Glad to see you are up and around and all went well. Be good to yourself, walk around alot and take care. Susan
  21. susansilver

    Life with LeslieLee

    As you all know by now (from my incessant complaining), I am having my surgery done in the hospital. Since it is not covered by OHIP, I had to pay the hospital directly for their portion which was 8,715.00. That is a big chunk of the 16K. My private insurance is paying for the room. Because I don't know anything about Dt. coburn clinic, I can just say that TLBC provides great before and after care, servies, seminars etc. and you never have to pay a cent more. Sounds like a good deal to me!
  22. susansilver

    Very Emotional Today

    Doddie - YOU are very reassuring. Thanks for sharing your experiences you are a great support. Jurema - We are dashing towards that finish line - almost there - me, you and all the May4ths!!
  23. susansilver

    Very Emotional Today

    YOU are very reassuring Doddie! Thank you. I am feeling much better today, no cheats last night and charging toward the finish line!
  24. susansilver

    crossing back into canada from mexico

    Congratulations on your band. I am no customs agent but it seems to me like you ourchased services - not goods and there is no tax on services. My humble opinion only

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