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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by susansilver

  1. susansilver

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    Thanks Mandi. My goodness your ticker is dropping like flies! I guess that CC&Y got you started. Do you work out every day?
  2. susansilver

    Post Op Diet Bandsters!

    Brookelany, I hear you! I also had a little weight gain with the cream Soups, but I switched to Gardennay which are very creamy and no cream. Much healthier. I have to say that I have barely cooked for my family. They eat what I can take out of the freezer and go into the microwave then I get out of there pronto! When do you start muchies? I start Thursday and I hear that it is easier. Hang in there, girl!
  3. susansilver

    Post Op Diet Bandsters!

    Jannet you did great! I find food smells even better these days.....It's really tough.
  4. I am sure I do not have any restriction. I even took my meds whole this morning.
  5. That sounds nice Mr. Y - seems like you are feeling better. What movie do you guys see?
  6. susansilver

    Post Op Diet Bandsters!

    How are we post op dieters doing today? I posted my weeked on my thread if you are interested. Still dealing with (sometimes, intense) hunger - but hanging in.
  7. susansilver

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    I feel like I walked through thr ring of fire this past weekend. Friday: an office wide "Breakfast Tour" to Celebrate our successful fiscal. There were different Breakfast foods in each of the meeting rooms and the conference room with some of the most incredible smells ever. I got through it. Saturday: lunch with my inlaws for mother's day at a Chinese Buffet - I had small portions of broths. Told my inlaws the truth. Went home and ate an entire container (500 ml) of Haagen Daaz 97% ff yogurt smoothie. That did not go so well. Sunday: dinner at my sisters - lots of fabulous and healthy homemade food, salmon, salads... not even on mushies yet so I had my 3/4 tomato soup. Was starving when I got home so had 1/2 c. veggie juice - better than saturday. I was happy to see that I was down on the scale at least this week. Helps to deal with these moments. I keep teeling myself that it is only food and that there will be food again.... I could not stomach the thought of crushing my meds again this morning, so since I have no trouble swallowing, I took the with Water. I am happy to report no problems. 3 more days until mushies!!!!
  8. susansilver

    Life with LeslieLee

    It certainly does sound interesting and I am impressed with you both in the service you give to others. Hope you see him soon.
  9. susansilver

    TO... here I come!

    Welcome Back! Glad that all went well.
  10. susansilver

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    Had my first decent walk today in a long time. I little over an hour, but at a slower pace because Kayko the curious has to stop all the time. I feel good about it though - I am on my way.
  11. Okay this is WEIRD! I am not having any trouble drinking, but I have that hair thing in my throat! I thought it was fur because my dog and cat are shedding, but now I am beginning to wonder.....
  12. susansilver

    Kwalla_girl Says Hello

    Welcome! This IS a great group and congratulations.
  13. susansilver

    Feel right at home here!

    Welcome! We are a very supportive group - so jump right in. Let us know your progress.
  14. susansilver

    Mid Band or Swedish Band

    I spoke to Maral today and one of the things I asked her was why I got the Swedish band when so many others have the mid band. She explained that the Swedish is a longer band (not larger in capacity than the Mid) and it depends on the size of your stomach. Apparently mine is quite large, but I think that is a given! LOL Actually, she then rushed to tell me that the size of the stomach is NOT reflective of a person's size or weight. It is genetic and a large size person can have a small stomach and vice versa. I feel better knowing. I also love that Dr. Yau makes these calls when he peeks inside and is able to choose the best band for you. Did I mention my crush on Dr. Yau???:embarassed: Even though he looks 15!!! Don't tell my DH. :high5:
  15. susansilver

    Where to get banded

    Try to stick to the portion sizes. Maral told me that and it is for healing purposes. It's only a few more weeks and we can do it!
  16. susansilver

    Where to get banded

    OMG!!! Rob look how much weight you have lost already!!! How are you doing on the post op diet?
  17. susansilver

    Life with LeslieLee

    Hi LL, You are certainly getting close now! How exciting for you! What does your DH do? Do you get to see him often? Where is africa is he? Sorry, I am a very curious person! Please feel free to say MYOB!
  18. susansilver

    Should I be concerned about diet & Exercise NOW?

    Welcome Soonsunny! Am I allowed to be jealous that you are on pureed foods!
  19. susansilver

    I'm booked at TLBC on May 24th

    You can do it Rosiejan! We all have gone through some preop diet or another and although it is not easy it is very important to your surgeon's ability to give you a safe and effective operation. Stick to it - think about your health and you will be fine! Good luck!
  20. susansilver

    Banding in Toronto

    That was the clinic I went to. I love Dr. Yau and the suuport from the staff has been great so far. The other clinic is in Mississauga. Drs. Coburn and Mumford. I did not chooses that one because I live downtown and wanted something more convenient. Perhaps that is a consideration for you as well. Good luck
  21. susansilver

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    I woke up with a new resolve today. I am drinking tons of water to help with the hunger and ignoring them as much as possible. I keep telling myself that it is necessary for healing and that it is only 6 weeks, not my entire life! I also decided that I would look at this as a short term "diet" and use this time to begin an exercise program toward a goal. I am thinking about starting a new hobby (or rather taking up an old one again). I am hoping that keeping as busy as possible will help. If you are feeling better how about some light spring cleaning? We are in this together and need to come together for support. I am here for you as you are for me. Feel free to PM me if you'd rather.
  22. susansilver

    Is it too much to ask?

    I disagree. I would use an much softer and perhaps more effective approach. I would call and explain the insurance situation calmly and then tell them that besides that, you are fearful of having a stroke or heart attack before you even get to see the doctor. A little tears, a few pleadings might help. You could even say that you are very committed to this surgeon and don't want to have to look elsewhere (rather than accusing them of not caring about their patients). Can you tell I'm Canadian! Good luck!
  23. susansilver

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    Yes Donna - it may be too much - call Maral at the clinic.
  24. susansilver

    A Canadian "NSV" Thread

    I would speak to Maral about it - she is really nice and will give you the proper advice. She explained to me that it is about healing and not damaging your band or stomach by not making your stomach work too much.
  25. susansilver

    Fill Seminar June 18th

    Well then we have to start a genetically large stomach group! :heh:

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