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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by susansilver

  1. susansilver

    Trip to Toronto suggestions

    Hi Katschai, Well the CN Tower is of course one of the best known landmarks in the city. You can get to it very easily by cab or streetcar. In the same area is the Toronto Harbourfront, which is very pretty or hop a streetcar to Chinatown. There is a very fun tour bus call the Hippo Bus which will take you around the downtown core and then...into Lake Ontario. If you like sports - the Blue Jays play at the Rogers Centre and we have a new professional soccer team called the Toronto FT. Casa Loma is further away but is quite beautiful. Try this website to see what is going on in the city at that time. toronto.com, Toronto Restaurants, Events, Hotels, Attractions, Shopping, Movies, Bars, Clubs, Guides & more Enjoy!
  2. susansilver

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    Thank you LeslieLee! That is exactly why I came back here - to get the support I obviously need! I am really go to try not to beat myself up, because I know exactly where that gets me! Back to the fridge or pantry! How are you doing on optifast? How many sleeps left for you?
  3. susansilver

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    I am having such a hard time and truthfully I did not expect this. I feel so ashamed of myself. Not only are my portions over the 1/4 c. measures, I have on occasion eaten bread, a couple of potatoes and some sliced deli meat. They say confession is good for the soul! I have vowed to stick to my 1/4 c mushies until the end of this period, but I am seriously doubting myself right now. Do you think I have done some damage?? :help:
  4. susansilver


    I had the dizziness as well, I found that once I increased calories by starting on full fluids, I was fine. Just don't get up too quickly! Feel better soon.
  5. I am 1 week and 1 day out from surgery and on full fluids. Yesterday was my first hungry day and I ate (drank?) more than I have in a while. This morning the scale was up about a pound. I have been eating cream Soups for lunch and dinner and I know that they are high in fat. Should I be concerned about this at this point? Should I start a regular exercise regime now? I am really worried about gaining any weight that I have already lost. Very anxious about it as a matter of fact. Today for lunch I had small bowl of cream of broccolli Soup with a scoop of Protein powder. I was still hungry so I then had a Protein shake. Is it normal to eat this much? It seems like suddenly from having trouble eating a 1/2 container of Jello, I can now eat a full can of soup! Any thoughts or suggestions would REALLY be appreciated.
  6. susansilver

    Post Op Diet Bandsters!

    I thought I would start a thread for those of us (and we are many) who are currently on post op diets - which ever stage; Clear liquids, full fluids or mushies. Many of us have been unsure about some of what constitutes a full Fluid, or the recommended potion sizes. I am sure we can all use some support from each other to get through this. Also, I glady invite the "old timers" to post; giving their knowledge and wisdom as well as those to be banded, who want a greater understanding of what's to come. Today I ate: Breakfast - 3/4 C Protein shake with 2 scoops Protein powder lunch - 3/4 c. cream of broccoli Soup Afternoon snack: 1/4 c. low fat soft serve frozen yogurt Dinner: 1/4 C. veggie juice, 1/2 c. cream of broccoli soup (I forgot the protein poiwder, darn)!
  7. susansilver

    Bike Riding

    I was banded on May 2nd and was thinking about taking a bike ride this weekend. Do you think it is too soon? I know I am not allowed any heavy lifting for 3 weeks, but would this be the same? Thanks in advance for you advise/opinion!
  8. susansilver

    People Magazine - 1/2 Their Size Issues

    Funny you say that because in the past I have purchased that issue and this year I say that no gimmicks etc and was really offended, so I passed. We should write a letter to the editor and have them do an issue about WLS successes. Also, woud love for them to do a follow up on the people they have profiled in the past number of years....how many have gained the weight back??
  9. susansilver


    I start mushies tomorrow :clap2: What were you favourite mushies? I would love some ideas.
  10. susansilver


    Good suggestions guys! Thanks.
  11. susansilver

    Heparin Shots

    Do you have a history of blood clots in your family? If not maybe you should call your Dr. and ask if you can now discontinue.
  12. susansilver

    Heparin Shots

    I had a heparin shot before and after surgery and none after. It is now two weeks later and I have these HUGE bruises on my arms where they injected it. One side even has a bump. Has anyone else experience that? I am a diabetic and inject insulin about 4 times a day in my stomach without all this bruising and pain. What is it about Heparin?
  13. susansilver

    Any Foodies out there?

    Yup. I want to hear this too! I am a self proclaimed foodie and still in the post op diet stages. I wonder how I will deal with food once I get my first fill. I also love to try new restaurants and ethnic cuisines and thinking about how well that might go!
  14. Susan great post. I had lost 60 lbs and in September bought some new clothes. In the meantime put on about 35 and was still wearing the same pants! Nothing like feeling like an overstuffed sausage! Now that I lost 25 lbs they are definitely better, but it still amazes me that I was able to breathe!!!
  15. susansilver

    Post Op Diet Bandsters!

    1 more day until mushies! I did have a little slip last night, about 1/2 tsp of hummus...heavenly.....
  16. Great post Mr. Y! You should post it in the pre-op section above. It is very inspiring!
  17. susansilver


    Oh Leslielee, I am so happy for you! I know how much you anticipated this day and it is finally here. Wait and see, banding date will be here before you know it. It is a step toward hope and recovery and we are here right along with you! Keep us posted.
  18. susansilver

    Tired....of EVERYTHING....

    I have another suggestion, have you considered that you there is a psychological component at this point? At my pre-op seminar they told us that anxiety and stress can cause tightness and difficulty. As a person who has dealt with depression and anxiety herself, I know the effects it can have on my body - especially my digestive system. Now, I may be completely off base here. I was only banded on May 2nd and still on fluids, so I don't have any first hand experience, but you may want to consider your ANTICIPATION of what will happen when you eat. Since sweets and treats are "comfort" foods, you anticipate that they will comfort you and so they go down easily. By the way, I take meds for the depression and anxiety and did so before I was banded, so I don't currently have any symptoms. I wish you the very best, I hope you discover what is thr problem and that it resolves very soon. Susan
  19. susansilver

    I've reached goal!

    Congratulations! That must be an amazing feeling! Sorry to hear about your husband, I do hope he recovers soon.
  20. Tazza, If you were banded on the 9th it may be too early for porridge. I am still on liquids and I was banded on the 2nd. Perhaps you should try to stick to liquids for another week or so before trying mushies. I also had a "lump" in my port area. I does not hurt at all, but wehn I go back to the clinic on June 18th for my fill, I will speak to them about it.
  21. susansilver

    After care

    I had to keep the bandages on for three days. Then I was able to shower. 7-10 days later was able to take off the steristrips.
  22. Everyone reacts differently to the surgery, so people become more swollen and inflamed than others. Make sure that you sip wither Water or broth constantly throughout the day so you don't get dehydrated. About meds - I crushed them completely for the first 2 weeks. They taste awful but it does the job. IF you find the pain getting worse and you can't keep down water - then call your Dr.! Good luck
  23. susansilver

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    2 more days until mushies!!!! I think this is worse than the CC&Y diet.
  24. susansilver

    Argon's Activities

    DO IT!!!! I am 47 and feel like I wasted a lot of time. I will probably have a tummy tuck and breast lift even at my age. You ARE young and YOU DESERVE the body you have always wanted. GO FOR IT!
  25. susansilver

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    That's great. I can't wait for my first fill. Do you think I will feel some restriction then?

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