It is wonderful to have a support group right at your fingers. I am looking forward to learning from those of you that have traveled this path already and those of you that are in the beginning stages.
Both my husband and I started this process at the beginning of April and will need to meet monthly for six months to garner insurance approval. We are both diabetic, hypertensive, hypercholesterolemia, and I have hip/spine arthritis. I am not complaining, but I am looking forward to being healthier again. We currently work out a few times a week and are fairly active. I want to train for a 5 K as soon as I can physically do it.
I am at 213 and stand 5"5" so my BMI is just at the threshold, my husband is between 40 - 45 BMI.
Anxious to hear from you all, we have chosen to have Roux en Y surgery.