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Everything posted by fatiniowa

  1. fatiniowa

    My Psychological Evaluation

    Doc pretty much asked questions about my life. Family, friendships, work, etc. The eval test at over 500 questions asked really seemingly meaningless questions but worked pretty well. During the follow up he said questions like do u like yellow mean nothing to me but through history they determine people that like yellow feel a certain way. So pretty much it has a consistancy score to make sure you don't lie as some questions are obvious. For example in the report he put i dont need support groups. They have a normal range on like 15 factors. Wish I had copy of report btw. Said the ones slightly out of norm are that i am sexually compulsive. Given that i have over 200 sex partners the test hit that on head and i didn't talk sex in interview, also that i am lazy, he said that is normal for overwieght population, also said I deal with stress poorly ( get pissed off and walk away often). Can't remember what other factors there were but those were the only that i was outside the norm somewhat. He said on a 0 to 100 scale of mental stabilty with 50 as median i am a 62. Also compared results with typical wieght loss paients and doing surgury was average or good in every catergory. (more self confidence was only one I remeber) Although I have a positive self image, I run around think im hot then get pissed off when i see myself in mirror and find out im not so the test must have missed that. not sure if all are simialr but for what it cost better cover lots
  2. fatiniowa

    Should I Get Surgery?

    Thinmymind -- How long did they have you stay in mexico until you could fly home? At a week and a half feeling pretty good? You worried about complications to deal with back home? Very pretty btw.
  3. fatiniowa

    My Psychological Evaluation

    thanks I want to hear how tomorrow goes!
  4. fatiniowa

    My Psychological Evaluation

    In case anyone was wondering I got clearance from the psyc eval. They are sending it to doc and insurance comapany. I wish things moved faster. I'm getting antsy.
  5. fatiniowa

    Should I Get Surgery?

    supermodel, how much did yours cost? I am still working on the approval process. My deductable is 7,000, so if i get denied I am sorta thinking mexico. My biggest fear is insurance denying to pay complications if they happen to me after I get back. Also what was/is your height and wieght?
  6. fatiniowa

    My Psychological Evaluation

    I thought they seemed money hungry. I was with docs for 20 min then had to take a 700 question test that took hours. My insurance is 7500 deductable so had to pay $420 out of pocket. I will feel raped if not approved(cleared), go back 19th to find out.
  7. fatiniowa

    Time Off Work

    Is anybody using STD? I looked in the hand book and where I work if you have been here 1 to 3 years you get 2 weeks at 100% pay after you take 1 week off with pto. Lots more week at 65% pay. I have not checked with HR or anythingto see if elective surgury is exempt or anything, but I sorta think it would be covered so not sure why you would not be able to afford taking more than that. Has anybody used STD?
  8. fatiniowa

    Lose Stool Or Diarrhea

    It might be the pudding.
  9. fatiniowa

    Should I Get Surgery?

    If you needed like 5 pounds I d say go for it, since you need 16 pounds no way, sorta defeating the purpose. I hear you can get it done in Mexico for 6,000 USD plus about 2,000 USD for airfare. I am guessing that is 25 to 50% less than what your self pay would be and you wuoldn't need to gain weight first.
  10. fatiniowa

    Should I Get Surgery?

    For Americans that is 5'8 213 and a 32 BMI. In the US it seems you need to be 35+ and sick of a fat related illness or 40+. I have heard of people in the 30 to 35 range getting it done in Mexico.
  11. My plan is not to tell anyone. I hope to lose only about 50 pounds and then say to people I have stopped porking out so much and been working out a bit. My aunt lost like over 100 pounds, we used to call her miss piggy behind her back and one christmas she was normal weight with loose skin. no one had the balls to ask her but people did judge her behind her back. I just want people to think I am strong on my own and not to judge me. I don't even want to tell my husband, although I am sure he will find out, I just want to have surgery done before he knows so he can't stop me. I just hope insurance approves it.
  12. fatiniowa

    My Psychological Evaluation

    No scale in the office, but the dr was like 80 and needed a walker to get around. He said he wanted to make sure that I cound mentally handle this surgery. He also said those that can handle it are those that follow the doctor directions and have a good grasp on life. He said that those that are mentally suited for surgery don't need it and should diet instead, he kept talking me out of doing it. I go back for results next week. I sorta think he will say I'm ok, otherwise he would have been like I'm going to say that you're a bad candidate or something rather than try to tell me I shouldn't.
  13. fatiniowa

    My Psychological Evaluation

    Do they weigh you at the Psychological Evaluation? Mine is Monday and been sick the last few days and have fallen below 35 BMI
  14. fatiniowa

    8 Days Post Op And...

    How did you feel about work other than tired? Could you fake it and look like any other day, or did you have to sit crooked in the desk with the look of death and walk at 25% with a moan every step? I was thinking of using 1 week vacation and the apply for short term disability for 1 or 2 weeks longer, just don't hear many people talk about this.
  15. I sooooo happy. I am sure if you have co-morbidities, you will get approved as well. Good luck! have UHC & although I had to do the 6 month doctor supervised weight loss & a psych eval, I had no problem getting approved for my surgery. In fact, it was approved in one day which made me I have no idea what to expect in the psyc eval June 4th. Are they going to see if my uncle touched me in a special place when I was small, or try find out if I don't work out much. I so confused. Please share:)
  16. I have UHC, I called and did a phone prescreen. My BMI is 35 and they said my employer requires BMI of 40+ or something else wrong for 35+. They said my prehypertension should be enough. I had a phone interview with the nurse at UHC call center, she said she would be my point of contact, and advised I can decide for myself after visiting with doctor, but said sleeve is better since band has complications and many have it take out and get fat again. I scheduled a psyc eval for June 4th. Don't know what to expect with that, not sure if I should be contacting surgeon now or later. The point of contact nurse is tough to reach and have only spoken to her 1 time. Although largely due to the fact I work 7 to 4 and she works 7 30 to 5. I'm afraid they will deny me, I sorta feel like I should go on an eating binge, or rather let me my self control take a back seat so I can get to a 36 or 37 bmi so I can have a better shot of being approved. I know thats not good for anyone but I'm afraid they will tell me to lose 10 lbs so I i can be at 34 and change so they can deny me. So it looks like we are worried for similar reasons but I think you'll have a better shot

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