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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by fatiniowa

  1. fatiniowa

    Can I Use Fmla/disability

    Update. I got scheduled for Oct. 8th. Doctor said no to more than 3 weeks. Filed with Liberty Mutual for STD 9/24. They called today and said they would process the claim but not to expect approval as it is elective and not immediatly medically necessary. Did anyone's claim get denied? I don't know yet but it doesn't sound promising.
  2. As for the chubby chaser thing, I always was thrilled to pick up really hot guys. I took me a while to figure out that these guys are only into larger men. I also know women like this. I like my guys a bit smaller and somewhat but not overly fem and asian and latino. Was talking to my gay counsin last month and he is into older hairy somewhat bigger men. We determined it is common for the gays to like oposite of yourself. On another note, I ll be getting sleeve 10/8 and hoping I'll look hot again. Just renewed my passport and noticed how great I looked 10 years 80 pounds ago. I can't wait but am a bit scared. I like reading about peoples stories. Am hoping the scars are tiny and the loose skin not a big deal. Are scars or loose skin anyones least fav on here?
  3. fatiniowa

    Aaaaaaahhhhhh! Here we are!

    Awesome! Mine is 10/8 and getting nervous. I think I need a chill pill. Go ahead and update profile and keep everyone posted. I'll try to keep track of you.
  4. fatiniowa

    So, I Havent't Been Perfect

    My doctors nutrition lady told me 2 week before op need to be at 700 to 800 calories with 1 cheat day and can eat whatever. 3 day switch to liquid and day before clear liquid and 12 hours prior nothing at all since stomache needs to be on E. As always do what your doc says but if you avoid straying until monday my guess is that you will be fine. I'm so excited, sure you are too!
  5. Hi Skyjack.. I do my op on Oct 8th and am still learning what to expect. I saw you said you take in like 700 calories a day and are experiencing somewhat low weight loss. We have a similar pre op BMI and you look to be near my age so figure I may match your results as close as anyone. Question is, I saw you said you can eat more than you expected, but 700 seems like a fairly low #. Are you underestimating your calories, or did you just expect to take in even less. Also how many calories do you think you take in pre op? I know I prolly take in 3,000 plus. Either way you are pretty cute it seems. Don't stress about not losing a lot more as long as you aren't putting on more I doubt anyone would judge you since most people are in worse shape. Good Luck!!. Thanks for any reply Others feel free to weigh in-- pun intented.
  6. fatiniowa

    Iowa Sleeves?

    me, not done yet.
  7. fatiniowa

    Am I Hoping For Too Much?

    thats what I want to do too, I belive the cooper fitness standards are what most states require to be certified by law enforcement academy. http://www.dmgov.org/Departments/HumanResources/PDF/PoliceOfficerPacket2011-2012.pdf There is a chart on here that shows what you will need to do. I don't see myself ever being able to do it, but I do sometime give up easily. Go to work and make this happen!
  8. I used to work at the store and I judged people a lot and I think I gave myself a complex. I don't even buy TP at the store now. I must say clerks see many more odd ones and didn't judge too hard. I remeber this lady would come in every week and buy like 20 packages of lady pads. I always felt gross after touching her cash. Needless to say I use drugstore.com often.
  9. fatiniowa

    Can I Use Fmla/disability

    Very nice, tommorow I do the final appointment and schedule a date. Will ask him at that time. Thanks for the info
  10. First off, great topic Nikki, that created lots of pages and people here like you Also Management is prolly pissed off that you are pretty and that people like you so they have to pick on some thing to try to make themselves feel good and bring others down to their level. Next time they say something just give a firm ok and go about your biz. Then throw an unexpected compliment out a few days later. Women like to fight and one has to be bigger, may as well be you (for now) love the pun As for telling people I fear this as well. I plan to tell people at work I quit porking out so much. Not sure about my husband, I am sure he will find out really soon after and get super pissed off that I make big decisions and don't include him. But this is the only way as if I tell him I am doing it he will control me and I won't be able to do this.
  11. fatiniowa

    Can I Use Fmla/disability

    Is there anybody that has gotten approved for STD? I am checking into it now. Sound like 3 weeks in common. My job sucks really bad and need a mental break as well. I have been getting pissed off for no reason other than the fact I am at work. Is there a form doctor can put 6 weeks on? I also found out the STD provider (Liberty Mutual) pays the employer and the employer will take out taxes and health insurnance out and provide a normal pay check. Liberty mutual said they can't open a claim until within 14 days prior nor 7days after start of disability off work date. The rate of pay varies by plan. Mine is based on years of service and at where I am it pays 100% for 3 weeks and 60% for additional weeks upto 25 total weeks.
  12. fatiniowa

    Most Humiliating Fat Moment

    Went to the amusement park yesterday. The seatbelt on the roller coaster wouldn't fit, no extender either. embarrasement!!
  13. fatiniowa

    Most Humiliating Fat Moment

    when i was in middle school basket ball they always picked me for skins on shirts and skins. they would make comments like get him over here and milk him rerfering to my boy boobs.
  14. fatiniowa

    Submitted To Insurance...low Bmi

    I discuss psyc eval with nurse at insurance company Monday then they can review my case. I hope to know within 2 weeks
  15. fatiniowa

    Submitted To Insurance...low Bmi

    Hey you 35 to 40 BMI folks that got approved, did you have other issues that helped? I am 36 bmi and have high blood pressure, has been as high as 150/100. more typical is 140 over 90. I did the initial consult and it read 130/70 I bet it is that I quit smoking. Also have not taken the meds in a few years. I discuss psyc eval with nurse on 23rd then can be reviewed for approval (i hope!) hope normal blood presure didn't blow it.
  16. I think people take sex to seriously. He may have done it to enjoy himself or to see if he was still able to find someone. He may feel like he is going to be on the market after you lose wieght and leave him. Is there an open line on comunication? The toe curl communication you saw, what was in it? My guess is flirting, and nothing saying oh, i am panning to leave my family for you. Did he feel bad you found out? Prolly yes. My relationship was shaky for the 1st few years ( with small child I bet that is where you are right now) I have found when we have sex with someone else in the begining we always felt that the other was testing a replacement. Eventually we figured out neither is planning to ever leave, and we have a stronger bond now than ever. And as we have gotten older and less sexual the flings have slown down as well. I know you feel hurt, but just know if you leave him, the next guy will be just as bad, these things happen. Now if he is bad for other reason, and likes to control you or hit you he needs to pack a bag, but i sense that is not the case here.
  17. how do they use this, do they shove it down your throat and then once in belly use that as a guide to cut around?
  18. fatiniowa

    Bad News :(

    Let us know what happens, I like happy endings! As for jobs assuming your husband was not white collar, North Dakota is looking for oil workers. My friends little brother has no degree and works 12 hrs a day 7 days a week for 3 weeks (company runs 2 12 hr shifts daily) then comes home to his family for 3 weeks. Makes 80 grand a year, and when he is away will be to tired to screw around on ya. Just putting ideas out!
  19. fatiniowa


    2 pack a day is a lot. Great work! One thing that worked kinda nice for me was to smoke the last of my pack before bed, then sleep in like a lot a lot (15hrs) and then since it is hot out since it is already afternoon sleeping so much i found the heat and trouble going to get smokes to be worse than the cravings. Then after I was up and going to keep myself busy I washed the bug sloober off the outdoor lighting fixtures then jumped naked into the pool to cool off. I went to bed early and was only awake like 6 hrs that day. Since I always run late to work I wasn't able to stop off to feed my morning commute craving. Yep. that sunday was the best day that help me quit. Have smoked under a pack in the last 3 weeks and none in the past 7 days. I hope I learn my lesson this time. I quit when I was 20 and at 25 I thought I could be strong enough to handle a few while out being a bar ****. Wrong was I. Having a partial pack in the car made me want to smoke them. It is like heroine (so I hear) No middle ground, when you quit it has to be 100% forever. Oh, I went to Burger King the other day, Pretty sure I was judging how gross the smokers in line smelled as it lingered on their clothes. Glad I am being judged for one less thing now Wish everyone continued success!
  20. fatiniowa


    My doctor said 3 months. I cut back to from almost 1 pack a day to 10 singles for a week and then 5 singles for 2 weeks and then none. I really want this, so it wasn't hard since I had a reason to quit. I can see having your spouse smoking around you would be tough. My husband had to quit while he spent a week chanting at the temple, and when he got back I told him I would quit if he don't start again. So we both quit pretty easily.
  21. I'm good at math (better than spelling if you found my typos above lol). MilkD got it 100% right. Using her example of 2000 deductable and 4000 out of pocket max with 80% coverage after deductable is met; would mean that any approved expense over 12,000 would be 100% covered by insurance. You will want to check to see how much the out of pocket max is as this can vary a lot. Mine is 7,500 for example. Also see if your insurer has online access you can log into. It will tell you things like how much of the deductable has already been satisfied and details on coverages. Good luck. Also the deductable on many plans starts over Jan 1st, so if you think you can't get it done by endof year might hold off til jan 2013. Psy exam for example can be over 400 and billed separate so you might want to have all exp in same calandar year.
  22. As long as you are asking insurance company questions. 1. Do i need to have suervised diet first? 2. Does this need to be a Center of Excellence? 3. Is the 80% you cover on total or do I need to pay 100% until deductable is satisfied? (I have to pay 100% until my 4500 deductable is satisfied, then they pay 90%. out of pocket max for me to pay is 7,500) 4. Is everyone covered or do I need a weight related health condition as well? I am impulsive and it is driving me bonkers. First I had to do psyc eval (3 weeks to get appt) then follow up visit for result, (2 and half weeks more wait. Have to use center of excellence (they require attending seminar, initial visit and atending 1 of the monthly office sponsered support groups) then the insurance wants to discuss results of psyc exam and is being tough to reach to schedule this. and then the doc office will submit for approval- a couple more week wait. OMG, I think the goal is for you to give up so they don't have to pay the claim. And my doctor office said people that work at my employers health plan (united health, while patient out of pocket is high, is easy to get approved. So just be prepared that it will prolly be a hassle and go to Mexico
  23. As long as you are asking insurance company questions. 1. Do i need to have suervised diet first? 2. Does this need to be a center of excellence? 3. Is the 80% you cover on total or do i need t pay 100% until deductable is satisfied? (I have to pay 100% until my 4500 deductable is satisfied then they pay 90% out of pocket may for me to pay is 7,500) 4. Is everyone covered or do I need a weight related health condition as well. I am impulsive and it is driving me bonkers. First I had to do psyc eval (3 weeks to get appt) then follow up visit for result, (2 and half weeks more wieght. Have to use center of excellence (they require attending seminar, initial visit and atending 1 of the monthly office sponsered support groups) then the insurance whats to discuss results of psyc exam and is being tough to reach to schedule this. and then the doc office will submit for approval a couple more week wait. OMG, I think the goal is for you to give up so they don't have to pay the claim. And my doctor office said people tha work at my employers helth plan (united health while patentian out of pocket is high is easy to get approved. So just be prepared that it will prolly be a hassle and go to Mexico
  24. fatiniowa


    During the seminar the doctor said he has one that drinks a fifth of wiskey daily and is not loosing wieght, he also has one that eats a dozen cupcakes and sucks on hershey bliss and has gained wieght since surgery. It comes down to-you can, but should you?
  25. fatiniowa

    My Psychological Evaluation

    over 11 years is a couple a month, i have friends that are well over 1,000 i am sure. all about moderation, although if better looking and thinner and higher energy who knows. My initial visit at weight loss doctor is tommorrow!!!

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