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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sp1587

  1. sp1587

    Couch To 5K Anyone?

    I'm starting this week and looking to do a 5k here first weekend in December. Pretty excited! Ive been feeling fairly stuck with my weightloss and haven't been as diligent with my eating, so hopefully this program and gettin back to journaling my food will help!
  2. sp1587

    Quick Question

    It's because caffeine dehydrates you (as does alcohol of course) and with a limited intake of fluids and foods, you need to use everything you're taking in hydration wise.
  3. Ice storm- where in mass? And what sizes Do you need? I might be able to help.
  4. sp1587

    Slowly Slowly Wins The Race

    What I do, is tell people that whatever road gets them to a healthy place, is great--for them. And this is your road, and your journey, and if it is getting you to a healthy place, then thats all that matters. Honestly, sometimes people need a little snark to put them in their place, and it can be done tactfully-- for example, if someone is comparing the weight loss, maybe a comment like "good news is were not in a competition" might do the trick depending on your relationship with them. With my family (grandparents especially) I had to tell them to stop asking me my weight loss number every time I saw them. I explained that this is a lifetime of a journey and there may be times where you've gained, or lost, but 1) that can't be all life is about, and 2) no one needs to feel like they need to lie or explain a bump in the road should one occur. My answer is they will know when they see it, and otherwise we don't need to analyze it at every function.
  5. I just wanna say that everyone here is lovely and having this forum at my finger tips throughout this has been invaluable. I hope you all are doing well and message me if I can ever help!
  6. Definitely! I was an 18 in may when banded and am a 12/10 now (those awkward in between phases!)
  7. sp1587

    Back Pain

    See, since my last fill, I've started getting that awful shoulder pain (which I had after surgery but went away). I've been trying to keep track of when it happens, and it actually seems like its when I should feel hungry. So strange...
  8. sp1587

    Protein Question

    Depending on the person, you can have too much. Some articles cite gas, constipation, etc. I was told 60 was a minimum but I'm sure a bit more is fine. See how you feel and check with your nutritionist to be sure!
  9. sp1587

    Can You Feel Your Port?

    I can feel mine at the incision and I'm convinced I can feel more "plastic" toward the center where abs might be someday haha. It's not bothersome, though some higher waisted pants were uncomfortable when healing (they rested on the port site) and sometimes after a fill it's a little sore to the touch. Otherwise, it's totally fine!
  10. I'm wondering what foods people struggle with, even when in the green zone? I had my third fill a few weeks ago and have been doing pretty well, but recently have had issues with some fish, and also quinoa (which had previously each been fine). Only really at dinner time, been able to eat chicken, breads, fruit etc with no issue. Just trying to get an idea of what people accept as not bein able to eat and alternatively, when they think they're band is too full?
  11. I am admittedly a bit challenged in areas of math and science (thats why I'm in law school), so bare with me... We were told that meals should be between 6-8oz in total. I've been weighing my food on a kitchen scale and making sure thats what I am following. However, I recently realized (duh) that not everything can be measured in Fluid ounces as it was on the scale. Now I am hopeless confused on how to properly weigh or measure my food, how to know which foods need which kind of measurement, and how to determine the total size of the meal.... Help?
  12. Hey everyone, I was banded May 11th and things are going really well. Sometimes its a bit frustrating but for the most part I kinda like the routine (though its tricky fitting it all in and moving from stage to stage). I've lost about 22lbs and am fairly active, looking forward to the gym this week! Glad I found this forum!
  13. sp1587

    Banded May 11Th

    Just checking in-- hoping everyone is doing well!
  14. sp1587

    May Bandsters!

    Go check out the thread I posted (should be under recent activity here) on weighing food. I ran into a similar problem: 4-8oz in weight (oz on a sale) will usually be more than 4-8oz in VOLUME, which is how most solids should be measured. For a math/measurement challenged person, I've been fairly overwhelmed with how to figure out how to weigh certain items (not everything we eat will fit neatly into a measuring cup!) and it's been pretty discouraging because I'd like to control my portions better until I get my second fill. Some people say to just go by the feeling in your stomach, buy if there's not enough restriction, that makes me so nervous!! But yes-- be careful how you are measuring (weight vs volume)
  15. sp1587


    My ribs and back are covered in tattoos from before banding. I did a lot of research before gettin banded on what might happen. I still get nervous about it sometimes when I think about it-- but I would recommend anyone getting banded wait until after weight loss. Depending on your skins elasticity, the type of tattoo (certain styles age better as it is, without considering lap band) and placement, it could shift or distort. My fingers are crossed that I don't end up losing all this weight and being unhappy with my body because of how my tattoos have adjusted. Fortunately, I carry most of my weight in my stomach and am tattoo free there (and hips!- don't want pregnancy to ruin any tattoos in the future either). I figure my tattoos tell a story and this is a huge part of mine, so whatever happens, happens. That being said-- I can't wait to get more once I hit goal! Good luck- and I would hold off until you know how your body responds to the weight loss if you can
  16. sp1587

    Weighing Out Food?

    You do it all by weight? The confusion that 2oz of veggies by weigh isn't the same as half a cup by volume.
  17. sp1587

    Weighing Out Food?

    I think that's what I'm worried about. I have nightmares about eating too much and want to make sure my signal is telling me to stop when it should but need to be able to gauge that. It's just frustrating to think about how the heck you measure out a homemade quesadilla (Greek yogurt, chicken, veggies--so good!) in a measuring cup rather than by weight :/ same With things like green beans-- they don't fit nicely in a volume measuring cup. Oye.
  18. sp1587

    Weighing Out Food?

    Thank you, everyone! I just had my first fill a week ago, so now that I am back to "regular" food again, I'm going to try this whole estimating and seeing when I get full thing-- I guess its the only real way to know when/if I hit my sweet spot. Sort of scary to not have the measurements there as reassurance that the intake is the right amount, but here goes nothing!
  19. sp1587

    Stomach Acid/gerd

    Ive had GERD for ten years and did a lot of research about it before doing the band. While it may get better for those who already have it, there is no guarantee it will go away (thought it does with gastric). Sounds to me like you're just having some mild heartburn (if it was actually GERD you would have an upper endoscopy, biopsies, and you'd be curled over wanting to die at least once throughout the experience) and something like Zantic 150 would help for immediate relief. You can also try Prilosec OTC 14 day regimen to kick the heartburn (whether its associated with the cold or not). You can find all sorts of foods online that help or hurt: i.e. no tomato sauce, acidic foods, orange juice, spicy food, etc. milk can help calm symptoms temporarily. hope that helps!
  20. sp1587

    Hi - I Was Banded 5/25

    congrats- i was banded on the 11th. i thought the shoulder pain was from an existing shoulder issues, but after some google searching, found its your phrenic nerve. think about when someone has a heart attack- their arm hurts. its a similar concept from your stomach/diaphragm. it should go away in about a week or so- ice was more helpful than heat considering where the pain comes from. lay flat may also help.
  21. I'm starting the next phase of post-op diet this weekend (last one before solid foods!) with soft and diced foods, and I need some suggestions. Here is the sample meal plan the surgeon provided: Breakfast: 1 egg, scrambled/ 1oz cheese Snack: 4oz low fat sugar free yogurt Lunch: 2oz tun (1/4 cup)/ 1/2 small pita/ 1/2 cup pureed carrots Snack: 1/2 cup peaches (packed in juice) Snack: 2 whole wheat crackers with 1oz low fat cheese Dinner: 2oz diced chicken (dark meat)/ 1/2 cup pureed green beans/ 1tsp olive oil/tub spread Snack: 1/2 cup applesauce Any other suggestions would be welcomed! Feeling a bit overwhelmed by needing to get in enough servings of everything and keeping "meals" around 6oz or so and having some variety. Its only 2 weeks, but you know how it goes. This also included some Protein shakes and fluids of course. Just looking for food ideas! Thanks for any help! This is my first post here and I figured it was a good place to start.
  22. Ive been eating the chobani kids (champions) ones for now since they have no actual fruit chunks and are a smaller serving but still 8g of Protein. Yea, this is to transition me to complete solids. the pita and crackers and things are supposed to be chewed extensively. They suggested most things be put through the food processor. But I definitely see how its more solids than mushies, but just going with what they suggested! Just don't want to only alternate between scrambled eggs and yogurts for Breakfast if I don't have to Thanks for the suggestions!

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