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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sp1587

  1. sp1587


    Again, hard to tell depending on if you've been banded, etc. That being said, I had awful GERD for almost 10 years with daily meds and yearly endoscopies and a few months after being banded I was able to stop the meds. I know for some people the band causes reflux, depending on foods, and I certainly still avoid many of the acidic foods that bothered me before, but you may see relief when you lose weight. I would recommend seeing a gastroenterologist to narrow it down either way. Also, if you have GERD, rather than simple heart burn, you'll want to monitor it as some get scarring in their esophagus.
  2. sp1587

    so sick of this

    While having your father's support is ideal, I'm sure, do you need it to move forward? Being 25 when I had it done, I was living on my own but my parents and I are very close. I had told them about this and my decision, and it took them some time to come around. For some of my friends and roommates, I had them come to a support group meeting to see what it involved, and that was helpful. Do what you feel is right, and be sure its an informed decision. I find that generally in life, even if people disagree with your choices, they can respect them--that might be the best bet here.
  3. sp1587

    Running & excess skin

    I ran my first 5k this December and wore under armor compression running tights/pants for cold weather (it was 30 degrees..eek) along with under armor top that compresses too. I found that both Nike and Under Armor running gear in the compression styles really is enough, even with the excess skin. They are a bit expensive, but I felt it was worth it (depending on budget). Its actually what I'm wearing in my profile photo
  4. sp1587

    Has anyone tried Shirataki Noodles?

    Ah, the kind I have are the tofu ones and they do have yam flour still. Thats why I was so bummed!
  5. I'm pretty excited-- I just booked my surgery for March 11th, which seems so far away/yet so close! I'm doing a TT and breast lift (with no implants as of now). I also spoke with my surgeon about my upper arms and inner thighs, and we will be evaluating those again at my next appointment, as I am trying to get down about another 15lbs or so before then so things may change a little bit with additional loss. Right now its looking like I may do a little lipo on both and see if the skin adjusts, hopeful avoiding more surgery later and saving a bit now-- but we will see. He said I will have drains for about the first week, and I have two weeks off from work/school. Very excited, upping my fitness activities between now and then to stay on track and be in the best shape possible for surgery! If anyone has advice on how to prepare, recovery, what to expect, etc., I would love to hear from you!
  6. sp1587

    Has anyone tried Shirataki Noodles?

    They're the same thing
  7. Thank you both! I used to be a DDD and am now a D or DD (need to get measured), not wanting to be bigger, but its hard to imagine them any differently! Planning to tell him I don't want to be smaller than a full C, and letting him take it from there once he's in the OR. The pics and everything are very helpful-- Any advice is welcome for sure. I've added some new work outs and stuff to get myself down the last 15-20lbs in the meantime. Using it to keep myself busy as I wait for surgery, so very excited.
  8. It has taken me a very long time to notice my loss, never mind to process it. There are still many days where I think I look the same, though taking regular photos to compare has helped. I also kept a pair of my original pants to try on when I'm not feeling so sure. Another method is to measure yourself so you're not just using the scale. Hang in there!
  9. sp1587

    Has anyone tried Shirataki Noodles?

    I bought them thinking there was no flour in them, but alas, its yam flour or something. Haven't tried them, but they're sitting in the fridge! Thinking I will stick to no pasta at all- don't want to trigger a craving I've managed to stay away from. Of course, depends on the person!
  10. Very good to know- He said he would do it once he is in there if it needs to be. Part of me figures, hey, do it while you're in there haha.
  11. I went ahead and scheduled my surgery for March! He doesn't think I will need my ab muscles tightened at all-- did any of you have this done? I haven't had any children, so I'm not sure if anyone else that hasn't yet either had to do their muscles?
  12. That is good to know. Tummy and breasts are my first priority, depending on cost I would do arms too. Trying to swing this on a law student budget- eek. Perhaps I will do arms at the same time and save legs. We shall see, but very good to know-- thank you!
  13. sp1587

    Chobani yogurt

    I do the Chobani but add 1 oz of very low fat granola to get extra protein. Whatever you do, don't try the Chobani flips-- the "fruit" on the side is like sweetened preserves. Its not only gross but way worse for you.
  14. Where are you located? I know prices vary depending on where in the US we are. I also know a lot of people on here talked about doing it in mexico... Sounds scary, but considering it. Hoping to do a tummy tuck and breast lift/augmentation, and maybe arms and thighs next year.
  15. Hynita- Do you mind me asking how much you paid for the mommy makeover with lipo? I'm starting to look into the process
  16. Danielle b- Can they do a tummy tuck with the hip to hip scar? How long did you have to stay in their hotel before returning?
  17. Hey, I'm starting to look into this for March- both a tummy tuck and a breast lift as well. Can anyone offer information on what those cost? I know its different regionally, but hoping to get a general idea. Also, great job! You look amazing and you worked so hard for it! Keep up the good work!
  18. Hi all, I'm sure this thread exists somewhere but I'm hoping to get your thoughts on any plastic surgeons in the New England area, and also an idea of cost for the procedures. I am hoping to lose another 25 by march, and to have a tt and a breast lift/ augmentation then. My arms and thighs are also on the list but will likely wait a year or so to see how those bounce back since I am young and have been working out. I will likely be paying for this myself, so just trying to get an idea of the various costs for each. Any help is appreciated!
  19. sp1587

    Western Mass?

    Sorry for the delay! I'm in easthampton! I've also been stuck at about 65 down. I did a reset of the liquid diet for a bit and that helped, along with mixing up the work outs
  20. I'm doing my first 5k tomorrow and I'm nervous and excited. Wanted to thank you all for every supportive message over the last 6 months. What a wonderful community of support!
  21. sp1587

    My First 5K Is Tomorrow!

    Thanks guys! I walked a bit more than I would've liked but hey, I'll take it. Finished running so that's great. Hope you guys do well!! Let me know how it goes
  22. sp1587

    Nsv! And I Needed It!

    So, lately I've been bummed and stuck on a plateau around 50lbs loss, but today during my couch to 5k I ran and enjoyed it! Never thought I would jog for almost 20 minutes and be happy about it!
  23. sp1587

    New England Bansters Get Together

    Sounds great!
  24. sp1587

    Nsv! And I Needed It!

    Thanks everyone! I picked up new cold gear for the big day in December. Only goal: don't finish last! Lol
  25. hang in there- it gets better in time!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
