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Posts posted by ladyarwenrose

  1. actually had something like this happen today. my boyfriend took me to my doctor appt this afternoon. he didn't eat before we left. and I haven't been eating much today either. so when we were done he was starving. i stopped off at burger king and he got a big mac meal. I didn't get anything. the only thing on the menu that I could have gotten away with eating was their smoothy which i'm sure is so full of sugar my nut would KILL me. so i sat there and watched him eat. didn't bother me a bit. i could smell the grease on the burger and it actually made me queasy. the fries didn't appeal to me either. and he had a coke...omg....a coke! but i didn't crave it (slaps forhead and falls over). i was perfectly fine just sitting there and chatting with him.

    Now I wouldn't be able to do that with everyone. he knows better than to offer me any. he wants me to succeed. and it would also depend on the food. not so sure I could have passed up on brownies, choc chip Cookies, icecream, or itiallian food. lol

  2. was told not to take supplements that i'm not already on. I take D and B12 already. i'm on a VLCD that is partial liquid, partial food. I get more than enough sleep during the night. when I wake up i'm perfectly fine.....for about 2 hours. IDK what's going on. will wait it out I guess, no other choice.

    I too have struggled driving...and when it's bad enough I call someone on the phone (i have a headset) and make them talk to me until i'm home. thats the only thing that works for me.

  3. I started my pre-op diet on Saturday. from that day until now I've been extremely tired. I just can't keep my eyes open during most of the day. Once I eat lunch i'm a little better, but it's really bad. is it the diet, because of such low calories? Or could it be something else? I'm risking losing my job because I just cant keep my eyes open during the day. I've been going to bed around 8:30 and I get up at 5am. that's plenty of sleep, so not sure what's going on. boyfriend is starting to worry too. maybe I should email my doctor? maybe it's my meds? maybe they are too high of a dose right now since i'm eating so little calories? idk, I just know that it's starting to scare me!!!

  4. sorry guys, i've been MIA for a bit. dealing with some stuff in real life. and have been in a lot of back pain lately. I started a blog here if you're interested in reading it. I start my pre-op diet tomorrow. wish me luck because day 1 of the diet and i'll be at mom's all day. she is completely against my doing this, so should be interesting. How's everyone doing?

  5. I struggled with my decision to do this as well. I feel your pain. It's overwhelming to hear/see everything that has happened to you so far. But I agree with the others. I beleive it's more a steering away from the bad doctors/hospitals then anything else. It took a lot of research for me to finally decide to go ahead with this. I thought about it for almost 10 years (secretly). As far as finding a doctor that was right for me? I lucked out and liked the first one I saw, and he uses the best hospital in my area. I originally wanted to do the lap band, but he does all three surgeries. I found them on www.lapband.com. they have a section where you can see doctors in your area that do the surgery. check it out, maybe it will give you some more idea's on who to see. and maybe start a topic here for people that are in Florida and ask who they go to see?

    I'll keep you in my thoughts!


  6. my entire family is BEGGING me NOT to have this surgery. They tell me that I can do this on my own. I just need to eat less....eat healthier....go on a diet....try weight watchers again....etc etc. I tried explaining to them why i'm doing this. that i'm doing this for my health. that i'm on the CPAP in orer to keep breathing when I sleep. that I can't excersize because of the weigh causing major issues with my back, knees, hips. (to which she said I just need to push past it and excercise) I'm having more and more internal issues because of my weight. they still oppose it. and my own mother has said that if she could come over and FORCE me not to do this she would. so i've stopped talking to my family about it. i'm still having this surgery and they just won't be a part of any of it.

  7. how much is each ice cube? is it 1/4 cup? 1/2 cup? guess i could check it out for myself but i'm curious now and i'm at work. lol

    I will definately be trying this for some of things that i'll be eating that are not on my boyfriends desired foods. :P

  8. i have my final visit with the surgeon on July 19th. my pre-diet starts the 18th. I'm nervous about the anesthesia as I've been really notious (sp?) from the light anesthesia in the past. wondering if it will be worse for this one since it's a stronger one. I'm also getting nervous because work has yet to approve me for my medical leave and they are not answering me....sigh. If I don't hear by friday i'm going to contact corporate and try and get some answers. wondering if I should have just put in for vacation time and been done with it. my emotions are all over the place because my family doesn't agree with it and is actively trying to change my mind. I've started ignoring their calls because of it. it's hard for me because family is everything to me. and now I have a financial strain this month on top of everything. I lost it yesterday! I came home from work, cried myself to sleep. boyfriend let me sleep until dinner was ready. and i was back in bed an hour later. I have no energy, i'm tired all the time, and like I said my emotions are going crazy. if it wasn't for a friend I met on here talking to me via Facebook last night I'm not sure how i'd be today. but I woke up trying to put it all behind me. emotions are still haywire, i'm still dead tired, but at least i can concentrate and get my work done today. Still feel ready to cry though. Not sure why I said all that.

  9. Kinda off topic, but anyone else here not able to cook well? I tried cooking something last night because my boyfriend wasn't feeling that well. (btw...he does all the cooking normally). I started to burn the potatoes, but luckily still salvageable. I was so discuraged!!!! I want to be able to cook well enough to participate in the meals. but last night was yet another reminder that i'm a failure in the kitchen. no wonder i've gotten to where I am today. I was eating premade stuff that I could just warm up. Wonder If i'll ever be able to really cook? :(

  10. I agree with Karen, if not for looking forward to the surgery I'd be in the cookie isle getting chips ahoy chocolate chunk cookies....or in the ice cream isle getting snicker ice cream bars. Of course having my boyfriend with when shopping helps....he pulls me away....lol. Now, with less than a month to go I barely think about those foods, THANK GOD! But yes, I do have moments where I think i'm a failure for not doing this on my own. for asking myself if there's something wrong with me because my family is so opposed to this. But I just remind myself why i'm doing this and it passes.

  11. mine is July 2nd. I'm nervous about some things, disappointed at some of the people that wont support me, but overall extremely excited. I can't wait for July 2nd to be here! I stay busy at work so I don't think about it much there. but it's constantly on my mind when i'm at home. my boyfriend keeps me busy so it's not too bad. i've become obsessed with this website though. :P

  12. ChristyLove....it may just depend on the community your in? I have several african-american friends that know i'm going for this and they are supportive of it. not sure if that's because i'm white?

    Ssilian....I agree, I have stopped telling people. although my best friend, my boyfriend, and the 8 co-workers that know are very supportive my entire family is not. Mom even told me that if she could come over and FORCE me not to do it she would. I'm 36 years old. it's my body, my decision, my health. Although it hurts to not have their support I am not going to let that stop me. If I do it will be me who suffers for it.

    Basically I would recommend that you keep in mind why it is you are doing this in the first place. when people are negative to me I remind myself that i'm doing this for my health. I already have IBS, GERD, Swollen legs, Arthritis throughout my body, A hearniated disc and another that is bone on bone in my lower spine, and now my hips and both knees are starting to give me major problems. it's to the point that I cannot do any exercise and have an extremely hard time getting up the stairs to my apartment. And i'm pretty sure it's making my depression, anxiety, and even my bipolar worse. So long story short, i'm doing this for my health....before my body kills me! To me that is the strongest motivator and the best reason to be doing this.

    Stay strong, you can do this! And you can always find the support you need here, i have :)

  13. they want me to limit the sugar for 2 weeks prior to the surgery so I cant have regular sugar. truvia is a ragweed? no wonder I'm alergic to it!!!


    they approved me for specific foods (no deviations from it) for the two week pre-diet. we'll have to figure out something for afterwards. If I can tolerate all the liquids i'll need then I can have the boost high Protein that I've found to be able to tolerate. probably because it has regular sugar and not the artificial stuff. i'll add in some milk for "variety." i'm going to try and find those liquid Proteins at the Vitamin store so we'll see what happens there, maybe they will work and I can get more variety there too.

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