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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ladyarwenrose

  1. ladyarwenrose

    Dreading Pre-Op Diet

    thanks guys. i'll try the zero stuff. will have to search for the nectar peach protein, havn't seen that around.
  2. ladyarwenrose

    Lifeweigh Bariatrics In Illinois

    your welcome. good luck! I'm sure you'll do fine. if you ever need to talk let me know.
  3. ladyarwenrose

    Hiding The Tears

    to corange, yes i had the eval and was approved for surgery. He will probably have me go in more often after the surgery though, will find out next month.
  4. ladyarwenrose

    Before Pics of Me

  5. ladyarwenrose

    before weight watchers pic

    From the album: Before Pics of Me

    this was about 5 years ago when i took a "before" pic as I entered into weight watchers. not much has changed since then.
  6. ladyarwenrose

    Last years birtday gift :)

    From the album: Before Pics of Me

  7. ladyarwenrose

    cousins graduation

    From the album: Before Pics of Me

  8. ladyarwenrose

    10 Year anniversary at work

    From the album: Before Pics of Me

    this was 6 years ago
  9. ladyarwenrose

    Me and my old dog heather

    From the album: Before Pics of Me

  10. ladyarwenrose

    Senior Year High School

    From the album: Before Pics of Me

  11. ladyarwenrose

    Hiding The Tears

    oh boy, hearing this i'm suddenly nervous. I have bipolar and have times of deep depression periodically. from the sounds of it that may be worse for awhile?
  12. ladyarwenrose

    sleevers in Chicago southland

    i'm in dupage county. I have mine scheduled for July 2nd.
  13. ladyarwenrose

    New Here - Surgery Date July 2Nd

    hi piplula i have asked her several times to go with me to appointments. she refuses to go. and I can say with 100% certainty that she and my father will NEVER support this. even if I show them (in the long run) that this was the right decision for me they will never agree with what I did. yes it saddens me because family should always be supportive of one another no matter what. There have been many things that came up over the last several years....mostly in the last year.....none of it I've received support from them. This is the final nail in the coffin so to speak. I have learned the hard way that I am alone. If I need help i'll have to find it from strangers because my family will just let me down. it's just me and my boyfriend, the most amazing man i've ever met. ironically also a "mistake" according to my family. so i'm glad I found this forum. It will be my lifeline in the coming days, weeks, months, years. sorry for going on about it, it's just really bothering me right now.
  14. Hi everyone! stumbled across this while I was searching for answers. I'm a newbie to all of this and it's all been a bit scary yet an adventure at the same time. I've struggled with my weight my whole life, yoyo'ing all the way. The last two years my health has been going downhill with one problem after another. I finally decided that enough was enough and it was time to get serious and get this weight off once and for all. My boyfriend is awesome and very supportive of me. We live together and he does all the cooking. he's been changing how he cooks in order to be more healthy for me. (he's so sweet!) I told my parents awhile back that I was looking into doing the surgery. they freaked out and tried to talk me out of it. they only shut up after an hour of countering their arguments and have not brought it up since. well yesterday I told my mom that I was approved and my Surgery is set for July 2nd. she's freaked out and constantly repeated herself that she does not support this. says that I can lose the weight on my own, just eat less, eat more healthy, exercise more. she doesn't agree with me changing my body in order to lose the weight. that it's the easy way out. she even went so far as to say that i've never stuck to anything more than a few weeks, how can I expect this to be any different!!! I cried when I hung up the phone. She hasn't changed my mind, if anything i'm more determined now. Other family members aren't much different. my father won't even talk about it and I know he's against it. my sibling doesn't like the idea but will be there for me in any way they can (yeah). my grandmother is saddened by it and basically has the same opinion of my mom as far as trying to do this on my own instead. my mother told my aunt, no idea how she reacted or how she thinks. Basically I told my mom, she told grandma and my aunt. I haven't told any other family members due to the reactions i've already gotten. I did tell my friend. we've known each other since 1st grade (over 20yrs). she seemed supportive of it. we've had a falling out recently so her support is no longer their either. And I told a couple people at work. all of them have been great about it. but i'm afraid to tell anyone else. our department has over 30 people in it. i'm sure they'll find out sooner or later. but i'm just not sure I want the nosey inquiries right now. so, basically, I really only have my boyfriend for support in my personal life. i'm afraid of life afterwards because of this. what are holidays and get togethers going to be like with a family that can't understand what I did or why I did it? but i'm not giving up! i'm moving forward. to a new and healthier me! i'm not in this for the "easy way out." i'm in this because if I don't then i'm afraid I won't have a long life! any insights or words of wisdom, etc are appreciated.
  15. ladyarwenrose

    New Here - Surgery Date July 2Nd

    canne, I hope they come around. my family is just completely against surgery for ANY reason. I've had two foot surgeries and two hand surgeries and they felt they were not needed. huh, so walking and writing, etc are not important? LOL Christine. YEAH! definately sleeve sisters! keep me posted on your progress. I'm nervous about it, but mostly excited Deb, yep it is a good day to have it. and close to the day of freedom for us americans i'm sorry you lost your mom. that can be hard at times, especially in situations where you would have leaned on that family member for support, etc. I lost my sister 3-7-08. It doesn't get any easier, we just learn to cope better. I too wish she was here right now so I could have her support through all of this. and Ben, thanks for that. I will most likely use some of those next time i talk to my family
  16. ladyarwenrose

    Lifeweigh Bariatrics In Illinois

    I have my surgery with them on July 2nd. I have BCBS and the initial request was denied. Once they submitted the info requested in the denial letter it was approved. total time was a little over a month. lifeweigh is very supportive and does everything possible to fight for your surgery to be approved.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
