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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by PandorasBox92264

  1. I have had the twitching in my Port area. I have also had what feels like a charlie horse that will hit in that area after the twitching. I have found IF you start to get the twitch try to not strain it further. Drink in Water and get as much in as you can, it seems to be after exertion/lack of getting my Fluid in so I guess kind of like a dehydration. I have been banded since 2008 and it comes and goes, usually just the twitching which I think it is a warning sign. If you do get the full on charlie horse try to lay back and relax, a heating pad helps to relax it and get the fluid in. Good luck

  2. Well what you both have to also understand is that you are both on your OWN weight loss journey. You are both banded which is great! However, the bottom line it is still personal for each of you. Neither of you should dictate, push, judge or try to fix or improve what the other is doing unless it is asked for. That is just my opinion, and not trying to judge either of you.

    I got the band in 2008, and filed for divorce in April 2009. My ex was not banded, but cycled and I had joined a gym to which he then also joined. He wanted to me cycle with him, but for me I had ZERO interest in it. I never bitched about him going, just said hey your into it great i was supportive but it was not my cup of tea. He started to come to the gym with me, and always had to put his two cents in. He timed me on the cardio equipment, came over to see what I was doing, everything was watched/judged which got old very quick. We got married in July 2002, and when the band came home with me and right before.. I had to deal with him going on junk food sprees when I was on liquid phase. He would even follow me in a back room to hang out while eating this stuff.

    There were alot of issues, aside from the constant parts of telling me that I wasn't exercising enough, or this or that. We did end up in counseling for a brief time, but he was set in his ways and flat out told the counselor his choices were HOW he wanted to live his life. There is alot of things that go far deeper that would probably shock on this board.

    It sounds like there is irritation and anger on both sides. Honestly I would talk about seeing someone to talk about what is going on, I think it might be far more than just working out or the kids bed times. Honestly, you guys might have grown apart which does happen in life and with WLS.

    I would sit down and THINK both of you where this is going, what is the underlying issues. If you do not sit down and make time to talk about it or try to figure it out then most likely you will be headed to your respective lawyers. I do not mean to sound callus for either of you guys. I know quite a few people on this site that has had it happen to them, including myself. I wish you good luck, and remember you guys have the power to work on things to change them for the better and you both have to be willing and wanting to make it work. Once again I hope this doesn't come off as sounding cold, but it is a reality of life. Good luck to you guys!

  3. Well another thought is that she might want to have the surgery herself. They might have been in a fight, she might have been feeling bad about herself and wanted to ask you about it.

    He might have stopped the conversation because of the fight, thinking it would go south fast.

    One never knows but she might just reach out to you sooner or later and get your guidance for her weight issue.

    He might also want to keep her a bit on the insecure side as well. Relationships can change dynamics with the different players. He might toss things out about you too, and put her on edge when the reality of it is that it is not needed.

    Sometimes, not is all is what it appears to be.

  4. I believe you might be talking about an Intensive outpatient program (IOP) is that correct?

    Honestly, I wouldn't toss that group aside because there are reasons that you are in there for various support issues. However my suggestion would be to continue to go to that group and leave the band out of it. Bring your lap band issues to this forum because WE are going to know what you are feeling regarding the band, your group will not.

    We will not necessarily be able to help you with your group issues because we do not know the background on why your going.

    Is your mental health Doctor on board with you being banded? Just want to make sure on that note, because you might get feelings of depression, regret, mourning for food and make sure he knows this. It is a temporary thing, however it can happen.

    You have to take a look at the group that you are in, and you are all trying to work through scenarios together and offer support, however I stress to not use that group as a lapband support group because you will most likely be really disappointed and not get any sort of backup or support there because it is an issue far removed from what is going on in their life. Good luck!

  5. I had to also do a restart after moving etc.

    I went back in for a fill May 24th and had to quickly learn how to eat properly again because I was filled to 7cc. I went through the mourning period again, and had to rethink about how much I was putting in. You have that urge for more food, when in reality you do not need it. I went to using smaller plates, I also put Romaine lettuce the leafy type on the plate for a filler and it is good for you! I will look at that and think damn that is alot of food, but the lettuce will chew down to not much. Take it one day at a time until you get back into the swing of things. You can do it!

  6. Congratulations on your new addition to your tummy! I am sure you will do well on your journey. It can be a bit scary with going through the surgery, then trying to figure out what you are going to eat when it comes time. You might have some feelings (not guaranteed) where you might feel sad or think what the heck did I do?

    It is pretty common and we call it mourning the loss of food, or you might move right through it and not think twice. Come on here and look for threads that have to do with what your feeling, or asking questions. You will find nothing seems to be taboo! Good luck!

  7. like lettuce. Being a rabbit at heart this is very upsetting to me - i luv luv luv salad and since my last fill just can't seem to find anyway that i can eat it comfortably. Oh well that's a small price to pay. I've been dropping 2 pounds a week and i'm very happy with that so i'll be glad to sacrifice the salad.< /p>

    Have you tried the leafy Romaine lettuce? The darker the green the better which is why the leafy one is easier to mush down to nothing. It has better nutrition too, I am at 7cc and I too am a Rabbit. It also helps me when I am eating chicken that is too dry then I eat some salad with it and it fixes the problem. Just a thought!

  8. I find I have a rough time for the week and a half post fill. Make sure you drink something prior. I also will do hot tea for the week or so after to relax the band a bit and loosen it up a bit. I call it waking up my band!

    You probably still have swelling from the fill which is normal! Also make sure that you do not take any Vitamins, Advil or pills prior to eating by half hour to an hour. I have to wait an hour recently after a fill, and the longer into it I can take it a half hour before. If i reverse it and take pill after it will come up.

    Also if you have a PB episode then you could feel tighter, as it will irritate.

  9. Well keep in mind you are going to be on liquids, then mushy for awhile. You could maybe do refried Beans at a mushy stage with some hot sauce on it, but that will be down the line.

    I have found that all of a sudden with my last fill I am less tolerant of HOT stuff, I can eat it to a degree but once i hit 7 in my band, I got more sensitive.

    You might be able to put some hot stuff that is liquid in some of the full liquids when you get to that point.

    You might find your bread craving heads out the door, I know mine did for the most part.

  10. I am actually quite a few years out and basically had to do a restart although did not gain everything back. Since I got my fill in May and I did another doc visit I do get some horrific from the bowels of the earth gas that keeps passing. I honestly do not know if it is my body that is cleansing itself of the gas that is built up in the miles of inner piping or what. I stopped drinking soda, I do eat Beans but at alot of them before. It is weird because it doesn't seem to hit me in public (thank goodness) but when at home watching TV I sound like a group of ducks at the park when they keep honking at you. I was thinking of trying BEANO, have you guys tried it?

  11. I had mine done in Philadelphia but go to Dr Peter Leport in Fountain Valley, they have a bunch of doctors in the office. I know there is a Bariatric doctor at the hospital in the Hillcrest area which is where my sister had her bypass.

    Worst case my doc for cash pay charges 250 for a fill and then the office visit of 35.00.. My insurance is paying for my fills now.

    Which is far better than one of the doctors locally here that required me to pay 3,700.00 just to get an appt with him, then pay for the fill, then pay for an office visit. Even if insurance was to have paid they would make you cough up cash up front just to see this ROCKSTAR!! lol.. I don't think so

  12. I agree with MIS on the amount of people that post the same questions over and over. The threads are there, waiting for you to put in a search topic and check it out.

    I also see posts about people that want to drop the calories so much that they are not getting proper nutrition. Lack of calories/nutrition means the body is going to go into a mode where it will shut down while holding onto everything that you eat. This is something that we have been told ALL along in the Quest for weight loss but when your banded suddenly the brain-farts come out in droves.

    Another thing that I have seen or been asked directly is what is Protein exactly, or what is a carbohydrate, and some have not heard of complex vs simple.

    I honestly do not know if it is the doctors office, or just that people have a focus on getting the band and nothing else matters.

    My surgeon was pushing for the bypass, but after we went through my thought processes and the foods that I ate he found out that I liked to eat a balance, salad, Protein, veggies, bread... but my problem was I liked to eat a good amount.

    Clean your plate their are starving children around the world.

    So for me to eat some salad/chicken/veggie is not going to be a problem, however I did find that after I got the band my addiction or desire for bread seemed to change. I no longer reached for the bread basket... Imagine that!

    I will however here and there IF It is an amazing break take a piece, but it is no longer my priority.

  13. I would say if you have to choose one then go for having him the next day.

    However could he take off a half day the day you do surgery, go into work then see you that night? Then the next day depends on when you are going to get out of hospital could he go into work in the morning then come bail you out and be home the balance of the day with you?

    They usually will not let you leave at the crack of dawn anyway by the time papers etc are processed. Same day of your surgery you are going to want to sleep, but he can make sure you ok, then come see you when your awake after his work. Just a thought

  14. My Doctors told me to not travel until 2 weeks after a fill in case it kicks in later. If you get somewhere, have stress or weather change it can affect your band. You also risk having an ER visit where they will remove all your Fluid, if you end up in one that doesn't have bariatric docs on staff.

    Flights have never been a problem with me! I hydrate and make sure to drink alot of Water on the plane. I have been through the full body scanners, down to the wands etc and nobody has ever commented on what do I have in my belly.

    I have even gone skydiving up 13,500 feet in a cabin that was not pressurized and did not have any bad effects! Hope that helps!

  15. First of all is it that time of the month or coming in close?

    How often are you weighing yourself, if it is daily you will see a fluctuation. I have gotten into the trap of weighing daily and it will make you obsess, so if so then stop it! I gained right before my last appt I gained 3 lbs, which kinda irritated me! I come back and then it started to even out some and dropping back off. I had been in a situation where I got dehydrated and was sweating and I just seemed to poof up. The following week I made sure to drink lots of Water.

    Make sure you are eating enough calories too, if you go too low your body might hold onto everything. After the above situation I also bumped up the calories for a day and it seemed to help.

    So don't give up since you will have fluctuations. Good luck

  16. First of all is it that time of the month or coming in close?

    How often are you weighing yourself, if it is daily you will see a fluctuation. I have gotten into the trap of weighing daily and it will make you obsess, so if so then stop it! I gained right before my last appt I gained 3 lbs, which kinda irritated me! I come back and then it started to even out some and dropping back off. I had been in a situation where I got dehydrated and was sweating and I just seemed to poof up. The following week I made sure to drink lots of Water.

    Make sure you are eating enough calories too, if you go too low your body might hold onto everything. After the above situation I also bumped up the calories for a day and it seemed to help.

    So don't give up since you will have fluctuations. Good luck

  17. Cough....

    Well I am sure you got up early with the rising sun.

    Slowing rising to peek out above your bed sheets.

    I really was going to go places with my comment but did not want to offend anyone on this blog... it might harm some delicate sensibilities. (grin)

    Unless I am VERY much off base on this lolol... sigh.. just saying

  18. Welcome!!!

    Sorry to hear you had that but now you have experienced getting stuck!

    The tenderness you feel is normal after a larger stuck episode, usually after a stuck episode if I have something to eat after it is liquid or a Protein shake. I let it calm down before I try food again if it is a tougher stick. Something mild you are generally ok to eat just be careful. Stress and being in a hurry and not chewing right do not mix, the stress can cause you to constrict and make you feel tighter.

    This is why it is important to drag along a lunch bag with you and eat something either there when your not in a rush or eat prior to leaving, but you must eat to get in the Protein and avoid the rush that got you stuck in the first place. I know it is easier said than done, however think back to this episode and when you forget it you will have another one that will imprint it upon your being and keep you careful for awhile.

    I had one the other day where I ate a two small bites of a rice/re fried bean mixture. The second bite as soon as i swallowed I knew it was all over, it seemed to create almost a plug in my tummy. I had a doc appt a couple days after and told them, it took me awhile in and out of the bathroom and a three finger throat tickle to finally get it up! Not fun, not ladylike but it was NOT going anywhere

    Good luck

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