A whole lot a
of reality is setting in. My surgery is tomorrow morning at 7:30am CST. A lot of mixed emotions..everything from thrilled and excited to nervous and scared to death. Lost 15 lbs during the past 2 weeks on the pre-surgery diet only 80 lbs to go to reach my goal of 135...tomorrow is the first day of my new beginning
My surgery date was just set for July 16th and Im getting pretty nervous. Started the pre-surgery diet this past Monday and had my bloodwork, EKG and chest xray done just yesterday. This is getting pretty real now..anyone have any good advice?
I just received in the mail my pre-op list of things to do. My psych evaluation is today along with getting blood work done. Pulmonary done June 5th..a bit nervous now that things are starting. Hoping insurance company approves everything!