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Delaney Page

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Delaney Page

  1. Delaney Page

    Short Term Goals

    Another goal. Not have a muffin top with these pants I have. A month ago they wouldn't close at all. Now they do. So now, no muffin top with these pants
  2. Delaney Page

    Short Term Goals

    to not have the appearance of a double chin in photos taken from a low angle.
  3. Delaney Page

    21, Liquor, and a Lap Band

    have you tried the mocktail mixes with vodka? I've been wondering if that tastes good but haven't tried it.
  4. Delaney Page

    Help Please!!

    I just told very close friends and some family members and told them not to talk about it with everyone because being talked about constantly is an annoyance. I wouldn't tell co-workers unless a co-worker is also a close friend. If I wouldn't normally tell someone about something dramatic in my life which was going on, then I wouldn't tell them about lapband. People are adept at forming their own opinions completely removed from the facts so I would rather just tell people who would ask me about it rather than talk to other people about it and come up with potentially crazy stories or misconceptions.
  5. Delaney Page

    21, Liquor, and a Lap Band

    You might actually need to play it on the safer side rather than the '21 shots' side if you don't know your limits at all yet. Puking can be a bit more damaging with the lapband than without. From what you said though, you don't really sound like you're that into heavy partying and would probably be satisfied with a few drinks, so you shouldn't be too bad off. If you're not the type to even get drunk (you just want to get tipsy), then carbonation would be the most major issue. It's easy to work around that for mixed drinks. And don't drink Smirnoff Ice.
  6. Delaney Page

    Crazy Skinny Goals!

    Shop in the regular section of forever 21 instead of the + size section. Wear short shorts. Eat something unhealthy and say 'god, i'm such a fattie' and have it be ironic. Crossplay at comic/anime cons. (All the extra weight makes my hips and chest tooo large to hide my femine shape. Have to wear dresses or skirts to look accurate.) Looking good in anything I wear rather than having to be limited to a few styles which make me look adorable. (Even feel comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt) Not feeling like I have to dress better and more fashionably than everyone else to make up for being larger. Have one of those 'model' scouts at the mall come up to me so I can deny them. Not feeling uncomfortable going to harder to get into clubs in the meatpacking district.
  7. Delaney Page

    Social Dining

    If you were just banded, then it will be a bit harder to order at a restaurant but not impossible. Personally, I just looked for what places had Soups during the weeks soon after and suggested to friends that we should eat at those places. A lot of places put their menus online as well so you can look at them beforehand and see if there is anything you can eat. Once you get to the point of eating solid foods you can stop worrying about consistency of the food as much. Get an appetizer or bring food home since one really shouldn't be able to eat it all comfortably. It becomes a lot easier then. I'm young and have a social life to maintain. Eating out is necessary. The lapband works fine with that.
  8. Delaney Page

    Breastfeeding in public:

    It can easily be done with a modesty blanket or in private. Even if it's natural and legal in some places, it does still make some people uncomfortable. It's your decision if you care or don't care about others and if you care if they're being made uncomfortable unnecessarily. Being modest about it is being polite to others.
  9. Delaney Page

    Anyone On Long Island?

    My doctor is also Dr. Geiss. Also, your screen name. You like Disney? Disney in general? The parks? Everything? 83
  10. Delaney Page

    Full Liquid Diet Hunger

    I hope that noticable hunger isn't something which will be necessary. Because when I'm hungry, I think about food way more than normal. That would drive me crazy. I got the lapband to NOT feel hungry all the time.
  11. I was banded on June 4th. I then did a short clear liquid diet and am now am on just a liquid diet (smooth). Soups, yogurt, Jello, Protein shakes, pudding. 6-8oz per serving. 6 times a day, ever 2 to 3 hours. Water between. I wasn't hungry at all for the majority of the time I've been on this phase. Mostly b/c I was just in pain and still recovering from the surgery. However, for the last 2 days I've felt so so so much better. However, I'm also hungry. I'm sticking to the diet but I'm really really hungry. My stomach kept growling for food. Is this normal? And if it is what do people do to cope? Am I just getting hungry b/c my band hasn't been filled yet?
  12. Delaney Page

    Anyone On Long Island?

    Yes! I just got banded on June 4th! I'm in Lynbrook ;3
  13. Delaney Page

    Hi June Buddies

    Got banded on June 4th. Started at 302 and between the preop diet and postop diet, I've lost 12 pounds so far. Still a long way to go. Still a bit of pain after surgery from the air blown into the stomach cavity pressing on some nerve going to the shoulder but it's getting better each day. Age 22 years old. Live in NY. Can't wait to feel more healthy! <3
  14. Delaney Page

    feeling sick on pre-op diet

    I thought this was just me but I've had exactly that. A headache, lack of energy and sick to my stomach. I don't feel healthy... I know I need to trust the doctors but this diet feels so unhealthy to my body. I can't tell if my body is upset more by the type of food I'm eating or if it's how frequently that I'm eating which is causing it to feel wrong. Oddly, I feel much more full than I do regularly. Then again, I'm used to having 2 meals a day and not eating for about 4 hours after I wake up, unlike the diet's perscribed 2 hours. Maybe that's it? I really just can't tell. Is it the frequency and the hours I'm eating? Or is it the type of food? I hope this goes away soon and doesn't last all the way until my surgery.

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