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Everything posted by mommymar

  1. It does change. Water is still hard to get in. I am 10 weeks out. Now it's not that my body can't do it, it's just that if I don't always have it with me, I don't get it in. I still have not been hungry but my doc said to worry more about the liquid than the food for the first month. Just do your best, keep trying and it's going to get better.
  2. mommymar


    It is frustrating doing everything right and not losing or worse..... Gaining! Especially a women, you need to know your body will react different depending on the time of month, periods, pms and of course, stress. But Stalls happen. Especially anywhere from 3 to 5 weeks. That is when you really need to be measuring inches. I drop the most inches when I am not dropping a single pound. There are things you can try to get jump started. You can do a day of your "pre op liquid diet" (just a day, no longer than that) or try upping your calories. Another thing is mix up your workout. But most important, keep doing what you are. I promise the stall will end and I promise you will have more :-) sorry...... You all are doing great! Keep up your hard work and I am sending happy thoughts your way.
  3. my doc had me on my regular meds. I expected to have to change. I take wellbutrin. It doesn't come in a liquid and I was worried about what they would put me on. The pharmacist in the hospital said you can cut it in half, but keep taking it. Each doc is different, depends on your meds but not all meds have to change. So make sure to ask your doc!
  4. mommymar

    Can't Stomach

    I was told not to worry the first week about food. And I didn't drink water til day 3. It was slow coming. And still 2 months out, nothing really tastes good. (I have decided it is a huge blessing) you are so early out of surgery. I promise you will find your groove. It is normal to regret your decision. (a lot never do) don't over think the first little while, try different things until you find what works for you. Don't get on the scale (it will just make things worse) and since you can't change anything, take it easy, let your body heal. Sip and walk. Every day, heck, every hour gets better. Hang in there! And congratulations!!
  5. Just remember, it's ok to have bad days. It's ok to get angry, to have regrets (I too think, why did I let myself get THIS big). Have a bad day today! Then tomorrow, get up notice how much better you sleep after losing weight, stand up and realize it's so much easier and how much less your body aches. Throw your tennis shoes on and marvel at what this body can do. Have a bad day but leave it at a day. Pull out some pre weightloss pics. Pretty soon (especially if you don't have to put on that darn swim suit) you will remember you earned that skin with every mile of work you put in. Be proud. You deserve to be proud of you and your body! Hugs your way!!
  6. mommymar

    Feeling Kinda Bad Today:/

    I am sorry. Prob time will be the best for you. It is ok to have a bad day now and then. Find a great movie that will make you laugh. Call a good friend or go sit out in the sun for a bit. Know that tomorrow will be better. Good luck!
  7. I have done it twice. I can see how doing it constantly would put you on a bad path. I just wanted to chew. That was it. I took one bite, that took care of the craving for a week, then did it a second time. Then I was on solids. I have never done it since then. I personally don't see doing it once or twice as a harmful thing.
  8. That was great! Lisa looks awesome. That is fun to see. My hubby and I had different surgeries. Both went for what worked best. It has been wonderful having someone to share this with.
  9. I am 2 months out. I still get it depending on what I am eating. I get it with yogurt and things that are heavy. But I used to get it with EVERYTHING so to have things I can eat now without that feeling... Huge blessing!!
  10. The last few weeks I have been struggling with guilt. I feel like I have been so selfish. I did this surgery "for me" then I spent 4 days in the hospital. (my wonderful, supportive husband took care of everything) then I spent a week helping hubby with kids (let's be honest, during recovery I was probably more in the way) and the last month and a half it feels like it's "all about me" I spend the morning with kids, go to work, make dinner, go to the gym, put kids to bed. But I feel like everyone is sacrificing so I can do this. With meals, time and activiities. And lets tell the truth. Since I became pregnant, I put everyone else first.... My question is, I have committed to this. I am not going to stop. I know I will feel better once school starts back up because I can work out when everyone is gone (youngest starts 1st grade) but how do you become okay with this? How do you ignore yourself for 12 years, then one day, turn it all around? I know there are people who have done this and done it well. Am I missing something?
  11. I have had a major change in the way I see food. (to tell the truth, I have wondered if this is what "normal weight" people feel) before surgery I thought about food ALL THE TIME. Why I was eating, I was thinking about what I wanted for my next meal. Since surgery the truth is, I couldn't care less about food. If I could drink my meals for the rest of my life, I think I would. Food just isn't the center of my life anymore. I love that in a lot of ways. But there is a part of my that realizes we live in a world where food plays a major role. I almost wish I was craving something, or at least enjoyed eating. It seems to just be something I know I have to deal with. (3 months ago I would have laughed if anyone told me this is how I would feel) Does the joy come back (in a healthy way)? Or is this the new "norm"?
  12. I am very jealous of that! I have decided I am done weighing for the week because it's depressing (I am sure that has NOTHING to do with hormones ) I only have tom every 2 months or so... I get used to seeing the scale drop then...... Oh, here is a pound or two coming back! Sad...
  13. I never felt it was even in the realm of possibility before surgery. But like tonight, I am sitting here, already had dinner PLANNED, feeling like I don't even want to bother with it. I am not hungry, it doesn't sound good (nothing does) but my head knows I need the nutrition. So I will go in the next 15 min or so and get my dinner, and push it down. I wonder if I need to be more creative in what I am eating? (who can complain? This seems to be my biggest issue) well, this and how much I HATE tom, and the weight gain. Sucks being a woman sometimes :-)
  14. I am 2 months out. I kept NOTHING down til day 4. Just keep sipping slowly. Try changing what you are sipping. By adding ice, drink at room temp, try some warm broth. Eventually you will find something that will work. Hang in there. It keeps getting better.
  15. I have had some little victories the last 2 days. First, I went to the gym yesterday (2 months post op on the 7th) and I have been walking. When I first started it was a mile a day now I am up to a mile and a half. Then I started upping the incline, pace etc. but yesterday........ I RAN! Yep, I actually did it. I am 30 years old, the last time I ran was Jr High! (yikes) yes, I only ran one min at a time and a total of 5 min, but still... Secondly, and so exciting for me, I weighed in at 248. When I started it was 294.8. When I got married (12 years ago) I was 255. 250 has been my nemesis. All the diets I have been on it has been impossible to get under that dang number. So individually, these are little victories. Ones I am proud of. But these have changed my life. I have finally found some success. I have chosen to go more places. I actually got dressed the other day, went shopping, walked past a mirror, and had to have a second look. It's almost 50 pounds but to tell the truth, it wasn't the weight that stopped me in my tracks, it was the happy girl in the mirror that has been missing for 20 years. She is finding her way back.
  16. Thank you everyone. It's nice to do things you can be proud of. My hubby is a year and a half out from beriatric surgery. I can't wait til I can run these 5k's with him! (it still seems crazy that I want to) I expected to lose weight, I didn't plan on all these other wonderful "side effects"
  17. mommymar

    Sharp Pain! Ouch

    Def get checked out but my guess would be muscle spasm. For me, that was worse than the actual surgery! I say that only because it's pretty positional but not anything to take lightly. You never know it could be a laundry list of things..... Best of luck, praying for continual success and lots of future happiness!
  18. mommymar

    I Want To Cry For Her

    I am about 7 weeks out myself. I am just barely starting to feel and see some changes. Reading things like this keeps me motivated. Makes me realize that I am in the process of shedding this baggage. I am finding even now that I am trying new things, I am happier, I have more energy. I even looked on the mirror at myself "really looked" for the first time in YEARS. and you know what? I am not at worthless as I have convinced myself for so long that I was. The emotions that come with change can be overwhelming. I am so grateful to be able to experience these emotions.
  19. I had this pain. And my surgeon said it is muscle. I said, no way, it hurts worse than the surgery did. But he promised me it was. He said they pull and move and push and shove EVERYTHING on your mid section (includes left side too) I said, ok, how long can it go on (still thinking, I am a month out, it can't still hurt) and he told me some people have to deal with it for 2 months. Then he showed me some stretches, told me to ice/heat it. I am 6 weeks out now and the pain is gone. Trust me I felt like I was getting a b.s. Answer but, turned out, the stretching helped. And now I feel better. You still need to see your doc asap just to ease your mind, but start stretching your side and I bet you will feel better. Plus I would assume its a muscle until otherwise told. I understand the pain, trust me, but it does get better!
  20. I haven't seen the scale moving too much recently. I was happy it was going down (albeit slower that I thought it should) so I decided not to weigh. All the diets I have done my "stuck" number was 262. I couldn't get under that no matter what I did. So its been 2 weeks since I weighed and I did it! 255 (beginning was 294.8) -39.8lbs I dropped 6.8 lbs this week. I had just confined myself to being a slow loser. I need to stop categorizing myself. Just be happy. I give this dumb scale too much power. No more. I am just going to be grateful for my sleeve taking me places I have never been able to get to on my own.
  21. Good job! Congratulations. people can be cruel. You feeling good about yourself is great pay back!

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