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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    COnative got a reaction from AngelBaby in Sushi?   
    Thanks for the post! This is my most favorite food and I can't wait to enjoy it once again!
  2. Like
    COnative got a reaction from ladyhummingbird in Deciding On Surgery...does Anyone Regret Having The Vsg?   
    I sure don't regret it! I just had it done at the begining of the month. I have been a professional yo-yoer all my life and decided enough is enough! It only gets harder to loose as we age and for once I want a solution that will help me the rest of my life. My Dad sure knew it because he had gone through what I have been going through my whole life so he even paid for me to have this done.
    Sure, the day after surgery I was like, "What the hell did I do to myself". But now- 16 pounds lost, not feeling hungry all the frickin' time and getting full with a 1/2 a cup of Soup. Wow does it feel nice to feel full after so little. I think the only regret people will have is, why did I wait so long and why didn't I do this years ago. I really wish you the best and only you know what's right for you. The fight is over for me- I am ready for this new life of not hiding or trying the next fad diet.
  3. Like
    COnative got a reaction from RJ'S/beginning in Too Much!   
    WOW. It sounds like you could be mildly allergic to the type of Protein Powder you are consuming. I get all of those side effects with soy Protein and a little bit with whey but no side affects with rice protein. It sucks to feel crapy like that. Gas X strips are frickin' amazing for bloating and pain from gas. I hope you feel better soon!!!!!!
  4. Like
    COnative got a reaction from ladyhummingbird in Deciding On Surgery...does Anyone Regret Having The Vsg?   
    I sure don't regret it! I just had it done at the begining of the month. I have been a professional yo-yoer all my life and decided enough is enough! It only gets harder to loose as we age and for once I want a solution that will help me the rest of my life. My Dad sure knew it because he had gone through what I have been going through my whole life so he even paid for me to have this done.
    Sure, the day after surgery I was like, "What the hell did I do to myself". But now- 16 pounds lost, not feeling hungry all the frickin' time and getting full with a 1/2 a cup of Soup. Wow does it feel nice to feel full after so little. I think the only regret people will have is, why did I wait so long and why didn't I do this years ago. I really wish you the best and only you know what's right for you. The fight is over for me- I am ready for this new life of not hiding or trying the next fad diet.
  5. Like
    COnative reacted to Cookeeeeez in Multivitamin Debate   
    Xtendlife has about double almost the same ingredients in my swisse women's Multivitamin, but you have to take 2 of the xtendlife to get that amount and its five times more expensive!!!
    I'm sticking with swisse.
    I think some of things are fairly obvious like the type of Calcium that doesn't absorb in us, (but they sell it anyway) and those Protein bullets that aren't any good...
    But a decent enough multivitamin is fine, of course it doesn't replace a healthy diet, but the amount of Iron or calcium or Vitamins in most multis are sufficient to make up for any deficiencies you might have...
    In conclusion, buy the "better" vitamins if you can afford them, but you'll see most of it come back out the next time you pee
  6. Like
    COnative got a reaction from ladyhummingbird in Deciding On Surgery...does Anyone Regret Having The Vsg?   
    I sure don't regret it! I just had it done at the begining of the month. I have been a professional yo-yoer all my life and decided enough is enough! It only gets harder to loose as we age and for once I want a solution that will help me the rest of my life. My Dad sure knew it because he had gone through what I have been going through my whole life so he even paid for me to have this done.
    Sure, the day after surgery I was like, "What the hell did I do to myself". But now- 16 pounds lost, not feeling hungry all the frickin' time and getting full with a 1/2 a cup of Soup. Wow does it feel nice to feel full after so little. I think the only regret people will have is, why did I wait so long and why didn't I do this years ago. I really wish you the best and only you know what's right for you. The fight is over for me- I am ready for this new life of not hiding or trying the next fad diet.
  7. Like
    COnative reacted to JLOR in Deciding On Surgery...does Anyone Regret Having The Vsg?   
    For the most part you are going to see that most people on here are VERY glad to have this new tool to help us not only lose the weight but keep it off. I am almost 4 weeks out, and I can tell you I would do it again in a heart beat! I am one of the people that has insurance but I did not weigh enough for my insurance to pay for it. I was a BMI 32, and you have to be at least a 35 with two additional co-morbities. So I paid myself and I would do it again.
    But let's just be clear, this is NOT easy. The first day after surgery was the worst EVER. I had dry heeves for 24 hours straight. Also, I can't just eat any old thing I want, because my sleeve will not let me. I'm probably never going to have soda again, and I'm on a blended diet for another week. My sleeve doesn't care for spicy foods right now, and I love spicy foods. So don't let anybody kid you, this is not easy. Yet, I WOULD do it all again tomorrow. Because, without this tool to help me control me eating, I would still be in the yoyo diet craze and gaining back more every time.
    Also, to all those people that tell you to just stop eating and start exercising, you just need to say if it were that easy don't you think I would have done it!
  8. Like
    COnative reacted to CandiKiss in 1 Month Out & Starvvving!   
    OMG I so want real food!! Even if I can't finish it all..I just want a little taste. I'm on puree foods..So it's been chicken, tuna, canned chicken and salmon for me. I would love to have a chicken ceaser salad.. or even turkey burger with cheese....oh and a glass of juice!!!! - I want to eat healthy and just at moderation. Boy I can't wait to be placed on regular foods. This is torture..LOL!! Just venting!
  9. Like
    COnative got a reaction from AStephenson in I Want To Eat   
    Hang in there! Clear Liquids are hard!!!!! I feel like we should win the lottery each time we make it through a phase without cheating. I think you are strong enough to get through this! Keep coming back here for support. Nothing is better than knowing we are all struggling with the same issues, mostly around food. You will get through this!
  10. Like
    COnative reacted to SweetQui in 1 Month Post Op Appt   
    Hello my fellow Sleevers! So I was sleeved on 8/23. SW:274 preop:268 CW:254. I'm down a total of 20lbs. I wish it was more but I am very thankful. I can now fit my size 18 jeans from a size 22. Yayy! I'm feeling great. No compllications. I'm looking forward to making it to Onederland soon! I hope you all are doing well. Good luck:-)
  11. Like
    COnative reacted to O.T.R. sleever in Should I Be Concerned For My Safety Piedras Negras, Mexico? For My Vsg   
    I wouldn't sweat it.
  12. Like
    COnative got a reaction from going_down in Coping With Strong Cravings While On The Liquid Diet Post-Op   
    I've been thinking of doing the same thing! I wouldn't think it is bad if you trust yourself not to swallow. Did I just say that out loud. LOL But no, all joking aside I think you need to be a little careful with spicy food but other than that I think it's okay. Let's see what others say.
  13. Like
    COnative reacted to sassypants in Anybody Have Suggestions?   
    Make your own its really easy:-
    Chicken/turkey – either a whole one or pieces but you need the pieces to have bones in it.
    Vegetables – onions and leeks to start
    Cover the meat and the veg in Water you can get vegetable powder/stock cubes and throw a couple of tablespoons in.
    Leave that to boil them simmer for a few hours when its done drain the juice into another pot/baking bowl/whatever over a sieve to collect all the veg meat and bones.
    Then de bone/skin/fat/crap from the meat and put the meat back in the juice, pull out what veg you can salvage and throw that back in.
    From this pint you are free to add other veg any you like its up to you, and you can add any other seasonings you may wish to add.
    Put back on bring to the boil again then simmer for another hour or so.
    Soup is done!
    From here you ladle off some broth/all the broth and section it how you wish it can be frozen.
    Then you either serve the meat and veg up to your family you can add Pasta to it and maybe some cream cheese or another sauce cook it in a pie so it’s a chicken and veg pie etc
    Or you can section up and freeze it for your pureed or solid food stages.
    You can even blend the meat and veg plus stock to section off for your full liquid stage.
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    COnative got a reaction from nyxa in Hungry?!   
    Man. I wasn't going to post anything under your topic but just have to say how sorry I am. I had surgery around the same time you did and man I would be pissed and freaked out if I was really hungry all the time! I am only allowed Clear Liquids the first week and then thicker liquids the second week and "baby food" the third week. I would definitely try the acid controller. I sure wish I had a magic answer because I am sure it's hard to feel this was all worth it at this point. But hang in there and keep coming back here for support. I will keep thinking of solutions. All the best.
  16. Like
    COnative got a reaction from nyxa in Hungry?!   
    Man. I wasn't going to post anything under your topic but just have to say how sorry I am. I had surgery around the same time you did and man I would be pissed and freaked out if I was really hungry all the time! I am only allowed Clear Liquids the first week and then thicker liquids the second week and "baby food" the third week. I would definitely try the acid controller. I sure wish I had a magic answer because I am sure it's hard to feel this was all worth it at this point. But hang in there and keep coming back here for support. I will keep thinking of solutions. All the best.
  17. Like
    COnative reacted to JMarshall in Hungry?!   
    acid re-flux can give you a hunger type feeling. most Sleeve patients are sent home on pepcid to counter act this. Also head hunger can be apart of this. Head hunger is more of a mental craving than a physical craving.
  18. Like
    COnative got a reaction from samsmom in 4 Days Post Op, Haven't Had A Bowel Movement?!?   
    So I am 7 days out without going #2. I bought some tea that I have used before called, Smooth Move, by Tradational Medicinals. It took only four hours and I am moving again!!!!! But you want to drink one cup only. But it works and I feel sooooooo much better!!!!! Good Luck!!
  19. Like
    COnative reacted to grayeybeauty in 5 Days Post Op Side Feels Like I've Been Run Over By A Truck And It Hurts When I Breathe!   
    It's a lil better went for a long walk too a nice hot long shower...had some Isopure and Soup thin out like water..LOL I know its all for the better but like I said before going at it alone its a bit hard a stressful so I think I needed to vent. Thank you ...means a lot
  20. Like
    COnative got a reaction from samsmom in 4 Days Post Op, Haven't Had A Bowel Movement?!?   
    So I am 7 days out without going #2. I bought some tea that I have used before called, Smooth Move, by Tradational Medicinals. It took only four hours and I am moving again!!!!! But you want to drink one cup only. But it works and I feel sooooooo much better!!!!! Good Luck!!
  21. Like
    COnative reacted to sarahcc in 75Lbs Gone In 4.5 Months... 241 To 166!   
    I loved looking at the before/after/progress pics while I was just getting started here, so I always try to reciprocate
    Before: 241 (probably got up into the 250's but wasn't tracking)
    No real pre-op loss.
    Currently: 166-168.
    Nutrition: Focus on Protein and Water. Can basically eat and drink whatever I want in very small portions. Foods that don't agree with me: bread, tortillas and rice generally don't sit well so I avoid them. Pasta is ok, and so are crackers/toast. My favorite foods: anything seafood. In the last few weeks I've eaten salmon, swordfish, shrimp, and sushi. Also: cheese, in any way, shape or form. I've had more caprese salad in the last month than in the rest of my life combined. Yum yum! My not-guilty-at-all guilty pleasure: coffee, with full fat Creamer and occasionally some sweetener (read: on my period, heh). Every day. Mmmm. Stuff that goes down easier than I wish it would: Anything made of potato. DAMN YOU, POTATOES! *shakes fist*
    Also worth noting - I can eat as much fruit and veggies as a "normal" person. No one would ever know I had surgery when eating from a veggie tray. For some odd reason, there's no restriction with those two items. I can't eat as quickly as I used to, but I could graze all day. Weird!
    I've taken a purposeful no-stress policy over this. Stress stalls weight loss. You heard it here first! I had no pre-op, I have very, very laid-back post-op, and although my weight loss has slowed, I'm still losing consistently. 75lbs in 4.5 months is more than good enough for me My current exercise routine is... well, nothing. Not NOTHING, I guess, if you count typing as exercise. I work a lot and am terribly out of shape. So it's been slow going to get started.

    Size 18/20. That's an XXL shirt from Kohl's. Summer 2011.

    This is a before/progress. Winter 2012 on the left, and about 40lbs down (or about 35lbs ago) on the right.
    Approx. 168lbs
    Approx. 168lbs. Size L yoga pants from Target (Champion) and size M shirt (unisex)

    Trying on at Old Navy Sweetheart boot cut jeans in 12 short. Hoodie is a L. Both fit comfortably and will likely be loose in approx. 2-3 weeks.
    IF I CAN DO IT, ANYONE CAN. Hope this gives someone out there the inspiration they need to get healthy!

  22. Like
    COnative got a reaction from ediebumpkin in From Grey To Brown?   
    Sounds like a blessing in disguise
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    COnative reacted to lollyfidy1965 in From Grey To Brown?   
    I don't know....I really liked the silver, and spent a lot of money, for a lot of years, coloring the light brown! LOL We'll see how it ends up!
  24. Like
    COnative reacted to Sleevedreamz in How Many Days After Surgery Before You Had A Bm?   
    Glad to know I'm not the only one! It isn't my normal topic of conversation, but it is funny how every thought seems to revolve around this surgery at first. I have done so much reading and research since Tuesday it's unbelievable.
    I have never gone this long before so it just feels unnatural. I may try to see if I can't get some fiber in today. I am having a terrible time getting in my liquids so I know that isn't helping. Really worrying about getting dehyrdated at this point. I've only been able to get in about 32oz of Fluid since surgery so I'm going to work extra hard on reaching goal today. Maybe that will help. I do not want a bad 1st experience when I do go.
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    COnative reacted to lrainb in How Many Days After Surgery Before You Had A Bm?   
    I had this problem too post-op and in fact continue to if I do not stay on top of it. Do talk with your surgeon and do not let yourself get impacted.... It is too uncomfortable and can be dangerous! People mistakenly think since they r on liquids they shouldn't have bms but you will still make stool .. It is the waste from all your intake. Protein Shakes can be very constipating for some and the lack of Fiber slows down all digestion in the beginning. My doc suggested Senna tablets till I am eating more. It helps!!!

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