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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by COnative

  1. From everything I read it sounds like you ae not eating slow enough. You probably feel you are but maybe try eating just a little slower. This is going to be a tough one for me because I usually just get the shovel out when I eat. But I hope your feeling fuller faster is just that easy- taking more time. All the best!
  2. Thanks for posting cuz I was going to make mine all pretty before I go in. Never mind! LOL
  3. I'm no expert but I would think you are okay. I think it would be riskier if it had been right after surgery. I'm right before your date! Good luck and all the best!
  4. COnative


    Wow- I had no idea. Thanks for posting this.
  5. COnative


    I have a sneaking suspicion you are not alone! Hang in there!
  6. COnative


    Ditto. That just sounds ridiculous. I have had serval surgeries- NEVER have I been awake for that! Thank god! I've had an endo as well and remember just a second of it. I agree with lessofmeismore.
  7. COnative

    Needing Ideas On Making Skakes Better.

    First off I usually have a few different flavored protein powders- vanilla, plain, chocolate, peaches n' cream. That usually helps. Avacado makes a smoothy really creamy, I've tried just about every fruit under the sun and bananas and some berry is usually the best. I have also tried mixing my drink with almond milk, coconut milk, plain milk for variety. What else can you do to mix it up.........................sugar free syrups, the kind you buy for coffee drinks can help give you more flavor options too. Hope it helps. Wish I could fix the consistency- that's what I struggle with. Good Luck! :-)
  8. COnative

    I've Lost 75 Lbs!

    That is amazing! I hope you went out and celebrated!!!
  9. LOLOLOLOL I have been wondering about how soon I will be able to drink again too! Good for you! I feel like I'm the alcoholic that never likes to get drunk but loves to have a glass or two of wine every night. Man am I going to miss that!!!!! But like everyone said above- you get drunk easily- makes for a cheap date! All the best to you!
  10. COnative

    Scheduled Dates For Sept

    I am a little behind in reading my mail! Good LUCK to you!!!! All the best!!! I want to stay in touch.
  11. You look amazing! Thank you for sharing your pictures and your positive story. I'm about to go under the knife and it's easy to just see the negitive right now but you just made my day, so THANK YOU! All the best with your continued success!!!!
  12. Good question! I've been wondering about the same thing because I have been on them for years and get sleeved on Monday.
  13. COnative

    Are You Thirsty?

    This is definitely a fear of mine as well. I am having surgery in a few weeks and I work with a doctor and have already arranged to get IV fuids just in case I freak out! I am really active and always drinking water- this has been my only fear about getting this surgery. But thank you for the posts above because getting sleeved outweighs my fear about being thirsty. Everything I have read and heard tells me "this too shall pass". I think we'll be okay, infact I know we will. It would be foolish of me to think there wasn't going to be some sacrifice from this surgery that would hit home for me. I wish you luck! I wish us all luck- we will get through thanks to this invaulable website. <3
  14. Hi :-) I don't know if you are going for surgery right now or just visiting. I was just there on Monday to meet the Dr. Alvarez and see the hospital. It was a great experience I must say! Dr. Alvarez was really down to earth and is really patient. My surgery date is Sept. 3rd and very much looking forward to it now. All the best to you!
  15. COnative

    Scheduled Dates For Sept

    Sept 3rd with Dr. Alvarez. It can't get here fast enough!
  16. COnative

    Feeling Ashamed....

    U are so not alone. This is my fifth time putting the weight on. I'm sick of living like this. And as I get older the harder it is. We deserve this surgery. I am sure one of the biggest reasons ur doing is to have a healthier life for u and your family AND to feel better about yourself. I am in the same boat with everything u said. I just keep focusing on the better life that lies ahead.
  17. All the best to you! Sending good thoughts your way! The next 24 hours are probably going to go by so fast and then you will be on your way to your new self! Good Luck!
  18. Man, that is tough. And you are getting your surgery really soon! Congrats! For me, the only person that is most important to me who I actually care what he thinks is my hubby. I totally agree with the second paragraph above. Focus on the positive. I know its tough and sometimes impossible- I am so thankful for this site. Quoted by EOS38: You might have to make your own family, but its the family you choose, not the family that you were born/married into. Blood isn't the only thing that makes a family. Get yourself to a support group, I found one through my surgeon's office. Go to OA. Join a book club. Anything that will get your focus off what you don't have, and bring you to those that will give you what you need and deserve.
  19. COnative

    Determining Goal Weight?

    That is a really good question! I am 5'7 and "they" say I should be around 135- ha ha. Last time I was thinner I noticed I started getting sick more often when I dropped below 150. I think it will be totally clear as you get down in the 160's 150's. I know I am really comfortable with 155-160. BMI is wierd because it doesn't take in consideration bone size, fat to muscle ratio, and in some cases male/female. I am no expert but I think you are going to be happier and healthier at a heavier weight than 145. I think it is great you already lost 50+! Keep it up! Thanks for your post!
  20. COnative

    Calorie Intake Help

    My experience is to eat the bulk of my carbs for the day right after my workout because they help repair any damage that is done during the workout and then follow the rest of the day with protein and a little less carbs. I agree with everyone above. If you are working out- your caloric demands go up- Good luck!
  21. COnative

    Huge Stall!

    Exercise could be your missing link to this. Start small- and listen to your body. I also heard you can hit a major stall if you are not consuming the recommended protein. Not enough protein can slow the metabolism down. Good luck, and don't worry too much- the weight will come off.
  22. COnative

    Need Sleeve Friends

    Hi Niki My surgery date is right before yours on the 3rd. I have had mixed reviews with my few friends that I told and my family. I think you might have come the same conclusion I did- I feel like this is my last option. Two of my closets friends are really excited and one of my other close friends said she didn't know how she felt about the whole thing and even feels a bit jealous. I understand. It's just plain tough. My parents freaked at first espcially since I am going to Mexico to have it done but my father has gone thought what I have his whole life and now wants to help pay for the surgery. My hubby and I are going down the 30th- to meet the doctor and see the facility- per my parents idea and concern. Is your husband supportive? I think that would be my biggest issue if mine wasn't. I'll stay in touch. I hope you have a great weekend- I'm off to work. I am 38 Very happily married too- 6 years 2 kids by marriage living in Colorado
  23. COnative

    September Sleevers.*!?

    kmerton: there is a sept group started on the main forum page about half the way down I think it says monthly sleeve support or somthing like that. You pick the year of your surgery and then the month and it directs you to September sleevers.
  24. COnative

    No Longer Obese

    That is great! Thanks for posting! You are motivtaion for all of us! I have been fat for the fifth and final time now. So I know how amazing it feels to break that plateau. Keep it up! You are on the home stretch!

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