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LAP-BAND Patients
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About ukdeveloper

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  • Birthday 01/10/1972

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    London UK
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  1. Happy 41st Birthday LondonMale!

  2. 2 years has passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary ukdeveloper!

  3. ukdeveloper

    how long on nhs waiting list

    When I see my consultant again in FEB, it will be 2 years, and i'm not even on the waiting list yet.
  4. Hi, I just found this site and wanted, or more specifically needed, to share my thoughts. My sister has had this op done several years ago and is still regularly sick through reflux. This was one of the main reasons I said I would never have it done. Anyway I changed my mind about a year ago when I weighed nearly 24 stones (336 lbs). So I went to see my doctor who referred me to see a consultant for a lap band. About 3 months went by and then I got an appointment to see my surgeon?? I went along and was told I was an obvious candidate for the surgery and that funding would be sought on the NHS. 3 months after this i was invited back, and was told funding had been approved. I was over the moon. I was told that I would have to go and see a consultant, as a matter of course, who would then givethe go ahead for the operation. I was told that my GP had done things slightly backwards and normally I would go and see the consultant first. I asked whether, when I see the consultant it would delay the process of being put on the list and was told that it would not. 7 months later....... I go and see the "consultant", who was actually just a registrar who took down my particulars (and felt my particulars too :omg: ) then left the room and came back to tell me she would refer me to see a dietician. I told her that I was told my surgeon said that was not necessary and I was here just to be approved to go on his list. I was told that I would HAVE to see a dietician and also a psychotherapist. The dietician had a waiting list of 6 months and the psychotherapist over a year. And thats JUST TO SEE THEM.... not start the course of whatever therapy they would suggest. I worked it out that if I went ahead with all of these procedures, it would be about 3 years before the surgery would take place, and.... I know because I know how my body is breaking down.... that I will probably be dead within that time if nothing is done. I made several complaints to the surgeon as I feel he should not have told me I would be on the waiting list vitually straght away, and he wrote to me and basically told me to go elsewhere. So I went back to my doctors and told her that I now consider this case a matter of life and death and I wish to be re-referred to a different hospital (the one my sister went to in Sheffield), that was two months ago and I have been informed I would have to wait for a funding decision again. I should find this out tomorrow. I hope... I pray that Sheffield can come to my rescue, as EVERYTHING in life now is becoming difficult, if not impossible, and all I want is to be a daddy to my little girl, and my new born son. I now weight 420lbs and gaining. Ive tried all diets you can imagine and dont believe in weight loss pills. Sorry this is a very long post, I just needed to get it off my rather large chest. I dont even know what I expect in your answers, all I say is thank you for being here to listen. Carl. PS I really am NOT trying to bypass waiting lists. I am prepared to wait on any waiting list there is, but 3 years is taking the P*** no?

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