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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dawn_M

  1. :confused_smile:Newly banded. Was told 4 days clear liquids---day 5 start baby food consistency foods, however every time I put anything other than liquid (water, protein shake, popsicle) inside the new stomach (ex. 1 teaspoon applesauce) I become so bloated with gurgling gas and pressure that it takes up to 12 hours for this to receed. I can't lay, sit, or do anything to get comfortable. Will it be this way all the time? :confused2:
  2. Thanks so much for the advice. I also am itching. I guess that's a good sign--got to be healing. I keep seeing people say that they are hungry--but I think my doc must have done some filling in the operating room, because I am just not hungry. I will admit I do miss the taste of food, but it's definitely not due to hunger. If this doesn't change before he wants to do the first fill, I wil put it off for a couple of weeks. I am not putting any mushies in that doesn't cause me extreme distress and this is with only one teaspoon. So my concern is that I am not going to be able to eat at all any time soon. However, I don't think I have ever lost 8 lbs. in on week either, so it's still worth it. Good luck with your journey.
  3. Dawn_M


    From the album: Just me

  4. Dawn_M

    Just me

  5. :nervous Hi. My name is Dawn. I am 38 years old and have been overweight all my life. I have discussed my desire to have lapband surgery with everyone I know and have gotten the "good for you" response enough times that I have come in search of people who know how I feel. The biggest step I have taken so far is to quit smoking (my surgeon won't even consult without 90 days smoke-free) and to schedule a seminar to attend (also required). I have only just begun and already the constant up and down of emotions is mind numbing. I go from feeling on top of the world (finally making a decision) to the verge of tears faster than most people can blink their eyes. The hurry up and wait roller coaster has left the station. Thanks for listening.
  6. Dawn_M

    Baby Steps

    Thanks for making me feel like what I'm going through is normal. I am only on day 20 of the smoking thing--going to have a party when I reach 90 days. That's when I'll feel like I am really getting to the point where I can start my journey to a completely healthier me. Really looking forward to being able to make an appointment for the consult. Keeping it real, Dawn

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
