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Everything posted by DuranFan1969

  1. DuranFan1969

    Day 8 - Nausea

    You should be fine, it still happens to me and I'm 6 months out.
  2. DuranFan1969

    I hate foods that i used to love!

    Yuck, I would be so bummed if I couldn't have eggs since they are pretty much a staple breakfast for me or a quick go to meal at home. Have you talked to your NUT about any of those?
  3. DuranFan1969

    I think my scale is broken

    Are you getting your fluids in and what are you consuming every day?
  4. DuranFan1969


    Get your scramble on girl! I would say go for it - you likely won't be able to have more than 1 or 2 (1 was more than enough for me for the first few weeks after post op). I wouldn't go near a fried egg though, unless you can fry it in a healthy way.
  5. DuranFan1969

    Orrientation next fri =)

    Hooray! It seems like so long ago that I had my orientation but it was only a year ago now. You are making the greatest decision ever for yourself to go forward with this. I wish you many pounds lost!
  6. DuranFan1969

    creme of wheat

    I had something similar happen to me in the first couple weeks post-op with Cream of Wheat too. I didn't actually have to run to the bathroom but I was really close to it. It did not sit well with me at all and felt like it just sat in my little sleeve like a rock (I made mine with Splenda brown sugar and water). I have had it more recently and was fine, but I have to wonder if sometimes our little sleevies just don't like certain foods at the start.
  7. DuranFan1969

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I could use some too - DuranFan1969
  8. DuranFan1969

    Wine or no Wine?

    My surgeon told me 6 months and while I really wanted to have some before that time was up, he is the one who went through medical school, not me. Sure, I could cheat on my surgeon's advice but they why have the surgery in the first place to cheat? I wasn't about to risk it with a glass of wine that it would hurt my new tummy.
  9. DuranFan1969


    Just take small sips often, which was one of the toughest things I had to get used to post-op. We're used to taking big gulps of water (and you will be able to do that again in the upcoming weeks) but for now it's sip small and sip often.
  10. I thought about that too when I was getting ready for surgery and then I realized there probably is never going to be an ideal time to have the surgery and putting it off just means I was going to gain more weight. It is extremely tough, even after being sleeved with all the holiday food that is around. Fortunately you have it within your power to control what you are eating and drinking, plus you are in an important phase where you need to stay on your pre-op diet, although it can be maddening. I remember watching TV during my pre-op diet and realizing not just how many food commercials there are but that every commercial is for food that is bad for us. You can do it!
  11. DuranFan1969

    Not Telling People....

    I told very few people when I had my surgery in June; only told family and a few friends. There were a lot of people who really started to notice and comment around 80lbs lost and after a while I decided what the heck do I have to keep secret - it is a wonderful thing I did for myself and I am successful at it. I think that's when it hit me though - I didn't tell a lot of people because like every other thing I had tried it had failed and I didn't want another failure on my hands and people wondering what happened. I decided then that when I hit 100 lbs. gone I would open up and let everyone else in to share my news. It was a great day when I put out there for everyone to see a side by side picture of 100 lbs. lost and tell them why.
  12. I passed my 6 month surgerversary on the 13th of this month and while I am happy that in that time frame I have lost 100 lbs. I feel like I am completely screwing up and stuck in the world's longest stall. What's even worse, is that I think I'm doing it to myself and I can't figure how to get out of it. Or more to the point, my chick voice in my head can't get me out of it. Pre-op and even the first few weeks of post-op I lived on these forums seeking the wonderful advice of everyone here and also trying to help those who needed the same advise. It was a huge help to have the support right at my fingertips. Fast forward until about late October and where I have seen the begin of my stall (since October, I have lost a whopping 10 lbs and have kept gaining and losing that same 10 lbs. since then and it's making me nuts!!) I am petrified that I've stretched my sleeve or that something is wrong or (as nuts as this sounds) that my doctor didn't really do the sleeve but just has me thinking I did (you know, like a placebo). I am at 6 months and many times I feel like I could eat what I want. I've even "tested" the waters a bit - I've tried candy (and when I say candy, I mean like a box of Swedish fish consumed within an hour) and did not get sick at all. I tried a gyro and actually ate 3/4 of it before I realized I was full but for the fat content in it, it probably should have made me sick. See what I'm saying here and why my head thinks something isn't working the way it should? To me, I should not be able to do these things - my new tummy should be rejecting it but it doesn't. So to add to this madness, I'm also not tracking anything (I know, mistake!) and on top of that I am having big problems when I'm at home - I am a snacking crazy person. I easily consume more calories at home than I do during the day - during the day I'm actually really good (I'll have a Protein shake, maybe some apples, a cup of tuna .. things like that) but when I get home, I just mindlessly find myself snacking and constantly getting up for more Snacks. I'm even constantly breaking the rule my doctor gave me about drinking Water (no water 15 minutes prior to a meal or 30 minutes after) ..... and that's if I'm even drinking my water; I have been horrible about getting 64 oz. in the last couple weeks. So, I don't know what to do. I've tried jump starting the tracking again but it goes by the wayside by the time I get home (gee, I wonder why!) I figured I always did well when I was here, so here I am and back again to try and figure this out. Okay I know what to do but I can't find the motivation to do it. Where do I start so I don't keep failing? And to make matters worse, TOM has been visiting me in the worst way literally the past month and it isn't helping matters!
  13. DuranFan1969

    Preop diet to shrink liver

    Honestly I think it's more of surgeon preference since I've seen many people who are on calorie restricted vs. liquid. There was certainly very little nutritional value in my liquid diet so I know it's not for that purpose.
  14. I'm a big fan of the idea of seeing my NUT once a month, I think I'm going to look into that and see if they allow that (can't imagine they wouldn't).
  15. DuranFan1969


    I'm with everyone above; it would be a really bad idea. Your surgeon told you no alcohol for a reason - he wasn't doing it just to deprive you, he was doing it because his years of medical expertise has taught him that patients should not do it until a certain time frame has elapsed. Unless you are a doctor yourself in this specialty, I would take your surgeon's word on this one and not drink.. Happy 21st though!
  16. See, now this is why I knew this was the place to come back to in order to start getting my head straight again about this. I figured a "back to the basics" would help and it does. It certainly helps to know I'm not alone in having this happen to me and that I have some misconceptions about what should be happening with my body. So far, I'm back on track today - it's only 5pm and I have 80 oz. of water in already, can feel my body happier and haven't eaten anything that I didn't plan to. Granted, I still have to go home ... but I have my grilled veggie wrap all planned for the evening.
  17. DuranFan1969

    Atlanta, Georgia

    Hello all, I am so so late to this party! I was sleeved in June 2012 and totally slacked off on visiting forums (which I totally do not recommend doing - this is an amazing place for support and to help support others!) I'm in Duluth and my surgery was done by Dr. Hart at Emory Johns Creek - always here for any questions!
  18. DuranFan1969


    Once the wheels are in motion, they can move very quickly and it can be exciting and intimidating all at the same time. Just think of it this way, the sooner it is the sooner you can be on your way to your new lifestyle!
  19. DuranFan1969

    wine at 6 weeks anyone?

    My surgeon and NUT both told me absolutely not before 6 months post-op. I was looking forward to that 6 month mark for so long and when it hit ... I didn't want to have it, although I stood and stared at the wine aisle for a long time deciding what I wanted. I'm not sure why I didn't, other than I just had a feeling my body wasn't ready. Is it? No idea, the surgeon says it's safe but I'm too paranoid right now about what is going in.
  20. Go slow and make sure you chew. Even mushies can use a little chewing depending on what you are eating. It'll get easier.
  21. My NUT says I can have as much salad as I want ... in fact, I'm about a week overdue to give it a shot. However ................ I am scared of salad!!! I know, I know, WTF! When on earth was a person ever scared of salad?! I'm just so used to babying my new sleeve (6 weeks post op today) that I'm afraid to try real solid foods. I will probably give it a shot this weekend though -- my body is screaming for salad.
  22. DuranFan1969

    Ok, I'm Freaking Out!

    Think of it this way .... this time next week, you will be sleeved and on the road to recovery and a brand new you!
  23. You could do refried Beans (add a little avocado or salsa or plain greek yogurt). You could also do scrambled eggs. I made a dish that was chicken breast (you'll have to shred the chicken about halfway through cooking), black beans, 1/2 cup or so of chicken broth, Rotel tomatoes and some cumin, let it simmer for about an hour and it's really pretty yummy and full of Protein - perfect for the stages you're in.
  24. I would say 8 oz. is definitely not enough, you're going to run the risk of becoming dehydrated. You won't be able to get 64 oz. in yet but you should be able to do around 40 oz for the first few days and then work up to 64 oz. based on your NUT's recommendations. Keep in mind, if you are on full liquids whatever you are consuming does count towards that total, even if it's not water. Your protein shakes, your soups, etc do count.

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