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Everything posted by AdeptDreamer

  1. AdeptDreamer

    Complications After Surgery.

    I hope you get better soon. I mean that so much
  2. Hi Beckykabq, thanks for responding! I googled them and read some good and bad. Like bedside manners and the little things. I was ready to go with them until that but I really want to like them because it is only a 4 hour drive and I have lots of family in El Paso lol! Please let me know how everything goes for you I hope you have a complication free surgery and recover quicker then quick
  3. I so needed to read this. Thanks for starting this topic.
  4. AdeptDreamer

    Progress Slowed

    Maybe do your preop diet to get things moving. Drink more liquids and get back to working out. You can do it! remember the sleeve will work if you work it Ok I'm done being cheesy haha
  5. AdeptDreamer

    Help! Swallowed Gum And Scared!

    http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/vsg/4534552/Accidently-swallowed-gum/ Hi, I'm pre pre-op but I googled and found this. Hope it helps
  6. AdeptDreamer

    Tired Of Plain Water

    All these ideas sound so delish!!
  7. AdeptDreamer

    Fat On Fat Prejudice?

    I never disliked other fat people. I am usually more focused on keeping my stomach in and trying to look as small as possible lmbo!
  8. AdeptDreamer

    How Painful Was The Surgery?

    I'm still pre-op so I'm not sure and I noticed that your surgeon was Dr. Kim, I heard he is really great but that he gives the lowest amount of pain meds. Feel better soon
  9. I'm soo sorry you are going through this! I really hope something good does come out of this. I don't know if this really matters to you but you are a great writer and had me captivated. Then I realize it is a true story and you are real and you are hurting :'( If you dont mind me asking. Where did you get your surgery done and by who? Was it at a center of excellence? I'm still pre-op but stories like yours keep me level headed and remind me that this is a tool not magic. And it is a very serious surgery that shouldn't be taken lightly. I hope you feel better and I'm keeping you in my prayers
  10. AdeptDreamer

    How Painful Was The Surgery?

    I'm sooo sorry that you were in pain! How are you doing today? Are you sipping/walking, have a heat pad on your stomach or a pillow? I hope you recover quick.
  11. AdeptDreamer

    Today Is My Birthday.

    Happy Birthday! May you have many more! And as a skinny loser
  12. So unprofessional I'm sorry you had to deal with such indiscreet people.
  13. AdeptDreamer

    Progress Photos

    You look so good at your not even at goal! I'm soooo happy for ya!!
  14. AdeptDreamer

    Newbie To Vst

    Lol your friends are crazy! I hope your surgery goes well and your recovery as wel!
  15. New puppy and I'm moving so much more :) I love my little pee everywhere, bite everything puppy! :D

  16. AdeptDreamer

    Having A Rough Day...

    I'm sorry about that episode you experienced, and I was thinking maybe you could find a support group in the city you reside in? The more support the better. hope you are feeling better!
  17. AdeptDreamer

    If You Could?...

    I understand people can be ignorant.. I remember a "friend" of mine in high school would shake my legs and call them "jello legs" need less to say we haven't talked in 4 years. That's the past and soon I will be a healthier me and make sure I'm a good person and always show kindness especially to those who didn't show me any.
  18. AdeptDreamer

    Why Am I Still So Hungry?

    Maybe it's heartburn? I read about that all the time.
  19. Do what makes you comfortable you need to focus on healing. But I wouldn't use the gallbladder story because it is a possibility with this surgery. I haven't had the surgery yet so I'm not sure what my answer will be. Good luck and don't let negative people ruin this for you
  20. AdeptDreamer

    What Is Your Goal Weight ?!

    I'm 5'7" and my personal goal would be in the 140's but I'm wouldnt mind being in the 160's. I'm 20 almost 21 and I like to be a size 9 but really I just want to get healthy and stay away from diabetes and heart disease oh im not sleeved yet, still dealing with insurance and supervised weightloss.
  21. AdeptDreamer

    New Drivers License!

    That is freaking awesome!! I can't wait until I'm not embarrassed about my wt.
  22. AdeptDreamer

    How Painful Was The Surgery?

    Kaykay20, I hope you feel better ASAP!
  23. AdeptDreamer

    Shut The Front Door..a Rant About Rants!

    When I first saw the rant board I was like oh nooooooooo! But I guess it's ok if people can remain civil
  24. AdeptDreamer

    How Painful Was The Surgery?

    Thanks for all the responses I should stop freaking myself out. I'm hoping I don't have any complications but that's a whole other can of worms haha thank you again everyone

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