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    kimmym reacted to MrsColeman in How Do I Get Food Unstuck?   
    Also if your swollen and not stuck, some people respond better to ice cold drinks as apposed to warm fluids. Think what helps you after a fill and do the same. Cold for me reduces the swelling the best. Once unstuck (if you find out you are) i'd have a couple of dispersible asprins and that will ease some discomfort.
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    kimmym reacted to Cocoabean in How Do I Get Food Unstuck?   
    Sometimes I stay swollen for a couple of days but I don't have that gut wrenching stuck pain that whole time. Just an irritated tightness.
    If food is stuck and you need medical care, they can go down your esophagus to grab the food, rather than unfill. Unfill is the first defense for badly stuck bandsters. But bypass folk get stuck too...they get the food fished out.
    I am 4+ years out, I just used paypaya enzymes for the first time this week when I got stuck on some salad. It seemed to work very well. Coincidence? Maybe. Deserving of another try? Definitely. pineapple juice did nothing for me.
    One thing I have tried when well and truly stuck is to suck down a few ounces of Water. It will bring on a wave of nausea and come right back up, but it usually brings the offending item with it. But there are those times when the item is just plain stuck...
    Glad to hear you can get fluids down, that is a great sign!!
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    kimmym reacted to dianalyn in How Do I Get Food Unstuck?   
    I promise- the psychiatrist said they recommend drinking meat tenderizer. ( this came up during a what if question session)

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