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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kimmym

  1. HI, I am new to this group. I have been banded for 2 years and I have NEVER had a piece of food stuck for more than a few minutes. Well, last night I had a piece of steak get stuck and I still can't get it out. I am barely able to keep water down. I have tried to throw it up....I have sipped warm water...I can't get it out. It feels horrible. Oh yea....and I am in Venezuela and have no way to get the fluid removed. I'm getting worried. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance...
  2. Thank you for asking. I am better today. Took it easy last night and had a Protein shake for dinner. Cheated and had some really runny oatmeal for Breakfast. No problems and no more discomfort. I am curious....I was doing really good and losing a lot of weight in the beginning. I have only had a few fills. I am not even half way full now. I just had a fill about 6 weeks ago. I got the fill because I was gaining weight...I don't understand how I started gaining weight again. My question is this. Once you reach your goal weight, is it necessary to have fills to maintain that weight? And if so, what the heck do you do once your band is completely full? I guess I should have asked my surgeon these questions, I was just so happy to be able to get the weight off.....He says things like "We find a happy place" that doesn't really answer my question. Maybe you can as an experienced and successful bander.???
  3. Ouch...That sounds painful...but at least you got it up...
  4. Tamik-I agree you should call the doctor when you see blood. Maybe it is nothing, but 5 weeks out is still in the beginning stages of learning. dianalyn- About the Japanese meat tenderizer...I know they use a lot of natural juices to cook with. It is possible that the meat was soaked in an acidic juice such as orange or pineapple juice. Or it could be vinigar. I'd try a japanese cooking website to search. Also, the method's they use to cook are very good. Lots of high heat and flash fry on a dry grill. This helps to sear the meat and lock in juices. I love Japanese food and have always been able to tolerate it well. My no no's are popcorn, bread of any kind and dry, over cooked meat.....
  5. I tried the self vomit method. It is what usually works for me. But this one was a bugger. I even drank a bunch of Water and then tried it to try and flush it out. But no success. Nothinig but water came out. I just returned from a luncheon and I was able to eat a very small portion and had a bowl of Soup with no problem. I think I must just be sore. I'll stick to liquids for a few days just to be safe. Thank you all for your advise....It was extremely helpful. I'm feeling much better and must be ok now. Happy weight loss to all...good day!
  6. Fizzy drinks don't really make me burp....but that is a great idea anyway. I also think you are right about cold instead of Hot Drinks. I have only had a 4 fills. I never had a problem with them. So I'm not sure what works for me. But cold does make more since than hot to keep swelling down. Ice Water it is... I guess if I am still stuck it will come back up and I will know for sure..... Could it still be stuck and I have just moved it so that fluids could pass? If that is the case I am worried about it moving again and preventing me from at least taking liquids. I guess it either is or isn't and I will know soon enough. Thanks to all for all the great advise. It has all been really helpful. Nice to know there are others out there that understand what I am going through.
  7. Great to know about fishing it out. That is something I never thought of. In the past when food has been stuck, I do the water trick. It has always worked in the past for me. But it did not work this time. I got scared and a little panicked. Maybe that made it worse...Like being stuck in a tight place.. I slept sitting up last night and tried a few sips of water this morning. It came right back up. So I stopped and came to the internet. I have relaxed and I am on my second cup of pineapple juice. It is going down provided I take very small sips. But, it is going down so I am taking that as a good sign. I do feel a slight pressure in my chest still (like a piece of food is stuck) but I have not felt it move. It must have moved or the juice would be coming back up. My plan is to finish this second cup of juice and if it stays down I will try a Protein shake. I'm very hungry since it was my second bite of dinner last night that caused all the drama....This is a great site and I am so glad I found it. I feel very alone here in Venezuela with my band. Until last night the thought of needing medical help never intered my mind. Now I am going to be paranoid for a bit, but I'll get over it. Thank you so much for the fishing advise. I'd hate to do that here....but it is better than dehydrating myself into the hospital....Yuck! LOL! You seem to have had some great weight loss. So happy for you. I have found the process slow, but very happy with my results as well. Like I said, I don't get stuck often and never for long. So I must chalk this up to human error....I was so hungry and didn't chew my food good enough....I will remember next time because this is a very unplesant feeling.
  8. Thank you. I have read this several times and I have just got down a cup of pure pineapple juice. Does anyone have any idea how long it should take? I can't tell if I still have to food stuck...or if my esophagus is just swollen from trying to throw it up last night. At least I am able to pass liquids now.

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