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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by shellvw

  1. My surgeons office said they are finding they have had to fill the 11cc band fuller than past bands they have used. I am at 8 cc and close to being where I need to be I think but not quite. My nurse practitioner even said they have one patient that didn't get to the green done until 10 cc!

  2. I believe I am at 8 in 11 cc and feel restrictionif I eat too fast or too much but until Sunday didn't feel that much different and was very frustrated. Then Sunday I got stuck and had a bit of a pb episode and until this evening felt like I was in green zone but now not sure and not sure of it was due to pb or just it decided to work?!?. I read on here but can't find it - the week of/before your period it can be tight and I worry that is all it was - it was awesome though and gave me hope- now tonight back to being hungry :-(. My nurse practitioner said they have noticed this band seems to take more fills to get to green zone - she even has a lady at 10cc she said so there is hope, I'm thinking of going in next week and seeing of she will go w a 1/2 cc and hoping it will be perfect! Good luck everyone!

  3. When I read what you wrote I felt like I could have wrote it! I'm down 47 lbs since June 5 and hoping for 3 more by dec 5. My clothes are baggy and I fit in one size smaller clothes well some of them but sometimes I want to yell- why am I not skinny yet!?! I don't look any different except for maybe some wrinkles where my extra chin used to be.... I can do the elliptical for 35 min instead of the 20 I used to though so there is some light at the end! Good luck! I can't wait to be at 200 since I'm just trying to get under 270! I feel like a failure a lot like I should be down 80 already......

  4. Thanks for all the responses! I have not been keeping on track like I should but I"m working on it!

    Crazy what you say Dawn, my nurse practitioner told me today to eat between 1000 - 1200 calories a day and that should be optimal for weight loss.

    I got a fill today- a whole 1cc! And she said come back in a couple weeks if I dont think its doing it. She also mentioned they are finding that a lot of people with the 11 cc band that I have are needing it tighter than she expected- I dont know if she didnt know this before or what but I'm excited. I also got in 4 days of exercise so far this week and hope to go tomorrow and Sat too!

    Thanks for all the support, I'm excited about this journey and I know its unrealistic to expect overnight or even over a few months- like I have read before- it took more than a few months to put the weight on so it will take a while for it to come off!

    And luckily the kids must have eaten the candy because its no where to be seen for the past two weeks! I think it only lasted the weekend after thank goodness.

  5. Thanks everyone! I am pretty hard on myself and I do cheat often lately it seems. Today is a new day though and back on track. My nurse practitioner says they dont like to fill over 80% of the band, seems kinda like a crock to me. I said I love the week after a fill because I know exactly when to quit eating and i'm not hungry for hours and she said that is just because of swelling and I shouldnt be striving for that feeling all the time, that its not about restriction but feeling full. I guess I dont mind that feeling and I make better food choices because I know I have restriction and have to get my Vitamins but she is the expert, not me. I do myfitnesspal.com and stay pretty religious to it- i try to stay under a 1000 calories but lots of times end up at about 1200. I had gained a bit of weight back but now back to 46 lbs lost again. Exercise is the key, everyone is right about that! Thanks for the encouragement though! I needed it.

  6. I have had 3 fills in a 11cc band and think I'm at 7.5 or 8cc and nurse practitioner I work with isnt overly thrilled with idea of more fills. I have lost a lot of weight but feel frustrated its not more- anyone else feel that way? For the most part I follow the rules my dr gave me- no drinking for one hour after eating, trying to only eat every 4 hours but I do cheat here and there- Halloween wasnt easy and I try to exercise and will do 4-5 times one week and none the next with kids schedules. Now reading what I write I can see its my fault I'm not losing more but its harder than I expected. I thought I wouldnt get hungry and it seems after 2 hours I'm hungry again, I try to drink Crystal Light when this happens and then ask myself if I'm still hungry and I seem to be. Ggggggrrrrrrr.....Just frustrated and need to stay on track- hoping to be at 100lbs lost by next june and hoping to run a 5k in the spring.....

    Thanks for letting me vent!

  7. I wish I knew the answers to all your questions but i can answer the drinking and eating one! I was banded June 5 and have lost 28 lbs as of today, first fill yesterday. When I was about 3 weeks post op I could eat whatever with no restriction and was calling my dr begging for a fill, they said I had to wait 6 weeks. I cheated a lot but I never drank with my meals. I didnt want to get into a bad habit. That means I dont drink 15 to 30 minutes before and for 1 hour after. It doesnt really bother me so much except when I'm really thirsty then I'm counting the minutes almost. If you drink with your meal, the food will pass faster and you wont feel full as long.

    Now, I am not in the green zone or even close and the first week I drank out of little medicine cups after surgery but after that I started drinking normal. I dont drink any different than before. I usually do not use a straw- I still carry around my hospital cup that has a lid with only a slit in it so I dont spill. Sometimes i feel full I guess from drinking.

    I never had a preop diet so maybe I'm lucky? But I did it a lot right up till the day before my surgery actually. I'm not saying you should do that since your dr put a mandatory 10 lb weight loss goal for you. But a couple days of watching what you eat and not going too crazy shouldnt be too bad wouldnt think.

    Good luck! Its been an awesome journey for me so far, even with some frustration, I'm super excited!

  8. It my first fill today! Whoo hoo! I had my reg go to Breakfast for supper a fried egg on sandwich thin w a bit of cheese and had to not eat bread cause I was full. I guess I have a 12cc band and got 4cc's put in today and go back in a month! I didn't know what size my band was and never thought to ask till coming on here! Lol. My surgeon's nurse practitioner did it and not fleurons or whatever she just did it by feel and made me drink a glass of Water. It never hurt once but I could kind of feel it going into Band- how weird!

    Come on more weight loss! Next fill is in 1 month on my 39th bday! Would be awesome to be down to a new size! I have lost 22 lbs on dr record but 26 on my personal scale in the morning in 6 weeks. My clothes are way more comfy but I have a bunch of clothes one size too small I can't wait to wear!

  9. once I get an official surgery date I plan on telling everyone I know via Facebook :D gotta love the social network. I'm hoping my friends will be positive.

    That is what I did after I had surgery! I have been lucky I guess I have had a lot of support an if people didn't agree w my choice they haven't said anything to my face anyways. I figure I hope to be a positive role model for lap band and I'm one of those people that puts everything out there anyways!

  10. I am going in for my first fill next tues which seems like eternity because I'm super hungry most the time and worried I will slip into old habits. Anyways tonight I ate 2 pieces of angel food cake and strawberries and whip cream and now have that shoulder gas for the first time in weeks. This is the first time I have really over ate after surgery - I mean sometimes I feel like I have but usually I am below 1000 calories a day and have lost 26 lbs post op (surgery was June 5). So eww! Not happy with myself but think I learned a lesson and don't ever want to do that again. Reassured me I must have a band in there I was beginning to wonder with the hunger! Feel crappy but at the same time know this will give me motivation not to do that again- at least in the near future!

  11. I did not have any type of pre op diet and could eat whatever till midnight too. No problems at all. My dr & dietitian must be pretty liberal cause I had one week of liquids including Tomato Soup and pudding post op then soft food (ie. no lettuce raw carrots , etc) till 07/05/12 (my surgery was 06/05). Now I can eat whatever but still nervous about lettuce so have shied away from salad. Now only 2 weeks till first fill ewwww!

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