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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Donny

  1. All through high school and college I bought nicer designer stuff but out grew it quickly but never had the heart to throw it away. The last 3 years I have been thrifty about all my purchases and I am looking forward to shrinking back into the designer stuff! I went through totes yesterday and found 4 pairs of Lucky Brand jeans with the tags still on them! I found jeans ranging from 48-38 and shirts from 3xl to xl so I am hoping I can carry myself awhile on my old (barely worn) stuff

  2. I was sleeved Monday and today is Friday morning. I'm down 10 lbs from surgery and 50 since the 4th of July! Also, when I went to slowly roll out of bed just now the sharp pain never came! Its only a bit tender. Today's gonna be a good day! Now I just need to work on this dehydrated/malnourished feeling. Yesterday I got 55oz of liquid and 30g of Protein but I still feel slightly dehydrated.

  3. I'm only allowed minimal ice chips right now sooooo I won't be too much help with the Water sipping yet, but congrats to all of my fellow sleevers! And thanks to all of you for your congrats! Wish me luck with the peeing thing! They are going to cath me at 10pm if I can't pee on my own. And also not looking forward to the barium swallow tomorrow, but it is all worth it.

    Haha, I got thretened with the cath also if I didn't pee in an hr. I hoped right out of the bed and stood in the bathroom until I could force something out lol. The swallow sucked but it was super quick.

  4. You both sound great, which is very encouraging when you're still looking ahead. Donny - are you able to swallow a prilosec capsule? I'm a little fuzzy on whether or not you're allowed to take pills, etc., in the first few days/weeks following surgery.

    No, I break it open and smash it up. I mix it with some Water and take it that way. I too was given the prescription version but had already purchased OTC.

  5. Good luck to you Donny. I was sleeved the day after you on Tuesday the 23rd. I should be released today. I was do tired the First and second day. Passed the leak test, i am allowed Water, crystal light, tea and Jello today. Hoping not to go home with the drainage tube dull in me.

    Awesome job! Hope your recovery is as smooth as mine! I was fortunate enough to not have a catheter, drain, or blood thinner shots.

  6. Hey! I was sleeved the 22nd. My advice is to set an alarm every 15 min to stay on top of your fluids and make sure to get out and walk! The Prilosec and gas x has helped a ton. I slept a ton the first 2 days and now on day 3 things are getting much better. Today I drove around and ran some errands. I have not taken pain meds since I got home

  7. Thanks everyone!

    As far as prepping goes I followed the recommendations from people on the forms and did not use any of it! Was too tired to mess with my phone or laptop. They gave me a lip moisturizer so I didn't use my stuff. I brought gas x but found out walking was just as effective. But I never had the sharp pains people talk about. I am finding it hard to sleep for more then 3 hrs at a time so I take a few laps around my house, sip on some Water and go back to bed. I was cleared for Protein shakes right away but I am not using them cuz it's hard enough for me to get my Water in right now. I'm more worried about dehydration then Protein right now

  8. 100% agree! At 26 years old my lifestyle up until the last 3 months has been going out for almost all meals, spending $200 a week on bar tabs, and then going for fast food at 3 AM. Well, my buddies still want to do that and I don't. The last two weekends I have spent lounging by my pool without buddies. It sucks, I need to find new people to hangout with that enjoy more active things. But I also don't want to lose them as friends, but it is hard when a few of them are 24 and still in go hard party mode.

  9. Yes, I was at the 10/2 meeting!

    And to fattymcfatterson I did not mean to offend or come across harsh if any of that was directed my way. All I was trying to express is for me, the powders are worth it. I almost said no to his powders because I agree with everyone else here and I too have two 3lb tubs of my own powders sitting in my kitchen right now. But when they said strongly "recommended" I said "Ok!"

  10. **RANT WARNING** haha

    I am starting to feel used for my insurance plan.... First was my sleep study, my BMI was high enough that I did NOT need any extra factors for insurance, yet I still had to do two nights there. Ok not the end of the world, but now I cannot understand the logic for my EGD tomorrow... My appointment time is 12:00pm but I need to be there by 8:00am. They said I should be able to get in around 10ish but not guaranteed. So why should I need to spend 4 hrs in a waiting lobby for a 10 min procedure??? Now the real fun part, asking a buddy to take off some time from his job to give me rides.... "Hey Bud can I get a ride between the hours of 6:00am and 1:00pm" totally destroys my day and extremely inconveniences a friend for a 5-10 min procedure...

    Whew, I feel better... Until I blow-up on the lady that asks for my $300 dollars for the EGD tomorrow...

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