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LAP-BAND Patients
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About secretgarden38

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  1. secretgarden38

    Looking For A May 10 Band Buddy

    Angel I feel you I don't feel the restriction and I'm already on my soft diet, my surgeon is also the same way; patients on Monday's or Tuesday's therefore my first fill will be in 2 weeks, I want it now
  2. secretgarden38

    Looking For A May 10 Band Buddy

    Hi everyone , well with my diet intake I was able to eat fish and mashed potatoes . My first real meal felt so good. Also, has anybody had issue with gases I'm taking beano now but my first day back to work I was gassy all day I hope this is not permanent. I don't feel as of yet restriction when eating, I do feel like my hunger is kicking again however I am thinking that once you have your 1st fill that is when you are going to be more restricted Also, when eating or sometimes after does anybody get the shoulder pain? And I continue to have hiccups
  3. secretgarden38

    Swallowing Pills After Surgery?

    Hi , I was banded on may 10th and I have been taken pills since that same day no problem, plenty of water before and after and it should not be a problem however I have heard of people having issues, my surgeon actually wanted me to continue taking my meds as normal, my pcp said to stop them due to the diet since I suffer of diabetes 2 , I am so happy with my sugar levels the surgery is starting to pay off
  4. secretgarden38

    Looking For A May 10 Band Buddy

    My port site does not hurt at all, however I still feel weird around the area, I actually feel pretty normal so I can return to work tomorrow . Also, I am so happy I ate egg whites and grits today finally some real food. I am so nervous about doing something to the lap band that I keep switching sides to sleep, I really can sleep on my back all night that good , do any of you suffer of diabetes?
  5. secretgarden38

    Looking For A May 10 Band Buddy

    Angi, For the meds definitely check with your pcp, because my surgeon had told me to keep on my diabetes pills however my pcp told me to be off of them for a week and then will see, I can tell you I been taking any of my pills whole and not mushed up, however I do it with plenty of Water and at least I have not had any problems. Just fine after taking them. I can't wait to start next week with eggs, mashed potatoes . It is like the light at the end of the tunnel. With me specially the cheese addition is going to be great ; I also go back to work on Monday however I will be working on a project on my laptop for work in the weekend or today
  6. secretgarden38

    Looking For A May 10 Band Buddy

    That is great nursemarti regarding all that weight loss, you are already able to eat grits, i want to as well however per my diet guideline I'm suppose to start until Monday ; can't wait to be able to eat eggs
  7. secretgarden38

    Looking For A May 10 Band Buddy

    No muscle spasms however I am trying to walk around to avoid pains or more gases, by what I have been reading walking even in small amounts helps to alleviate the shoulder pain and gases
  8. secretgarden38

    Looking For A May 10 Band Buddy

    I had to take med pain at around 5am because my stomach seem to hurt, cramps and my shoulder. Then I slept good. Popping sensation, well what I can I say that when I kept hearing noises in my stomach I would take some gas relief drops and then that worked
  9. secretgarden38

    Banded Today!

    At first it did not let me register saying the username was taken; I came back out and tried to log in with the info and it worked hope this helps
  10. secretgarden38

    Looking For A May 10 Band Buddy

    Hi I'm Jennifer I also got banded at may 10th , I am surprised that Im almost not even wanting to take my pain meds, the surgeon said as needed
  11. secretgarden38

    Banded Today!

    Yes milicon drops, works wonders I take them every morning or when I feel like bloated and it helps get the gas out
  12. secretgarden38

    Banded Today!

    Today was the first day I got upper left shoulder pain however walking and rotating helped to get rid of it
  13. secretgarden38

    Banded Today!

    For the gas what helped me was getting gas relief drops for infants, plus im taking beano, I just had my lap band surgery on May 10th these were recommended by the surgeon I had it with

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
