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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by buffalogal

  1. this is the last time you'll see me like this? This is the last time I'll fly and not be able to fit my butt in the seat? This is the last time I'll wear this outfit? Are you cleaning out closets (I don't need to hang onto last winter's clothes, do I?). Are you getting out clothes you haven't worn in years? Are you thinking about the things you will now be able to do?
  2. buffalogal

    For The Girls Only

    I'm wondering about being a little older, therefore more prone to sag. It seems the extra fat is keeping them still pretty shapely, but i'm worried that gravity may show up worse when I drop the pounds. Anyone know?
  3. Over a year. Yikes!! I figure worst case I'll have to re-pierce. The place I got pierced tells me to just put a piece of fishing twine in the hole, but that seems like a bad idea.
  4. My piercing guy told me ten hours max? I can't believe it closes that fast, but I've never really taken it out.
  5. I first spoke to my Dr. about it last July. There was paperwork and initial approval in August. Then waiting list, and I just about forgot about it. In March I finally got a letter telling me it was time for 8 weeks of classes. Psych evaluation, initial meeting with the weightloss clinic and I have a final psych evaluation next week. I should get my date right after that, and surgery in July. One year. I'm glad it has been so long, I'm feeling really ready for it, but it has taken time to get my head in the game.
  6. buffalogal

    Help! Gotta Choose Surgery By June 19!

    Do talk to a medical expert on this issue. I was given the choice and am going with the sleeve for a few reasons. 1. The dumping issue. Dumping is when you eat too much, too fast and it goes right through you, causing these symptoms: Some symptoms of dumping syndrome include: nausea or queasiness a sense of fullness accompanied by discomfort cramping diarrhea general weakness profuse sweating vomiting heart palpitations (an increase in heart rate) A sleeve doesn't involve the same recovery time, and it doesn't involve rearranging your insides. You still retain part of your stomach. If for some reason that didn't work, at least I still have all my parts to try other options, but I didn't like the idea of completely and finally re-doing my insides.
  7. This thread has been really useful and helped me prioritize my needs. I'm reminded that I am having this surgery because I have a major illness and weight loss will improve my health and quality of life. I have not been able to do this on my own, and can't afford to spend any more time not losing weight. I have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. That doesn't mean I want the world to know, just like I don't tell everyone I have lupus. Because of this conversation, I told my daughter today, and what did she say? "I'm really happy for you Mom". Thanks to everyone who has been processing on here and helping each other. What a wonderful community of people you are.
  8. These are really good points. Thanks for this perspective.
  9. Hi Beefalogal, I'm buffalogal for two reasons: I'm an alumni of the University of Colorado, who's mascot is the buffalo, and I like the song "Buffalogals". Nice to meet you. I'm assuming beefalo is a cross between cattle and bison?
  10. Hello Everyone, I can't tell you how helpful and hopeful you all are for me. I am waiting for my date, but I do know it will be in July. I keep telling myself that a year from now I'll be a very different person. It's exciting and hard to believe at the same time. I've actually never experienced weight loss, I just always seem to gain. I'm wondering about tracking food after surgery. I have been doing weight watchers for years (obviously to no meaningful end), and I have a hard time thinking about food without thinking points. I'm wondering if anyone still does WW after surgery. Also, it seems it would be wrong to go to meetings with surgery in my background. I'm not sure the leader would be very happy with me. So, if not, what do you do? Thanks to all, you are my lifeline right now. Joan
  11. What kinds of emotions have you experienced, or situations have you found yourself in since surgery, that you didn't anticipate or expect?
  12. I can see eventually saying something, but I'm pretty private and I don't like to draw attention to myself. I'm just planning to keep it on the down-low for the time being.
  13. So, this sounds like I'm being dishonest, and to some degree, I guess I am. My son and his wife are having a baby just about the same time I'm having the surgery. I'm hoping before, but either way, I don't want them to worry about me. If it comes down to me being MIA for a couple days, I don't want them to know why, or exactly what I am doing. If necessary, can I get away with saying I'm in hospital for something more routine like gallbladder or spleen? Am I being a big jerk? I'm not really up to telling anyone I'm having the surgery, so far only my husband knows. I just don't feel like explaining details to people. Maybe long term I'll be ready to share, but from this point, I just don't want to.
  14. LOL!! Heaven help her indeed. I agree that it is about meeting my own needs. Not advocating enough for myself is what got me here to begin with. I should add that her parents are here as welll. I'm guessing I'll say something eventually. They do worry about my health and will be glad ultimately.
  15. kczar, here's the other catch: I'm a teacher, so I pretty much have to do it this summer or wait another year. I'm doing this for health issues, so I really don't feel like I can physically live another year with the issues I've had. I'm guessing the little guy will be here just before, and I'll be out for a couple days. I'm not saying anything right now, because I just want them to be able to enjoy the baby and not think about me. It won't hurt their feelings if I don't tell them up front. I do imagine telling family once it's behind me, but thinking about this more tonight, I just don't feel like I can talk to people about it, simply because I don't know the experience myself, so what am I going to say? As usual, everyone has been extremely helpful. This has been a long process, and I am just waiting for my date. I'm pretty ready to go at this point, and really looking forward to be a healthier Me-maw. Thanks everyone.
  16. buffalogal

    Rude People

    I'm lucky to not have many toxic people in my life, but if I did, I'd tell them honestly to mind their own business.
  17. buffalogal

    Tracking Food Post-Op

    Thanks everyone. I'm doing MFP and LOVE IT!!
  18. buffalogal

    This Might Be Inappropriate!

    Reminds me of a joke...Anyway, I've certainly had the same thought, and being 52, I'm pretty worried about things hanging and loosening up. I'm guessing all the more reason to make sure I'm working on being in shape and doing those kegals. There are lifts and such, but I don't see ever being able to justify spending money on that, when I could travel the world for the same amount! Thanks for asking this, and thanks to everyone else for sharing. :ph34r: But vajayjay is fun to say (as Buddy the Elf would say).
  19. Angela, Knowing that I am a month away from surgery, I keep thinking to myself "Next summer I won't feel or look like this", and for the first time in my life I actually believe it.
  20. I've considered, and not chosen WLS for years. During that time, I would drop 10lbs and gain 15. I could never succeed past those first few pounds. I've been trying to lose for over 20 years, it obviously isn't happening. I'm at peace with doing this, because I can't stand missing out on so much of life while I wait around and find out ten years from now, I'm still not who I want to be.
  21. I'm not sure what I want to tell people about getting surgery, or why I lost weight. I'm the kind of person who is really private, and wouldn't want to discuss my weightloss no matter how it happens. I don't want to lie, but I don't want to discuss this with people. What have you done? Especially if privacy is important to you.
  22. buffalogal

    What Do You Tell People?

    I was going to ask if you know why. We've been talking about that in our pre-op classes. I'm sorry to hear this.
  23. buffalogal


    Yes to everything above. I really want to go horseback riding again. And be able to play lacrosse with the girls I coach. Also, be able to mo e between my students' desks and not worry that they are laughing at my fat bum. I really would live to look forward to getting dressed every day and I can't wait to not think about food all the time. I really hope a lot of my physical pain and exhaustion from lupus goes away. I will love it when people I haven't seen for a long time look surprised to see me. Thanks for getting me psyched.
  24. buffalogal


    Yes! I hate trying to sit on the plane and not flow over onto the other person.
  25. I keep looking around, but as far as I can tell, protein bars are just glorified candy bars. I don't want to work so hard at changing habits and lifestyle only to live off of candy bars for the rest of my life. I don't like sweets that much and I don't really like chocolate and frosting covered stuff. Does anyone have a suggestion? Thanks.

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