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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by buffalogal

  1. Nervous about surgery? Of course. But, when I think about there being a definitive end to the misery of my whole adult life, and pain free, I'm psyched. Any diet I've ever started has been an "if I succeed", but for the first time ever, this is a "when I succeed".
  2. buffalogal

    July Sleevers

    Getting closer! I have my pre-op meeting next week and am in the ball park of July 16th. Still waiting for details. Can't wait to put my name on that calendar!
  3. buffalogal

    But I Do Wanna Be A Size 6

    There are a lot of mental health issues that go along with this, and I think size 6 can address a lot of that. You guys have already touched on it, though just losing weight isn't going to address a lot of mental health issues, it can go a long way with self confidence and esteem. I have to add as well, that I'm pretty sure my weight has contributed to job discrimination and prevented me from moving into positions that I have applied for.
  4. buffalogal


    I have a couple of those camel back water bottles with the straw that lets very little water out with each sip. It doesn't seem to let in much air, because it's pretty tight. I thought it will be perfect for sipping, because you can't really get a big sip or pull off it at all. I've now heard everything from never to whatever helps.
  5. buffalogal

    But I Do Wanna Be A Size 6

    I hear you! You go ahead and feel whatever you are feeling. I think health is certainly a given that allows us to do the work toward smaller sizes. I still can't believe I could be that small again, but I look forward to that. Who wouldn't love to be able to buy clothes that they like, sit in a chair or airplane seat and not feel awful, snuggle with your honey on the couch instead of taking up the whole darn thing? We all have our reasons for doing this, and health is certainly the top thing, but we've suffered a lot of mental pain along with the physical, and we have a right to feel good about all aspects of ourselves. Thanks for saying what you think, and probably most of us do too.
  6. At my last class, they told me I can never chew gum agian, because if I swallowed it, it could cause major damage. I'm wondering if she meant that for the bypass people in our group, or does it apply to sleeves as well? Also, I really prefer natural, less processed foods. A lost of recipes I see seem to be based on a lot of commercial and processed foods. Will I be able to eat a mostly vegetable and whole grain diet again? You guys are my lifeline at this point, as I just wait out these last steps. Thanks.
  7. buffalogal

    Gum And Natural/whole Foods

    I should clarify that I would still eat plenty of eggs, fish, poultry, soy products and beans. I just don't want to have to eat all processed, commercial "diet" food.
  8. buffalogal

    Running Nsv

    I so need to hear this. Thanks for sharing and congrats!
  9. buffalogal

    How Far In Advance.....pre-Op Diet?

    3 days of clear liquids before surgery.
  10. buffalogal

    July Sleevers

    I had my 2nd psych eval yesterday, and now I should get my appt. to see the surgeon any day now...They told me mid July and they would be sure of that since I am a teacher, but I'm getting nervous about the timing here. I wonder if they forgot, and I should remind them, or just trust that it will work out just the way it should. I get nervous about sounding pushy and they will take it away from me, which is totally irrational. I'm ready to do this!
  11. buffalogal

    Lack Of Support

    One of my only friends who knows came over tonight to try to talk me out of it. Then, she proceeded to tell me about her fast in which she is eating bentonite and when it's over she will magically be able to keep the weight off. I just let her go on. I may hold of st telling anyone else at this point. It's too unpredictable.
  12. Maybe this is part of my hesitation to talk to many people about this. A very dear, old friend and I were talking about aging and how hard it is to lose weight, so I decided that it was a good time to let her know what I was up to. She was not the person I expected to hear this from, but she wasn't very pleased and proceeded to tell me about a teenaged girl who died from the procedure. I just let her do it, knowing these moments will occur. In fairness, she felt she needed to warn me, in the end, she'll understand.
  13. buffalogal

    Star Jones

    Or they tell you about people who die. Now, Nightline just ran a segment on WLS makes people more likely to be alcoholic. When my friend started in on me today, I just told her to go ahead and let her do it, knowing this is going to happen. I reminded her that I need to do this to regain my health. She then went on to talk about her struggles with weight, being on a fast and being short of breath when walking. Great. It just seems to be part of the territory.
  14. i understand how you feel. I am very successful in many aspects of my life, especially professionally,but when it comes to this, I am an absolute failure. I have actually been so unsuccessful with dieting, that I've never even yo-yoed. I gain, and that is all. It has driven me nuts that this is one thing I just can't overcome (and I've had some pretty significant challenges). Ironically, I feel like I have figured it out, and making the decision to have surgery is a sign of recognizing my options and ensuring success. I wish I saw it this was an option a lot sooner, though I'm also glad I am having surgery now, when there is a vsg option and laproscopy, and I feel like the technology and knowledge is pretty much as good as it gets. I've been to nutritionists who are skinny-minnie and have no comprehension of our experiences. The gal who is leading my pre-op classes is like that, and a bit of a downer. Love yourself, and know you are doing a great job by your clients because you have a level of compassion that a lot of nutritionists who haven't lived it don't have.
  15. Surgery is a major stress on the body. I haven't done this yet, but I have been through major surgery, and it is tough. Make sure you are getting your fluids, and don't hesitate to call your dr. if you are concerned. That's what he/she is there for.
  16. buffalogal

    Breastfeeding And The Sleeve

    Don't assume you have to wean him, and it doesn't sound like you really want to. Talk to your doctor, and a lactation consultant, or la leche league leader. If you want to keep nursing him, you can certainly find a way through it. It may mean pumping and freezing beforehand, while you are in the hospital. Good luck!
  17. buffalogal

    Size 20

    It still blows my mind to say that definitively.
  18. During surgery and time in the hospital?
  19. buffalogal

    Feeling No Support

    I'd call your Dr. and let him know how unsupportive that psych was. If it were as easy as just dieting, we'd all be thin. I don't feel that I owe an explaination to anyone. My health and life depends in this and it's not their business. I am very successful in every sspect of my life except this, amd i dont have another twenty years of my life to waste on this. I actually am starting to suspect that a lot more people do WLS than let on. I feel like a huge obstacle in my life is about to be lifted and I can't wait.
  20. buffalogal

    July Sleevers

    I'm mid July, but don't have the exact date yet. I'm certainly getting really excited, and this site is helping me pass the time. I am also a teacher, and want to have as much time as possible before heading back to work. I'm also about to be a grandmother, so I'm pretty anxious about the birth happening before my surgery. I have two more pre-op classes and my final psych evaluation this week, and then should get my date. I'm doing okay with dropping a few pounds, but otherwise only have to do the pre-op diet for three days before. I'm mostly just trying to practice for all the changes coming up. I'm TRYING to stop drinking beer, but it's summer... I'm staying pretty active with yard work, walking and biking. I'm getting a bit obsessed with this. Imagine that a year from now we will all be having very different life experiences. I'm so glad to have this community for support.
  21. buffalogal

    Finally Tried It

    I love the elliptical, but I've found it really helps if it is hydraulic, making it easier on your knees,and a smoother workout. I've found that Precor brand are always good.
  22. buffalogal


    I've sent a request to all of you. My screen name is Buffalogal2.
  23. buffalogal

    For The Girls Only

    So, if the choice is saggy and skinny verses pudgy and perky, I guess I can live with saggy.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
