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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by buffalogal

  1. You can do what you want to do, but to promote it, is irresponsible. Everyone here is here because of various demons, and the best chance we have at success is cleaning up our acts and starting our lives exactly the way our doctors told us to. This kind of post is like going to AA and talking about having just "one little small drink". I'm judging you for encouraging something we know is detremental. I hope most readers ignore this and listen to their surgeons.
  2. buffalogal

    July Sleevers

    I completely understand. I'm on day 2 of clear liquids, and only have to make it until surgery on Monday, but this has been the hardest thing ever! It has really made me see what my relationship to food is. Before this, I wouldn't have said that I soothe myself with food, but right now, I'm actually not hungry, just missing the activity. I've been worried that if it is like this afterward, I will be living in hell for the rest of my life, but I know that isn't real. I am reminding myself that I will be filled with joy when I am no longer in pain and can get around comfortably and live the life I want to live. This is like mourning the loss of our old friend "food", but it is a good time to just end a disfunctional relationship.
  3. I know straws are a no-no, but I've seen some people mention using camelbacks without the straw. This seems really sensible, since you have to bite it and can only get a small sip at a time. Does anyone use these, and are they okay without sucking on the straw?
  4. buffalogal

    Camelback Bottles?

    I'm talking about the bottles, not the backpack sleeve thingy. They work with the straw inside removed, then you are just sort of biting the water out. You have a really good point. I don't think you can possibly suck much air in if you are just doing little sips. I'm sure we are all in the habit of guzzling with straws and they are concerned we'll continue. To me, they seem like a really handy way to control the sips and measure the volume.
  5. buffalogal

    But I Do Wanna Be A Size 6

    Eeee! Plastic surgery will never be an option for me. I am really scared of what will happen next with the weight gone.
  6. buffalogal

    But I Do Wanna Be A Size 6

    That taking up space thing has become a really big issue for me. I am so aware everywhere I go that I am bigger than everyone else. I can't stand sitting in a chair and feeling like I'm so squished. More than anything, I want to be able to snuggle with my DH on the couch, not take up the whole couch. And while this may all seem like we are being shallow or vain, really, all these things; not fitting, not feeling like we belong, not being able to buy clothes, all affect our emotional health. That is just as important as our physical health, which is driving this whole process. Absolutely no apologies owed or needed from everyone. We've spent our lives on that, and it gets us nowhere.
  7. My husband I go to a music festival every year the end of July. Tickets are pretty expensive, and this year they were given to us as gifts. Not going has not been an option for over twenty years. However, my surgery got scheduled for the Monday before. Am I crazy to think I'll be okay there, if I am just lounging in the shade and resting most of the time, four days later? I figure I'd be home on the couch, why not just sit by the river and enjoy great music? Thoughts?
  8. buffalogal

    What Is Going To Be Your "last Meal?"

    So true! I'm really pretty much over food. I'm really ready to move on with my life.
  9. buffalogal

    What Is Going To Be Your "last Meal?"

    Hmmm...It's going to have to be mexican. That's the one thing I think I'll miss most.
  10. buffalogal

    Recovery: Will I Be Pushing It?

    Thanks everyone for the input. It is big, lots of space in the shade. So, I plan to take a lounge chair, and cooler with my water and protein. I was going to ask for handicap parking and I have a wonderful husband who will carry everything for me. We agreed too, that I'll go home if I feel the need too, and best of all: NO porta-potties! All flush toilets. I was told one night and a drain for the day. Of course things can go different ways, but I'm hell-bent on doing everything I can for a speedy recovery.
  11. buffalogal

    I'll Just Blame It On The Diet.

    You're welcome. Everyone has a tough spot in their life, and I've been a single mom and went back to school as well. I'm fortunate to make enough money to pay taxes, and I'd rather it go to help you. What really burns me are people who don't have insurance, for whatever reasons, and then run up a bill in the emergency room, passing the cost onto those of us who do have insurance. That is freeloading.Kb88, I hope all goes well for you.
  12. buffalogal

    I'll Just Blame It On The Diet.

    As a taxpayer and an insurance consumer, I have no problem with anyone getting the surgery, medicaid or not. I would rather someone get surgery and master their obesity and other health issues that to spend years using resources for all the side effects of obesity. I'm with you two. It is just wrong to deny any human being good health. In the end, one way or another, we all pay.
  13. buffalogal

    What Is Going To Be Your "last Meal?"

    I feel like I've spent the last few weeks on last meals. I haven't really thought about the final one at all.
  14. So, I was watching some videos on YouTube last night and there was one of a woman who basically sounded like she was kind of a mess anyway, not taking vitamins, etc. She was talking about losing her hair by the handfuls and it really started to freak me out. My hair is sort of my best attribute. Is it a for sure thing that we lose hair? If we are keeping our protein and vitamins up, will we be okay? YIKES!!! I don't want to be skinny and bald!
  15. buffalogal

    One Year Surgiversary!

    Congratulations and thanks for sharing. It is postings like this that keep me going until my date.
  16. buffalogal

    July Sleevers

    FINALLY!!! I have my date, July 23rd.This has been a crazy time because in this past week I have had my last class, my pre-op appointment, my stepmother was hospitalized and near death and my son and his wife had a baby. Plus, I was afraid they would give me a date that I couldn't keep because of all these things going on, or the baby wouldn't arrive on time. He arrived on his exact due date, which is crazy! With all this going on, I've just reminded myself that things happen as they should, and stay calm, it will work out okay. And, it totally did!! So, my stepmom is recovering well, healthy, happy baby and I managed to finish my class last night, be at the birth of my grandson, AND have my pre-op this afternoon. I am definitely meant to do this. I'm having a hard time connecting with the FB page, and can't figure out how to get my date posted on the list. Can anyone help me?
  17. Putting it in the fridge during meals is a great idea. I have three 20 oz camelback bottles and plan to just fill them each day and be sure that I use them all.
  18. I have three adult children and I've told two so far. I told my daughter first and she said she was happy for me. My son who knows has some palate problems and will be having major surgery in the next year to fix his jaw and palate. His response was "why wouldn't you do something to make your life better?". My other son just had his first child (well, his wife did) today. I have not told them yet. I don't want to worry them at a time like this and was trying to think of a way to gloss over it until it was done, but after talking with my doctor today, I am going to wait until we are closer and tell them the truth. As my doctor pointed out honestly is only fair and good for all of us in the long run.
  19. buffalogal

    July Sleevers

    I can't believe it is July. I'll have my date on Tuesday. CAN-NOT-WAIT!! I am really ready to get this done.Good luck to everyone and have a fast and healthy recovery. You July 2 people are inspiration for the rest of us!
  20. buffalogal

    A Smart Girl

    Wow. That is pretty much my story too. I am very accomplished in my occupation and get treated well by everyone who knows me. But I can't help but think they wonder about why I can't get a handle on my body, if anything because they know me as be competent. I do, however, know that I've been passed up for jobs because of my weight, and I have experienced some pretty snotty treatment by people who don't know me and make assumptions based on my weight. While reading this, I realized that I have always worked extra hard and gone above and beyond just to compensate and prove myself despite my weight. In that process, I have been so stressed that I've gained more weight and my health has suffered. What a vicious circle! Hanging on this site while I wait out these last couple weeks has been the best therapy ever. Thanks so much!
  21. buffalogal

    Addicted To Exercise

    Please tell me it is so much easier without hauling all that weight around.
  22. "This is a personal decision and there is no obligation to tell ANYONE what is going on. Share what and with who you feel comfortable with" It really is all about personal relationships and experiences. I began this journey a year ago, and have surgery sometime in July. As I have gone through this process, my thinking has changed,so start out cautiously and listen to your heart. You don't have to lie. The first person I ever knew who had bariatric surgery told me she had stomach cancer (about 12 years ago). I was pretty sure that wasn't the case and felt that was a pretty extreme thing to say to anyone. When I first started this process a year ago, I was positive that other than my husband there was no way I would tell anyone. As of today, my husband and one of my children know. One of my sons and his wife have a baby due any day, and I haven't told them yet for obvious reasons. My surgery is in a few weeks, so I will when it is all over. I told one very old friend, who also has a weight issue and she reacted very negatively, which surprised me, but it actually felt good to tell someone and I didn't really care what she said because it really was about her problems, not mine. By taking baby steps, I am realizing that in due time I will probably be more open about it. I am a teacher, and in the end it is my nature to educate. I am having this procedure because I have some serious health issues that need to be addressed. My insurance covers this because it is medically necessary. I am going to a facility with a stellar reputation and my surgeon is also high quality. If what I was doing was foolish or vain, I wouldn't have these options. If my doctor didn't deem it medically necessary, she wouldn't suggest this. So, I want people to hear this, and help to stop the fear and negativity that has occurred in the past. And in the end, people will see me change my habits and be the person they know me to be. My friends and acquaintances know me to a strong and positive person. I truly think most of them will be happy for me and Celebrate. And to heck with them if they don't. I'd be afraid that if I made something up like I had my gallbladder out, what happens if I ever really do need to have it out? And making up something like cancer is just bad karma. As you see above, you don't need to lie, and you don't need to disclose either. But, you do need to advocate for yourself, which seems to be a common denominator of how we all got here. Be patient and kind with yourself. Good luck!
  23. I have been encouraged to try to eat right and exercise leading up to it, and then only have a 3 day clear liquid diet for the last three days. Clear liquids first week, more liquids, cream soups, 2nd week, etc. I'm with Kaiser, which has a really good reputation and stake in our success, so I'm pretty confident they know exactly what they are doing. They definitely will want us to hurry up and go home safely. It has been fascinating to see the variations for everyone. I should add that in some extreme cases, people have the liver shrinking diet which is more involved and a long period of time.
  24. I am Kaiser too, but in Denver. I'm waiting for my date, have my pre-op on Tuesday.My surgery will be around the week of the 16th. I am just finishing my classes, and have been in the line for almost exactly a year. I've already got my 2oz cups and just finished shopping for my 3 day fast and my first week post-op. I'm really ready to get this done, and feel great about Kaiser and my care. Everyone has been really kind and sensible.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
