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About sid_n_reagans_mommy

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    Junior Guru

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  1. sid_n_reagans_mommy

    Plastics and bad credit

    I used medicalfinancing.com... But I have good credit (just too much :-/) & my Internet rates are insane... Totally worth it to me though
  2. sid_n_reagans_mommy

    **updates** thigh lift, and revisions...

    Thank you!!
  3. sid_n_reagans_mommy

    What supplies do i need after TT

    Congrats on getting your surgery! I recommend: -definitely 24/7 help! For the first week at the minimum -thick maxi-pads (these are cheaper than the ABD pads they put on you after surgery and your wounds will weep for few days, plus they are absorbent too!) -LOTS of antibiotic ointment!! I'm talking like multiple tubes of it! And I found it to be cheaper if you get the target/Walmart/dollar store brands. Can't even tell you how much of this goop I've used in the last 6 months!! Haha -LOTS of non-stick pads. These are kind of like gauze pads, but they will not stick you incisions when they are trying to scab up. I used these once the majority of the draining was gone. And just like the antibiotic ointment, cheaper at Walmart/target/dollar stores. -an extra abdominal binder. It will get dirty and you have to (and most like will WANT to keep it on for at least the first 4 weeks), it was nice to have a spare while washing the other -female urinal would be nice, but not a necessity (I only wish I had one after my tummy tuck--thank god my doctor put in a catheter for the first night!!, but I really needed after my thigh-lift) -maybe prepare a couple of frozen meals ahead of time so you don't have to worry about cooking for a few weeks Good luck! Can't wait to read about your results!
  4. sid_n_reagans_mommy

    **updates** thigh lift, and revisions...

    Here is one from the first few days... Sorry I couldn't find one of my incisions that doesn't show my hoo-ha!! LoL but you can see that the "droop" on my thighs are gone also, for those that are wondering, my incision go basically from my TT scar down each side of my groin to under each buttcheak.
  5. Hello all!! Sorry it's been so long for me to post! It has been super busy this last month!! I'm waiting for my TT "fine-tuning" before I post my total before pics (but my doc showed them to me and OMG :0... Scary!!) Anyhow, I had my inter-medial thigh-lift on may 9th. Along with that procedure, my doctor revised my breast-lift/implants (this was free of charge because he does all of his revisions & tweaking for free). I was kinda scared going into surgery this time because of the incredible pain I had after the mini-brachioplasty, TT, and breast-lift/implants. However, when I woke up, I was in pain, but NOTHING compared to the prior surgery (btw this was a 2 hr surgery)!!! Don't get me wrong it's still uncomfortable, I'm roughly 3 weeks out and it kind of hurts to bend over or sit on my butt, and my incisions are taking longer to close up (understandably, due to all of the motion like walking, sitting down, etc), but they are close to being done! my doctor said thigh-lift incisions carry a 35% complication rate, so I guess I lucked out! On June 4 he will be removing another small strip of skin on my TT and also correcting "dog-ears" (this is free of charge, as it is his revision ). This procedure will be done under local anesthesia and will only take about 20 mins Some useful tips for those considering doing this: ~for the ladies, get a female urinal!! OMG it ended up being a life-saver!! ~plan on walking around and looking like you had anal-sex or something for a couple weeks lmao! ~i personally am so glad my doc wouldn't do this procedure in combination with my first go around... Oh, hell no!!! It would've been bad! I don't even know how that would've worked!! :0 so to those considering it, I thought I wanted it in the beginning, but because my doctor is smarter than me-- I'm very thankful lol. Here are my latest afters
  6. So I had my tummy-tuck, breast-lift, and mini brachioplasty on January 8. Everything healed great, but then I wanted to get my legs "fixed", so I did on Thursday, may 9. It's fairly uncomfortable, but definitely nothing compared to my surgery in January! I will try to get some before & after pics posted soon! I know you can't see too much there, once I can take the bulky pads off and put on panties I will share a better one! If anybody has experience with this surgery and have any helpful suggestions and tips, please share with me! Thank you all!
  7. sid_n_reagans_mommy

    Almost 3 mos post TT/BA&lift

    Thank you! I'm getting my thigh lift hopefully this week! Will post another thread on that!
  8. sid_n_reagans_mommy

    100 lbs gone! :)

    Actually, my diet is pretty horrible 8-0 but I think I stay around 800 cals a day. No excercising either, although I'm starting today lol.
  9. sid_n_reagans_mommy

    100 lbs gone! :)

    This is a month old or so, but in my first pair of 1's
  10. sid_n_reagans_mommy

    100 lbs gone! :)

    I don't know lol. I honestly haven't really been trying to lose so much since about 40lbs. My original goal was 150 lbs. web md says my healthy weight range is 111-150 lbs. I don't want to get a whole lot smaller though!
  11. sid_n_reagans_mommy

    100 lbs gone! :)

    Thanks! Never dreamed I'd be here!
  12. sid_n_reagans_mommy

    100 lbs gone! :)

    This one is from about 4 years ago. I'm not sure what my weight was, but pretty positive it was somewhere in the 220's
  13. sid_n_reagans_mommy

    100 lbs gone! :)

    I'm soooo flippin happy! I have lost 100 lbs since my surgery on 6/15/12!! This has been the greatest decision ever! Surgery weight= 217 lbs Current weight= 117 lbs Height= 5'5"
  14. sid_n_reagans_mommy

    Almost 3 mos post TT/BA&lift

  15. sid_n_reagans_mommy

    Almost 3 mos post TT/BA&lift

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
