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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to No game in Enabling   
    Lol I'm on a rant today because my daughter woke me up before dawn on a Saturday to drive her to the armory to meet up with her sergeant who was 40 minutes late!!
    So continuing this rant...
    Ok to the "why would I cut out 85% of a perfectly healthy stomach"
    why? I'll tell you why! Because you ate like a piggy and stretched that thing past anything resembling normal or healthy!
    Kinda like your skin..... that, IF you lose the weight will have to be cut off.. That is unless you say "why would I want to cut off this perfectly healthy hanging skin??!!"
    Ok I'm done, and going back to bed
  2. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to clk in Enabling   
    Let's face it - I thought the sleeve was insane until after six months of lurking on LBT I saw how many revisions and miserable people were there. A procedure with a massive complication rate and shoddy % EWL stats is being phased out by the market because surgeons and patients are doing research? Say it ain't so!!
    And I'm sick of the "sleeves stretch" rhetoric. Yes, they stretch. MINUTELY and IF YOU MAKE THEM STRETCH. Ya know, with work, with regular overeating to the point of pain over a long period of time. But people act as if it becomes a damn football field if you slip up twice. Hardly the case.
    Anyway, there's enough people on the sleeve forums I want to go away, so I don't venture into other forums as a general rule. I try to limit the stupid in my life.
  3. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to No game in Enabling   
    If I had the band? I'd be making an appointment right now AT THIS MINUTE to convert to ANYTHING! Just so I didn't have to be in the same forum as that delusional tyrant of anti Americanism and sound medical advice.
  4. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to gamergirl in Enabling   
    That video was quite funny
  5. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to Butterthebean in Enabling   
    After watching that, I may have to ban myself.
    Missus butter is concerned that I watched it all the way till the end. So am I.
  6. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to ReDbEaN in Enabling   
    I love this thread...
  7. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to Fluffnomore in Enabling   
    Well, I don't care. Please pass me the bleach and some q-tips so I can cleanse my eyeballs.
  8. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to No game in Enabling   
    It's an old member that butter purposely framed and got kicked off of here because he was jealous of his abs and the skills with the ladies....
    Butter wants to be the only perv.. I mean hunk on the app formerly known as VST.
  9. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to Butterthebean in Enabling   
    Mister Ven.
  10. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to ReDbEaN in Enabling   
    LV that is just N A S T Y!!
  11. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to Butterthebean in Enabling   
    Bloody hell my cell phone screen just cracked from shame.
  12. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to LipstickLady in Enabling   
    I seriously hate you.
  13. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to LipstickLady in Enabling   
    The only foreign object I want implanted in me:

  14. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to SoccerMomma73 in Enabling   
    Don't stone me...I'm an RNY, not a VSG. I used to have a band. My band was hell. Even following the golden rules and seeing my surgeon, etc, that beast was not for me. (Sadly, I knew not of O'brien, perhaps that was my problem???) I got SLAMMED on lap-band talk when my band prolapsed and I had to have urgent removal (couldn't tolerate fluids....minor issue) for daring to say anything bad about the band. Now, keep in mind I was in the lap-band complications forum and really all I said was I was so glad to be rid of my band and I felt so much better without it....
    The responses I got were frighteningly vehement and almost cult-like...it was crazy. I tried to hang around a bit thinking some people might want to hear the flip side but ended up bailing. It was ridiculous. Essentially if you said anything anti-band (the phrase 'the band is not for everyone' is anti-band FYI) or said anything positive or even neutral about the other surgeries you were ostracized. I ever got that from either the RNY or sleeve boards.
    (Not that we don't have our crazies...we just had a doozie a couple weeks ago, but the VAST majority really seem to just want to help).
    Also, y'all are a freaking riot. It appears the vast majority of our RNYers are bailing ship or just too shy to jump in the pool naked with the rest of us so thanks for being my amusement this week.
  15. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 got a reaction from BMWSistah in Call me <evil> but...   
    I'm ready to see my sister. I won't get to see her until Christmas and I honestly think that we should both be wearing helmet cams! She has been one of my main supporters in getting my sleeve and after seeing my success decided that she wanted one too! She had her sleeve done on 11/4/13 and is doing great! We haven't seen each other since July 4th and back then I was 30 pounds heavier and two pant sizes bigger than I am now. I have always been the big little sister and recently I lost down to weigh less than her but I'm thinking by Thanksgiving she will have caught me. Certainly by Christmas she will be well past me. I told her I wouldn't be the little little sister for long and I'm totally okay with that (I'm close to 6 inches taller than her so she should be smaller than me)! I can't wait to see her and see how well she has done. I am SOOOO excited for the both of us.
    My SIL on the other hand, I'm ready to see her too. I haven't seen her since our daughter was born (4 weeks before I had my sleeve). We live in the same town but haven't seen each other. She is absolutely gorgeous and I know that I'll never be as small as her, and I'm okay with that too, but at least maybe I won't get the "eeeew gross, shes so fat" looks that I feel like I have gotten for the past few years. I really am looking forward to seeing all of our family. We have several family members that live out of town and some of our family members have NEVER seen me this small.
  16. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to Butterthebean in Enabling   
    I posted this yesterday in one of those threads. Tell me what you guys think....cause my opinion is asking that question here....which is better?......will get you all the wrong answers.
  17. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to ReDbEaN in Enabling   
    I did the same thing!! I checked out all the info for myself! Didn't want bypass or band...for myself!!! People need to use their own brains!!
  18. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to No game in Enabling   
    You know what I found weird the last couple of days?? Newbies asking ok guys which is "better"
    The band or sleeve. Then you have all these infomercials trying to sway them to either side.
    I find it creepy and have not participated.
    I did my independent research. And that is what each new prospective WLS patient should do also. Not have a bunch of people taking pop shots at each surgery..
    And in closing?
  19. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to Ms.AntiBand in Enabling   
    Exactly, Beanman... I'm not even going near the band forum. There's so much I can't post/respond on because so much is under a general area. Obviously, my name is going to spark more than what I want. I'm not around to talk bandsters out of anything or suggest one WLS is better than others. BUT.. I am here for people interested in the VGS and want to know why I chose it over the band.
  20. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to Butterthebean in Enabling   
    You guys.....please remind me to stay out of the lapband forum. As much as I want to intersperse with all WLS patients, I'm tired of reading about what a dreadful thing I've done by cutting out 85% of a perfectly healthy stomach. If it was so fucking healthy, then why would it allow me to eat 2 large pizzas without even telling me I might be full?
  21. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 got a reaction from No game in Enabling   
    So I'm really behind too. I can't seem to find anything on the new site but, yes Alex, I am having patience. Just want to say thanks to Laura for starting this thread. It has been extrememly thought provoking. And I'm glad I've at least found familiar faces again. I've missed y'all! Now, back to the banter that keeps me smiling...
  22. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 got a reaction from No game in Enabling   
    So I'm really behind too. I can't seem to find anything on the new site but, yes Alex, I am having patience. Just want to say thanks to Laura for starting this thread. It has been extrememly thought provoking. And I'm glad I've at least found familiar faces again. I've missed y'all! Now, back to the banter that keeps me smiling...
  23. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to Butterthebean in Enabling   
    Maybe we can rename this the sarcastic crankypants group thread.
  24. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to sophiepants in Enabling   
    The likes are showing up! WHA
  25. Like
    BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 reacted to Butterthebean in Enabling   
    Ha! Do I really have to say Nana's name?

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