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About Texas_Girl_44

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About Me

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  • Occupation
    High School Teacher/Coach
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  1. I'm 33 years old, and I currently weigh 344 lbs. Everyone tells me that I don't look that big because I'm 6'2, but I definitely feel that big. I was very active in my younger days. I played Division 1 basketball in college and I am now a high school teacher/coach. I started gaining weight immediately after I graduated from college and my basketball playing days were over. I became less active but I continued to eat whatever I wanted, and it eventually caught up with me. I'm tired of being this big and not being able to fly without a seatbelt extender or not being able to go to a concert because I probably won't fit in the chair. My mother died suddenly in 2011 at age 60 of a heart attack. She had congestive heart failure, diabetes, and numerous other health issues. As of right now, I'm relatively healthy other than high blood pressure, but I'm terrified I'm headed down the same track as my mom. I want to be healthy again. I use to LOVE running and working out. I want to get back to that place again. I want to be healthy. That's my #1 priority. The thought of having this surgery terrifies me, but I'm ready to take the leap of faith and just do it. It encourages me to hear other success stories, so keep 'em coming. I have received the referral from my doctor for my initial consultation, and I'm attending a seminar this Thursday. I know I still have a way to go before my surgery is scheduled. I will continue to post updates throughout my journey.
  2. Texas_Girl_44


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