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Eileen Walkley

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Eileen Walkley

  1. Hi Everyone, I was just banded on the 17 of Oct, spent the night and came home the next day. My stomach is very sore, but each day it gets better and better. They told me no heavy lifting for 6 weeks. The only real problem I am have is going to the bathroom, #2. Any suggestions. Also I have some gas which I need to get rid of. Eileen
  2. Eileen Walkley

    Anyone from PA?

    Hi Mia, I am also from PA, hope to have Lapband done in Apr or early May 07. I am from Myerstown, PA and the procedure will be performed at Hershey Medical Center, a Dr. Shope. I have my first meeting on 13 of Mar (have met with the doctor already) have to have 3 meetings with food specialist, one with a head doctor, plus a sleep study done. I keep reading everthing on this board and one night I want the procedure and I read about bad experiences and I want to run the other way. But my mind is made up, I will have it done. Husband is "not" supportive of this, even though he knows I have failed at everything else. But I don't need his approval and I am doing for me. Keep me posted on how you go thru procedue. Eileen
  3. Hi Everyone, This is my first post on my new laptop - the key board is much different than my regular computer. I am in the process of going for the Lapband procedure. I have already met with the doctor and she indicated that I was a excellent candiate for this procedure. The insurance has already been approved and now I have to go to my first meeting in Mar, hopefully I can have the surgery in April. If it were up to me, I would go now. I am so fed up with failing at all diet plans. I have been trying to read everything that people have posted, its all a little overwhelming. In the paperwork they gave me gave me no indication that you have to be on a liquior diet two weeks before surgery. Maybe they will explain all this to me a my first meeting. I am having the surgery at Hershey Medical Center, PA., Dr Shoppe is the surgeon. Can anyone give me a step by step on how they went thru the procedure, i.e. before, during and after surgery. I did watch the surgery on line live, it was being performed at Hartford Hosptal, Hartford, CT. You and go to their web site and watch the surgery. Any info would be helpfull. Thanks, Eileen

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