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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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About JamesL73

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 10/07/1973

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    Crane Operator
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In 2015, I was at my highest weight ever of 420 pounds. I had high BP, High Cholesterol, Acid Reflux, Sleep Apnea, and had just been told I was diabetic with a BS of 7.5. I didn't have insurance so I searched around and finally found Dr Dirk Rodriguez in Dallas, TX who would do my VSG for 10,000 cash. I had my VSG on 6/23/2015. After a few weeks recovery, I began walking then fast paced walking, I introduced intermittent jogging, then jogging with intermittent sprints, inclines, stairs. I started bicycling. I got to where I was jogging/running 5 miles a day and cycling another 5-10 miles a day, every day. I was going to a gym and doing some strength training, hitting the rowing machine, doing some kickboxing classes, etc. A little over a year later, I was down to my GW of 190 pounds. Every single one of those comorbidities....GONE!! No more medicines!!  I swore that I would never regain that weight, I felt better than I had my entire life. But then reality set in, you see, that whole year that I was doing this extreme cardio and other exercising, I was living off of my savings, not working, so I had all the free time in the world to focus fully on losing the weight. But, then I had to get back to work, my savings was pretty much gone. I am a career crane operator, over 20 years, it's all I know and it pays very well. It is also a very sedentary job, just sitting in a crane all day for 12- 14 hours, 7 days a week. Needless to say, it gets boring. I began to snack (graze) throughout the day. I mostly still eat healthy, just too much, that coupled with the fact that I have no time for all of the intense exercise I was doing....I have regained about half of what I lost. I am now back up to 320 pounds.
So, since I have no intentions, at 45 years old, of trying to change careers, I have decided to try a revision to the Mini Gastric Bypass. I am hoping that the restriction of the sleeve, coupled with the malabsorption of the bypass, as long as I keep eating healthy, even if it's a bit too much, it will even things out. I know that I need to work on the grazing habits. I also know that I need to try and make some time somehow to get in some kind of exercise, even if only 15 minutes a day. I am scheduled for my revision on June 15, 2019, almost exactly 4 years since my VSG. I will be going to Mexico this time simply because it is so much cheaper, but also because I know the standard of care down there, especially at Bariatricpal MX, is just as good, if not better, than most in the US. Also because the Mini Gastric Bypass is very common there, but not so much in the US. I will be using the very well known and highly recommended, Dr Jalil Illan. I can only hope that I will have as much success this second time as the first. I do consider my VSG a success, I just don't think it was the right procedure for my specific circumstances. Hopefully, with the MGB, I will be able to lose the weight again and keep it off long term this time.
For anyone considering weight loss surgery....If fear is holding you back, find a way to get past it. It truly is a great tool. But it is just that, a TOOL, it is not a miracle cure for obesity, you must put in the work, make lifestyle changes, dietary changes, a lot of times it means social changes. A lot of people can be negative or become jealous because you are getting healthy and better looking and they are not. I say this, if those people are unwilling to support you in your efforts to do whatever it takes to be a healthier you, then they are not worthy of being in your life. I know that is a harsh reality but in the end, you need to do this for YOU. It is your life, not theirs. You are the one suffering from Obesity and all the myriad of illnesses and complications that come with it. Do you want to be able to play with your kids, your grandkids? To see them grow up? To see yourself live longer, healthier, happier? To be able to do all the things you have been dreaming of your whole life? Do you want to finally, truly LIVE?? Then do it. Don't let anyone stop you, don't let fear stop you, don't let insurance stop you. Definitely don't let YOU stop you. Get up! Take back your life! Fight for it!     Good Luck. YOU'VE GOT THIS.

  • Gastric Sleeve
  • Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB)
Age: 51
Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Starting Weight: 420 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery: 301 lbs
Current Weight: 264 lbs
Goal Weight: 175 lbs
Weight Lost: 156 lbs
BMI: 38
Surgery: Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB)
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 08/05/2015
Surgery Date: 06/15/2019
Hospital Stay: 3 Days
Surgery Funding: Self Paid
Insurance Outcome: n/a
JamesL73's Bariatric Surgeon

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
