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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Like
    Territravel reacted to Holly5.3 in Your BEST NSV to date!   
    For me, yesterday I rode my new bike (bicycle - not Harley-that's my husband's territory!) I felt like a little girl again - hair flying free! Oh yea, being "checked out" again by the opposite sex -- priceless!
  2. Like
    Territravel reacted to FishingNurse in Your BEST NSV to date!   
    Best NSV for me was finally loving myself enough to let someone else love me!
  3. Like
    Territravel reacted to AussieLady in Your BEST NSV to date!   
    Going shopping with my daughter last week, I picked up a big, loose fitting top and she said to me, "Mum, you don't have to wear fat clothes anymore!".
  4. Like
    Territravel reacted to Fiddleman in Your BEST NSV to date!   
    My very best NSV occurred late last week: to be asked to participate in a professional photoshoot and tell my story for my WLS Center website and other promotional material. It is exciting to be able to do this and to have an impact on many future WLS candidates!
  5. Like
    Territravel reacted to Fiddleman in My "sleeve experience in Cancun, MX" starts tomorrow!   
    Sounds also like a good place to get R&R after the surgery with a SF virgin pina colada in hand and feet dipping in the Water. Have fun !!
  6. Like
    Territravel reacted to FABby40 in My "sleeve experience in Cancun, MX" starts tomorrow!   
    Just a quick check-in! Today is Tuesday, and I had my surgery on Saturday. At the moment I am sitting on the absolutely beautiful beaches of Cancun, sipping a v-8 Splash. To be honest, 2 days ago I couldn't even imagine that it was possible to feel this good by now. I felt like miserable. But it is amazing how each day, you literally feel 100% better.
    I got to meet my fellow sleeve sister "superbly insane"! She's awesome, and I was glad to have someone to bounce thoughts off of. My husband had the surgery with me too, and he is doing well too.
    I will post my whole experience when I get back, but just wanted y'all to know I survived!
  7. Like
    Territravel got a reaction from FABby40 in My "sleeve experience in Cancun, MX" starts tomorrow!   
    I had my surgery in Cancun! Your in good hands.
  8. Like
    Territravel reacted to dawndenise in My poor experience with A Lighter Me   
    Like Leslie01 I too - the OP - am withdrawing from this thread because of the amount of negativity being spewed. Perhaps I was wrong in believing this forum was designed for people to do real research on the companies in whom we are entrusting our health and our lives. I thought the purpose of the forum was to show the unbiased truth. If I only wanted rainbows and gumdrops, I would have simply visited the Medical Tourism websites. My post is entitled MY Poor Experience...not YOUR Experience, not EVERYBODY'S Experience. MY experience. It was nothing more than an honest retelling of what happened to ME. To attack me for airing my honest story, which was intended to help people get a first hand view of what could happen to them, is irrational. I wasn't the only person who posted a less than stellar account. I did not feel a need to disparage those people - or the people with positive experiences - simply because their experiences were different. Rational people read an experience that differs from theirs and if they feel the need to respond to it, it's in the vein of "I had a very different and positive experience" not the vitriolic and nonsensical attacks that were posted here (suggesting this happened because I wasn't personable; suggesting that being upset because I couldn't immediately reach the coordinator and, therefore, the doctor after having drained through bandages, clothes, and a folded hand towel was making a mountain out of a molehill). You chose to overlook the real issue, which was this: I had just had major surgery in a foreign country, I was draining excessively, I NEEDED to contact the doctor for medical guidance, I was at the mercy of the coordinator in order to get in contact with the doctor, and the coordinator was unavailable for a number of hours, during which time I was left with no option other than sit and wait (and drain, perhaps get an infection, die in Mexico, etc.). I never disparaged the company personally. Hell, I agree that Janese is a very nice person. and Abraham is awesome. But being nice, personable, and generally awesome does not change what happened to me any more than your great experience equates to everyone having a great experience. I'm glad that folks wrote back to say my experience differed from theirs, as people researching this surgery should get a global view - the good, the bad, and the ugly. But there is no need to attack me or my account. It doesn't negate what happened.
    Now on to the reason for this particular post: thank you to those of you who were concerned for my welfare. I made it back to Atlanta late last night. I'm still draining but not excessively. I feel great and I'm still happy with my decision. I'm pleased to report that I got a message from the owner of ALM and I plan to follow up with her shortly.
    Good luck to all who are still researching the surgery. I hope you take my post as only one element in your decision making. If you've read this entire thread, I'm sure you know by know that you can't rely solely on this forum. As my son would say, some of these people are "7:30 cuckoo crazy". Make the decision that's best for you. I read some other not so pleasant posts about ALM but I weighed my options and still chose to use them.
    The proverbial fat lady has sung. Please, let this be the last word.
  9. Like
    Territravel reacted to rollargirl in My poor experience with A Lighter Me   
    I think we may of all "synced our cycles" hahahaha
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    Territravel reacted to NJSleeveboy in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    Ok. Rules are SOMETIMES meant to be broken. So, Here's the deal. I am 2 weeks post op today. I am one of those who had zero issues and had a smooth ride from recovery room to date!! This post is not intended to mean I am sure I will have a long term good go at this! It also doesn't address the future, but really ONLY the many threads that I have read regarding the preo op and post op liquid diets and the Pre and post few weeks Do's and Dont's!
    I have read almost every post on here before and after surgery, lol. Here is the point that I will explain. Your/Our obsession over following diet rules is what got us here in the first place.. isn't it?? I mean, it's great to have black and white rules.. Do's and Don's. can and cant's.. That's why we were ALL great on Atkins (remember the carb counting obsession), and South Beach (remember how carefully we chose the meals), weight watchers, low cal, grapefruit, slimfast , yada yada yada......RIGHT?
    Sure, it worked. THEN WE WENT OFF THE WAGON and got sick of the rules and restrictions and put weight back on (and then some).... That's because it was a DIET.. Why do so many of you do that on here? I'm not judging, but trying to help! Yes, it's easier for me, since I have had no issues. I come from a strong medical family (i had bio as a minor,4 docs and 2 nurses in immed family) and I always love to understand WHY the rules are in place. If something doesn't make sense, I want to know why and not just follow a rule because it was put out there.
    My surgeon told me that "rules" are on here for the lower end of reaction spectrum. meaning, many need not follow them, but since 30%, for ex, will have issues with some things, they want to make a general rule......
    As EVERYONE says on here, as well as EVERY doc, ALL OF US ARE DIFFERENT! We heal differently, We tolerate pain differently, foods differently, weight loss differently, etc..... EVERY SINGLE ONE So, the rules need not be applied to the T!
    Now, as a caveat and from feedback so far on this post, this is not an excuse to eat junk NOR stay on bad habits. I don't mean to enable anyone. here is what BUTTERTHEBEAN wrote:
    "The only reason I say "enabling" is because I think there are some people waiting in the wings to hear someone tell them it's okay to eat whatever they want. They haven't tackled their food addictions and they are hoping for "permission" to go back to their old ways. I know there are some that can learn to eat "all things in moderation." I have no problem with that. For me, I chose to embrace my inner health nut. It's not fear or weakness or lack of self control...it's the desire to live a long, healthy and active life. I'm not depriving myself, or sacrifing. The things I'm doing and the life I'm leading now feel way better than eating pizza and cupcakes ever did (even in moderation). By that I mean that food did not give me pleasure (never did, I just thought it did), so I no longer look to food to satisfy my needs, except nutritionally."
    Ok... Back to the post. Specifically, here is what I have had debunked by my brother (Anesthesiologist for bariatric), My mom (nurse and nutritionist), my bro's good friend and bariatric surgeon, and my surgeon..........
    * Yes, the liquid PRE OP diet is not to be messed with. It sucked, but we need the liver to be soft and looking like liver in a supermarket. That will happen in most cases with one week.. Many docs do one week only and many do 2 weeks..... So, if you have a 2 week doc, don't worry if you cheat a little and wants some low calorie food.. It's OK!! have the Soup... etc. I didn't cheat as mine was only a week and I did not want to have a lifetime of liver issues if it was frail and broke a bit/injured while being moved for my surgery....
    * Most docs on here POST OP put you on liquids for 2 weeks.. Why?? NOTHING medical. Really? Many docs, including mine, put me on Clear Liquids only day 1 in the hospital and then put me instantly on pureed foods (tuna salad, chicken salad, egg salad, greek yogurts, ricotta cheese, etc).. Yes. DAY 2! He does this for EVERY patient.. He has had NO MORE COMPLICATIONS than anyone else ever.... It is NOT true that eating this will cause a leak.. It can't get caught in you stitches, lol, as they are on the outside and you can't see them even in your stomach.. The ONLY risk is a)that you eat way too much and thus can cause leaks, so don't do that. and that is WAY too much. Meaning you go out of your way to test the limits. As any surgeon will tell you, stretching the stomach to break the staples is no easy task.... easy enough to follow that rule .. and the risk is that you get nauseated.. Ok.. we are all different. Some take 90 minutes the first time they eat to get down 4 oz of chicken salad.. I didn't . I got it down in 15 min and could have done it in 5..... But the point is, listen to your body. start slowly and if you tolerate it, then screw the rules.....
    What does this mean? It means so what if you doc put you on 2 week post liquid. That is soo hard.. so, do it mostly, but don't obsess about cheating. have a friggin plate of tuna salad.. It will taste yummy.. Add some great yogurt. If you can handle it, you are good to go! I did.. They also want you on this liquid to max your weight loss for motivation up front? do you really need that?? I don't care if it takes me 1 more week than you to hit the same goal? Frankly, I decided to keep my calories around 800ish anyway for my first 2 weeks. It was a little hard, but nothing like your liquid nightmare and i lost as much weight... I'm now on 1200 cal full diet plan (less hard carbs and hard veggies) as of last night.
    I've heard people say they are craving one Dorito chip.. Then the advice replies were "lick the cheese off" or "take a bit and spit it out...." LOL. Really? This is your diet/lifestyle for the rest of your life. HAVE A CHIP.. See if you get a lot of gas.. Chew it well.. If not problem, then enjoy the one chip. You got here because you at a half bag . One or three chips won't kill you! You need to find a way to eat what you will do.. The docs want you to build your healthy habits now.
    *The first year is where you get your max weight loss- Ok. For sure,, so, as noted, build your healthy habits now.. but make it last. So, if I want a Dorito chip. I have one or two.. On my pureed phase, my kids had pretzels at a game. I took 2 small ones....I had a qtr of his hotdog meat.. The point is, if we can seriously lower the number of calories we eat (which, for me, they figured i was eating between 3500-4000 per day and needed to be at 2400 or so.. Now, with 1200, which believe me, with the sleeve is a mini feast, I will be eating half the amount and will lose a lot of weight. So, yes, build good eating habits and i'm working on good food choices that I can live with! Can I eat white bread. Damn right?should I// nO?? it's a waste of calories and spikes your sugar and appetite. But, I sure will if i want a hamburger or great sandwich. A month ago i would have had 2 cheeseburgers and 2 hotdogs at a bbq. .So, guess what, i'll lose weight. Can't make it a daily thing.. But, again, stop obsessing..
    *Eating and drinking slowly eating- well, you don't HAVE to eat slowly, but as we have been told our whole lives, eat slowly so that when you are really full, you know it! Also, you need to see what your bod can tolerate and if you eat too quickly, you may not have realized you were about to puke. If you can tolerate it, you can eat and drink quicker than others, but not a good idea for reasons mentioned. so work on it, but don't obsess.. At the hospital, they told me I had to drink in in little tiny medical cups a few cc evry 20 min. I laughed, as Water went down easily in recovery even. ALL NURSES TOLD ME NO. When I saw my doc, i asked why I can't just drink as I can tolerate it at home and get my 64 oz is. HE said dont' chug, but do whatever you can do without discomfort. So, 8 oz bottle of Water went down in 5 minutes... etc....
    *Chewing your food- ALL true... We have that banana sized stomach.. So, the doughy breads, and stringy veggies and large pieces of non chewed enough food INDEED often get stuck! Not stuck like a lap band, but rather, they move toward the pyloric valve and are too big to pass through it, since there isn't as much acid, etc in your stomach and, well, the route to the valve is now MUCH shorter.. So, it sits in front of it and as soon as the next item goes there, it waits in line. your body puts out gas and then knows there is a problem, so will signal you to vomit it up. not fun... So, chew! All true! Also makes us take longer to eat and thus enjoy the tastes more than ever and have the full signal sent to our brain while we are still eating or pretty close to that!
    *Caffein is bad... Ok. Google whether it's an appetite suppressant or stimulant.. It's hysterical.. You'll get equal replies from GREAT sources that say the opposite. I WANT my one cup a day. I'm not an addict. I asked. I am now sipping on my first REAL one. It is indeed a diuretic for some. So, drink a half cup more water than a day! If you feel it makes you hungry after you have it and you don't want to hold back, then stop the coffee.. It doesn't for me. It does for some... But what will you be doing in a year from now??/ There is NO medical reason why you can't have caffein after a few weeks
    *ALCOHOL is a no no for 2 months. NONSENSE.. Again, just there so we don't put empty calories. BUT what if I WANT one drink or two on a date tonight?? I am told, go for it, but just know you will have ingested 400 wasted calories. Ok. I get it, but I WILL drink in my life, although never drank a ton and that was not the cause of most of my weight.. Watch the calories and don't do it twice most weeks.. Or if you will, then cut back a bit on your Snacks, etc. Anyway, looking forward to a martini with my date tomorrow at dinner.. Oh, most people on here for a while, will tell you since there is less food to bind with alcohol, it goes into your intestines/blood stream much quicker and you get a nice buzz faster with less! way cool!
    * Most other rules and comments on here are just not universal and again, if you feel the NEED to cheat, then well, cheat! How can it be cheating if this will be your new life! WOrk hard at right food choices and don't make this soooo hard. The harder you make it, the more YOU WILL revolt and end up going off the wagon like the good old days... Since I have had no pain, etc and pretty much eat what I wanted (and cheated on my puree period even), I feel this is just toooo easy. I hear so many of you struggling (not because you have pain, but because you want to break a rul) and so many of you "supporting them" to stay strong, that I just wanted to add this post! Also, again, much of the medical advice that our well meaning friends on here provide, just isn't true. Sorry, but it isnt.
    I hope this helps some of you enjoy your Pre and Post diets much more than you may be now!
    Best, my friends!
  12. Like
    Territravel reacted to No game in Uh oh i just cheated day before sugery!help   
    You should call your doctor or coordinator,
    They will know best as to what to do.
    As in pre op bowel prep or nothing...
  13. Like
    Territravel reacted to Ms.AntiBand in Long term Mexican surgeries success?   
    Long term success for MX patients are the same as other patients. As for care we use our PCP for follow up and if there are any issues the PCP feels are beyond his expertise, then we are recommended to a specialist.
    But seriously, if your US doc refuses to treat you because of past treatment ...I wouldn't want him treating me anyway. That's shoddy ethics right there.
  14. Like
    Territravel reacted to Mystie in what is your favorite snack post op   
    Healthy Choice frozen Greek yogurt. I just tried the Ben & Jerry's Greek Peanut Butter and banana, too, and it was AMAZING.
  15. Like
    Territravel reacted to AmandaRaeLeo in The use of surgical masks in the OR in Mexico   
    I slept through my surgery.
  16. Like
    Territravel got a reaction from luckysmomma in Manners Matter...   
    Amen Sister!
  17. Like
    Territravel reacted to kyllfalcon in Confused. Do we want to be in ketosis?   
    Back in the early days I strived to be in ketosis. I peed on a plastic stick every day to check. When in ketosis I lost weight most rapidly.
    Yep, I was stinky breath and cheesy butt, but it was worth it!
  18. Like
    Territravel reacted to amytug in But i dont wanna!   
    Thanks for the pics!! Look at tiny you!! You also look super fun!! Way to go!!
    Last night I laid out my socks am hoes for my workout this morning. Got up at 6 am and did it!! I even slept in my bra. If I'm not wearing it I'm WAY too comfy and I'm afraid I'd skip out and just lay in bed and read vst. I'm Happy to report that I did not get sick this time! I made it through the entire video. I think it is because last week I wasn't getting in near as much fluids as I am now.yay!! Now. I still don't love the actual exercise. It's a lot easier to sit on the Couch. But sitting on the couch is what got me to where I am. Yesterday I did arms. Tomorrow I do lower body. Thursday I walk away the lbs again and then friday is suppose to be my off day (w sat and sun) but I don't know, since I just realized I don't have a core day. Friday will probably have to be that. (Oh, also went for a slow paced walk w my 4 year old daughter, pushing the baby, today)
    This will work for a while. Then I'll have to find a fun way to spice it up.
  19. Like
    Territravel reacted to coops in Slow losers that are maintaining or close to goal   
    Just had a thought... if I'd lowered my goal to 163 I would be at goal...lol!!!
  20. Like
    Territravel reacted to coops in Slow losers that are maintaining or close to goal   
    Hey! *waves*
    Just found this and was compelled to post!
    Just want to say, thank you to each and every one of you who posted kind words about me! Heart warming indeed!
    The reason i don't post that often nowadays is because I feel that many newbies and not so newbies don't think my journey is successful cos I ain't at goal. Often I will post and my comments are over looked... I guess I can't be bothered to be ignored!
    However, I do pop on here most days and stay in touch with my sleeve friends!
    I am sure my story is not uncommon, the fact that I am still around here is more to do with me being proud of my achievements, regardless of that stupid scale, whereas others might see not reaching goal as a failure.
    I have to be honest, I was in that failure place... and believe me it was dark, damp and ugly. I really had to kick my own ar*e - with the lil help of my cyber friends (you know who you are) - and get on with it!!
    I've said it elsewhere, so forgive me if you've read this before...
    Over the last 2 - 2 1/2 years there has been many 'issues' in my personal life that has really knocked me for six, and only now on reflection can I see that I have come through them as a better, stronger person - with no weight gain - NSV right there.
    I was told that I was peri menopausal 2 years ago, but I have had the 'symptoms' a long time before that - I just blamed my weight! I am now menopausal at 41 yrs of age, and although it is not an excuse, I do feel that is part explains why my body has stopped losing and would seem rather comfortable at this weight! Stupid body.Since being sleeved I have also had other health complaints... are they other reasons for my lack of weight loss? Who knows!
    The upshot is that I've been in a stall for nearly 18 mths. I've exercised, dieted, done the refeed, taken time out and so on with no results on the scale. Do I stop trying... hell no! My sleeve is precious to me, it has given me a life back that I never thought I would ever get! There is no expiry date on this bad boy!
    Will I make goal? Dunno! Do I care... yes!!!
    For those of you who know me, you will know that I will keep on keeping on... I've got my eye on the prize!
    Oh and to Celebrate my 'failure' *coughs*, I mean success I am getting a TT with uplift this week. And that will only mean one thing... yep! Me rocking a new pair of skinny jeans...lol!
    Seriously though, if you consider yourself a slow loser, cut yourself some slack. Take a deep breath and remember the bigger picture.
    I used to say that my journey to goal was the scenic route because it is much prettier!!
  21. Like
    Territravel reacted to Ms skinniness in Slow losers that are maintaining or close to goal   
    This is a life time journey and not a race. Each and every one of us are unique in our weight losses. It's pretty much a miracle that we have improved our lifestyles, health and eating habits. I have surpassed my surgeon's goal at weight loss, but I haven't reached my goal yet. I don't consider myself a slow loser by any means and my heart goes out to Coops who hasn't reached her surgeon's goal yet and I know how frustrating that is for her. I love how she is determined to make that goal and is making the appropriate changes to kick her weight loss into gear. She is my hero...... I am not at goal, but am working hard on eating healthy and small portion sizes. We will will struggle with our head hunger and our weight will fluctuate, especially when we are learning to deal with our head hunger. LOL But this is our learning curve and we still are determined to stick to it. Some give up and go back to his/her old eating habits because they don't have the ability to self discipline themselves and get a little more organization going. But they will eventually go back and let go of the lbs by going back to basics if they choose to. This is a new way of life, and yes, we can stretch our stomach out if we eat way too much. Maybe not to where it was before, but even a little makes a big difference.
    Cheri thank you so much for your postings, they have been so helpful to me. Most people on the site are so loving and caring that this is like a family to me...
  22. Like
    Territravel reacted to fluffylibra30 in Last 10 pounds   
    Water. Water. Water. Then some more water. And Protein. Make sure you are staying low calorie, lower your carbs and throw in some cardio. I am working on my last 10 as well. It feels good to be that woman who I always wanted to punch in the face for saying, "if only I could lose this last 10 pounds" lol. Good luck. My doc and trainer told me 64 oz of water is just a starting point. Half your body weight (in oz ofcourse) is where you are aiming. Good luck.
  23. Like
    Territravel reacted to gmanbat in But i dont wanna!   
    Lots of good advice has been given.
    I channel my emotions to give me motivation to exercise. My strongest ones at the present time are anger and love.
    Anger: mad the doc who said I would be dead two years ago, mad because I hurt whether I exercise or not, mad at fat, mad about getting old, etc.
    Love: love God and want to take care of His temple, love my wife and want her to live with a fun guy, love my kids and grandkids and want them to bask in my wisdom for many years ahead , and love myself and want to help me feel good about me.
    Emotions motivate. Fall in love, get mad,... fight!
    Josey Wales: Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is.
  24. Like
    Territravel reacted to Fiddleman in How Many Calories should we be eating?!?   
    I am 9 months out also. Interesting question. I think it really depends on activity levels and WLS goals. If you still have a fair amount of weight to lose , I would try and still keeps calories around 1200. If you are active and are pretty much done with weight loss, perhaps think about moving calories up to 1800. I am still trying to figure this out myself. My nine month appointment is tomorrow. I am going to ask them and get to the skinny of it. Lol.
  25. Like
    Territravel reacted to No game in i am an addict....   
    My name is Laura and I am a food addict too.
    You have taken the first big step and have recognized the problem... Now the next step is to talk openly about it with someone you trust and take it day by day

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