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    Territravel got a reaction from Odee in Anyone Have A Relatively Easy Recovery Story?   
    In the hospital for 48 hrs, no nausea, very little pain. On the way home from Cancun, had to connect in the Atlanta airport. We went from one end of that place to the other with customs and our connection, and other than being slow, no problems there. I had some pain and heat in my IV site, but I'd take that over being sick any day. Around 4 weeks I had my first slime episode, but all my fault for putting my sleeve to the test. If you think you MAY be full, stop there! In all honesty, this has been "physically' easier than I had imagined. Mentally, It's been more of a challenge. I miss my diet coke, and having a sweet tea with my meal. I'm adjusting and you will too!
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    Territravel reacted to SweetTee in Me Not So Horny......   
    Kmbrlycool, ok now I'm gonna need you to make up for yesterday, lol
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    Territravel reacted to Parker's Dad in Me Not So Horny......   
    That is just so wrong!
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    Territravel reacted to Silly Phylly in Me Not So Horny......   
    From a nurses prospective, yes, everything is changing including hormone levels. Every system in our body is dependent on the other systems and their hormones. The sudden weight loss can be percieved by the body as a stress, eventhough we know it is a good thing for us. Stress plays a gigantic role in the proper functioning of our body's hormones, not just sexual hormones either. Find ways to reduce stress and in the meantime try to enjoy the wifely duty anyway. You may find it just takes a little initiative to press the old buttons! Otherwise, you can have your hormones tested. I would suggest finding someone that does saliva testing. It tests the hormones that the body has uptaken from the blood stream. Whereas, most MD's test blood levels, which does not tell you if you are using the hormone on the cellular level. I worked for a practicioner that specialized in the natural hormone replacement therepy and I am a full believer! Been there done that and hubby and I love it! Can't wait till I get my new sexy body to go with it! :wub:
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    Territravel reacted to Dooter in Me Not So Horny......   
    PCOS and then the following menopause crashed my libido straight into the ground. Since I've been losing weight and exercising like a fiend, It has come back with a vengeance! I thought it was permanently broken. Are you exercising? You might want to see your doc and he may do some bloodwork or refer you to an endocrinologist for further testing? Could be hormonal.
    Also, check out this website. There are some great articles and advice as to where to start as far as consulting your doc.
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    Territravel reacted to Izuri in Scared To Exercise   
    From what I've read about Biggest Loser they work out hours every day. It does not sound like a healthy thing to me.
    I'm sorry to hear about your plantar fascitis. I have foot pain too (Although I imagine yours is probably worse) and it can make standing unbearable at times. Everyone's ideas so far sound really good. I know I always enjoy swimming and can always do it no matter how my feet are feeling.
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    Territravel got a reaction from Mrjig in Dr. Verboonen   
    I was sleeved by Dr. verboonen on Jun 15th. at the Victoria Center. I had no problems, not much pain and am doing well. If you have any other questions, you can Message me....
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    Territravel got a reaction from brittneyly in Pictures! I Posted The Other Day But Now I Have Pictures!   
    Your looking great! Pics don't lie....
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    Territravel reacted to StrangelyNormal in Crazy Vsg Questions   
    No one said this ago I thought I would. Statistically only 3% of obese patients will maintain weight loss. Sure we can lose the weight , but maintain it? Only 3 of every 100 will.
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    Territravel reacted to chitowngirl in Emotionally Abusive Mother :(   
    Wow, that sucks. Is going away for college an option?? That would get you out of the house. Maybe you can see a therapist, to help you with coping mechanism, you really can't change your mother, but you can change the way you react to her, this is something a therapist could help you with.
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    Territravel reacted to thinoneday in Emotionally Abusive Mother :(   
    I'm so sorry to hear this. that is really hard. . . I was reading your post and said "well move out of the house girl". . . then I read about your culture part. . . guess you can't ask her why she treats you that way either huh? Can you talk to your dad and express how painful it is to you? Maybe he can advocate for you or is your household matriarch? Then that will be a big problem. . .I don't know what other advice to give you. . I'm sorry, but just know you are a wonderful person in the "Maker's" eyes and you are "His" child who he loves very much. . .you were placed here on this earth for a purpose, it's a purpose we will never know about and it's not for us to question. . . could be that maybe one day something will happen and make your mom realize that you are the only one she can turn to and then she may realize how horrible she has been to you. . . it's so sad to think that way but it's true cause in my culture, what goes around, comes around and those who hurt others soon have the same inflicted back to them 3x greater. . . i'll keep you in my thoughts and just know you have another "family" here to talk too. . . good luck and blessings towards you my dear. . .

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    Territravel reacted to LT1002 in Oh Diet Coke, How I've Missed Thee...   
    I figure it this way... Diet Coke didn't make me fat, ranch dressing, bacon cheeseburgers and French fries (washed down with a Diet Coke) made me fat.
  13. Like
    Territravel reacted to Tiffykins in NSV shout outs   
    This is probably going to seem sooooooooo trivial to everyone else, but I had a great NSV last night.

    John and I have never been cuddly when we sleep. #1 I would get so hot that I couldn't stand having him right up on me #2 He's a tummy sleeper with his elbows spread out over the bed, I sleep on my side with a body pillow.

    Anyways, last night, he pulls me in super close to his chest, my back is touching his chest, and he wraps his arms around me, like completely around me (that's never happened before), and he nuzzled his head next to my neck and was asleep in a matter of minutes. I laid there just smiling like a goofy kid at a candy store, and I could feel his heart beating on my back. I laid there and actually felt his heart rate slow down as he began to drift off into a deep sleep. It felt so amazing to be that close, and not be hot and feel gross about myself. He had one arm under my head, wrap it up over me and the other arm wrapped around me the other side. I don't think I've ever realized how many "little" things we didn't do because of my weight.

    He then started snoring (which he never did before), and I had to move a little because he was right next to my ear. But for the first time in 3.5 years, I literally fell asleep in my love's arms.
  14. Like
    Territravel reacted to mesaucedo in "adult" Topic :)   
    It seems the general consensus is "When you fell ready" and "Take it slow"

  15. Like
    Territravel reacted to AngelaEEEE in 2 Years Post Op Have Gained 8 Pds Back And Scared   
    You've not ruined your sleeve. You just gained what you needed to. Perhaps do the 5 day pouch test or 5 days of Protein Shakes, meats, nuts, etc, to break the carb cravings. Then introduce healthy whole grains back in one at a time to maintain your new weight. Congrats on your success thus far!
  16. Like
    Territravel got a reaction from MsDallasSleever in Bitter Sweet....   
    You can do this!! In the end, you'll be happy you had the surgery!
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    Territravel reacted to Suzannesh in How Long Do You Want To Carry That Baggage With You?   
    Hi Everyone out there,
    What prompted me to write this was a wonderful lady named “Kathy”. She spurred some thoughts that I have going around in my head. First of all a big thank you to Kathy for what she said and the very nice compliment about my writing style and the things I have to say. She said they have helped her go forward to make some appointments to check out having WLS.
    For most of us we didn’t overeat because we were hungry. We ate for a thousand different reasons, and they were mostly emotional reasons. We have so many issues or problems in our life and have turned to food for comfort. The range is so wide, self-esteem, addictions, to food, drugs, alcohol. Our hearts and souls have deep emotional scares for various reason, we cared more for the food than we cared about ourselves. Food was or is our comfort and it was easy to hide behind being fat. For some they have been sexually or emotionally abused and the food was the one thing that we could control and NO one could stop us. Kathy said something that really stood out in my mind; and that was we were slowing killing ourselves with a “fork”. That is so true.
    So what will it take to motivate you to love and care for yourself enough to STOP this cycle? We do have a disease also called obesity. If we had any other disease we wouldn’t think twice about having surgery for it, we would do it because a doctor would tell us it will save your life. For some it will take some therapy, to heal enough to turn their life around. What you look like on the outside is usually not who you are on the inside where it really matters. There are so many people who love and care about you. I want you to take your power back and take the steps to move forward past the pain you feel.
    I never said it was easy, but you are worth all the efforts it will take. You are unique, and special. There is ONLY one of you, and you are here on earth for a purpose, and a reason. Take that giant leap forward and consider having the WLS to change your entire life forever. You have earned the right to be everything you could ever want to be. Shed the fat and let that inter person inside of you out. Look at all the possibilities and pick the right one for you.
    I will be the first one who will tell you, it will require work and effort on your part. WLS is your tool to use to achieve your healthy weight. Be proud of yourself for doing it. Only you can make this choice to change your life. The first time someone calls you “skinny” you will think are they talking about me? Yes, they are. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me.
    I had Weight Loss Surgery almost 4 years ago and Dr. Aceves in Mexicali was my doctor. I happen to think he is the very best doctor you could ever have for WLS. As a matter of fact Dr. Compos who is his partner has had VGS and so he knows all the things you have to go through to be healthy again. They are a terrific team, and when you have them, you have the BEST.
    Sleeved 10/21/2008
    Lost 105 pounds
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    Territravel reacted to MegInNOLA in Success On Preop = No Need For Surgery?   
    Oh bless your heart. The EXACT SAME THING happened with us. My husband was brittle diabetic, had the surgery in 2010, and boom, lost the weight and is off all meds. Me, 100% healthy except for being fat (well, creeping numbers in blood pressure and sugar, but basically healthy). I felt like I should have the strength and the willpower to lose the weight "the natural way." I put it on, why couldn't I take it off?
    I could! I kept taking off the same 35 pounds over and over and over, only to regain it over and over and over. The sleeve helped me lose all the excess weight (still losing now at 15 months out, slowly, sure, but it's still coming off) and I know I have that tool for the long term.
    HUGS to you. You're not a personal failure if you need a tool to help you succeed with weight loss. The entire deck is stacked against us. Think about it this way--what advice would you give a loved one who was struggling as you have struggled? Wouldn't you want them to use whatever tool would help them get healthy and live longer? Be as kind and as open to your own life.... you are most definitely strong and capable. Using a tool doesn't mean you aren't. It's actually a smart thing to do.
  19. Like
    Territravel got a reaction from Shape_Shifter in Scared To Exercise   
    Swimming is a great exercise, and your feet and knees wont be strained. Once you loose 2-30lbs then you can start the weight bearing exercises!
  20. Like
    Territravel reacted to DIAMOND45 in Holy Crap!   
    Don't be afraid, God will watch over you and your doctors and you will come through this like a champion. I am scheduled for surgery on March 15, and I don't allow myself time to be fearful, because I lean on my Faith, and I understand whom it is that I belong to. I really believe this, " If God brings you to it, He will see you through it!"
    I to have a silly thing I am looking forward too, and that is to wear a belt with a cute blouse and really have a waist without wearing a waist reducting garment or spannx
    under it for shape, because I'm sooooooo tired of the "Girdle Garments!"
    P.S. I will put you in my prayers
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    Territravel reacted to Lissa in Look What The Fed Ex Guy Brought Me! :)   
    So, Fed Ex came earlier and this is what they brought me! WOO HOO!! I was on my way out the door to work out, so I get to try out my new toy today!!
    Check it out! It's even engraved with my name and VST!!!

  22. Like
    Territravel got a reaction from PreciousCargo in This Is Me Almost 100 Pds Later...   
    Looking great! Check out WWW.bodyfatguide.com it has lots of info on how to help loose skin.
    Keep up the good work!
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    Territravel got a reaction from mamamckinzie in Aug 1St Is One Year Surgiversary..posted Pics   
    You look terrific! It's pictures like yours, that give me HOPE!
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    Territravel reacted to Star1221 in First It Was Sex Now Its Food...   
    I don't know. I can still vividly describe the worst food I've ever had (buttermilk if you're wonderingly lol), but can honestly say I can't remember the worst sex. I think I just put it out of my mind. And I think it WAS because it WAS over quickly lol
  25. Like
    Territravel reacted to Butterthebean in First It Was Sex Now Its Food...   
    The thing is....the worst sex I ever had was still way better than the worst food I ever had.

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