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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Territravel reacted to slimmom24angels in One Week Post Op Today, And I Am Down......wait For It...........   
    19lbs......Yayyyyyyy!!!!! Confetti is flying, and I am kicking and screaming. To God be all of the Glory! I knew that I had lost weight obviously, but never in my wildest dreams did I think that I had loss 19lbs. I was completely blown away. I am truly overjoyed by this news, and motivated to continue. It got hard the one night that my DH and kids were eating McDonald's, and we all know how those fries smell. I thought that I was going to have to go outside. Although, I am not having hunger pangs, my nose works fine.lol But I have to get used to that. At work, there are always potluck luncheons going on, and food aromas are the norm everyday. So I will be tested on the regular, but I have got to get the victory over food, if I want this sleeve to be a success. So please keep me in your prayers, and as usual I will pray for you as well. Remember, we are in this sleeve together!
  2. Like
    Territravel reacted to Sannah in Moderation   
    I am in my 6th month of medically supervised weightless. I alot has changed for me.
    We met our in-laws at Olive Garden (not a place we frequent). I was proud of myself for eating two smaller serving of salad, no bread and half a bowl of Soup. This was not an easy feat given I DO NOT have a good relationship with my in laws and I am an emotional eater.
    I feel so proud!!
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  3. Like
    Territravel reacted to cantwaittolose in How To Break A Stall   
    There's lots of posts on here about stalls...my experience...add more calories/fat/carbs to your diet...or carb cycling. Your body has gotten used to what you're doing
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    Territravel reacted to deanac in How Many Times Did You Make Yourself Sick....   
    Haven't from eating. Did from drinking too much too fast. Barfed on the dog. Felt really bad about it. Sorry Millie!
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    Territravel reacted to Threetimesacharm in How Many Times Did You Make Yourself Sick....   
    My best advice is to put down your fork wherever you are home, work or out with friends. When you are chewing focus on that, do not talk, just do your chewing, put down your fork. Wait then to speak when you have swallowed that small fork of food. It takes some work but you will get very used to it. I have been doing this with my band for years, revising to sleeve on the 10th, and you get so used to it you don't even realize that you are doing it!!
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    Territravel reacted to DEZ1975 in Dating Again...eek!   
    Time to start dating again. I've been asked out a few times recently and have been too self conscious to say yes, even though apparently the guys didn't mind the fact that I needed to lose 70 lbs. So, from here on out I'm saying yes to dates! Heaven help me...I could be a total disaster lol! Welcome to my new and improved life.
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    Territravel got a reaction from SoReady219 in How Many Times Did You Make Yourself Sick....   
    I confess, I'm the CEO of the "I Eat Too Fast, Therefore, I Slime Club." I have always been a fast eater. It seems to happen more when I'm eating out with friends. Trying to keep up, maybe? At home, I can get up, do a chore, come back to my food. Harder to do when eating with others. At least we know what our problem is. Good luck!
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    Territravel reacted to CoolBreeze in No Support...   
    Not one day has gone by and not one will that I regret having been Sleeved. You will go thru anxiety, nervousness, being scared all of that. The thing to remember is why you're doing this in the first place (your son, your health, YOUR LIFE). Don't worry, you are not alone, you're here and we support you. God Is Good, you are in exellent hands. Stay focused. Stay strong. Believe
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    Territravel reacted to jennyblue111 in B12 Injections   
    I got a prescription @ inject myself.
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    Territravel reacted to Rootman in So A $3.50 "split Fee" In Our Favorite Restaurant   
    Well a full gamut of responses! It's kind of a mixed bag for us and I doubt we'll be back.
    The restaurant is a run of the mill family restaurant in a strip mall, bad parking and the "decor" is kind of hokey home made looking artificial stone and cheap wood. It's OK but not the greatest. The variety of food is what we have always liked, they have stuff that other places just don't have, it's a Naplese Intalian restaurant. The restaurant is, to put it bluntly mediocre to say the best abouit it. A few people we've recommended it to said they would not return becasue it just wasn't "that good" and prices in this rural area a tad on the high side. We've previously had good food and good service, maybe we're just lucky.
    The service was slightly less than aweful, the waitress gruff and impatient and she only took the order and gave us the bill, someone else brought the food and refilled my drink. As I stated it was served sans an extra plate and in addition NO salad at all, we skipped it even though it was included with the entree price. The booth we sat at smelled of sour milk - some previous patron must of spilled some, not bad enough to complain about but we noticed it when we sat down and soon didn't notice it. We're both blue haired and were eating at 5pm, only 3 or 4 booths out of 20+ were filled.
    I think the management should consider that if they're going to stick people with a $3.50 split fee and provide crappy service that the chances of a tip and return patronage are slim to none. I posted this just to see if perhaps it ws ME that was a little off, looks like I wasn't.
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    Territravel reacted to chad2rad in What Did You Name Your Sleeve?   
    If you like it, just don't put a band on it
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    Territravel reacted to chad2rad in What Did You Name Your Sleeve?   
    I may go with Beau.
    Beau Boone could be my alter ego. I am liking this second chance at mid life.

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    Territravel reacted to CoolBreeze in What Did You Name Your Sleeve?   
    I will call mine: Sleevie Oneder, and it won't be long before I can say I'm in One(derland). Yep I like that
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    Territravel reacted to gmanbat in What Did You Name Your Sleeve?   
    "The Bouncer" ....too much...too fast..........out the door!
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    Territravel got a reaction from pretty-pink in What Did You Name Your Sleeve?   
    I'm leaning towards "Slim- Pickins," Cause it sure doesn't hold much!
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    Territravel got a reaction from samsmom in Help   
    Sorry your not feeling well! If cold apple juice is tasting good, and it isn't bothering your sleeve, keep sipping it! Hang in there, it WILL get better!
  17. Like
    Territravel got a reaction from Avillias in One Week Sugiversary!   
    Awesome! My post op diet was two weeks liquids, two weeks mushies, then all solids. I was so happy to see food. It's tough, not going to lie. I remember at week two, my hubbie brought home a B-B-Q chicken wing and i actually licked it to death.. LOL, that was pretty low for me!
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    Territravel reacted to scorpion509 in Am I Crazy? My Taste And Sense Of Smell Has Changed...   
    Something to read :
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    Territravel reacted to Smooth_Sleever229 in When Will I Stop Regretting Having This Done?   
    I feel you on this. I'm not regretting having surgery but I just wanna be normal. I'm tired of the sick feeling of eating. Sometimes I don't even want to eat just cause I know how icky it feels. I'm tired of puree food, but I was tired of being overweight much more. So @ 3 weeks the optimism of becoming normal after 6-8 weeks is helping me suck it up. But omg it feels so terrible at times, I don't like being weak or taking it this slow, but I'm getting thru.
    I just wrote cause I can relate, but don't regret you'll get thru. We did something good for ourselves, I'm not giving up so please don't give in to regret. Fight thru.
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    Territravel reacted to chubby2thin in Dumped... 2 Weeks Pre-Op   
    And u have plenty of support here good luck
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    Territravel got a reaction from pretty-pink in What Did You Name Your Sleeve?   
    I'm leaning towards "Slim- Pickins," Cause it sure doesn't hold much!
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    Territravel reacted to *susan* in "you Have To Reexamine Your Relationship With Food"   
    I think what people have to accept is everyone has different philosophies and methods of what does or does not work for them. There are the die hard "I will never put another unhealthy bite of food in my mouth" people, the "everything in moderation" people (me) and those who are still just trying to find their way.
    Personally, if I was so strong that I was able to say "I will never put another unhealthy bite of food in my body", then what the heck did I need the sleeve for to begin with? I am not that person. I am a foodie, I like enjoying different cuisines and such. I just wanted to be able to eat like "normal" people do. Instead of sitting down and having a whole bag of chips and dip, now I just have an ounce of fat free Pringles when I want chips and I am completely satisfied. If I go to a birthday party and there is cake, heck yeah, I am going to have a piece, especially if it is chocolate. Difference is, a few bites and I am a satisfied girl.
    My fiancé is a licensed nutritionist, personal trainer, yoga instructor, owns a martial arts school and counsels people on healthy eating and also cooks healthy meals for the senior center. Yes, he is a very busy guy. He agrees with my philosophy on everything in moderation. Better to have a small, satisfying serving now than to deprive myself and eventually end up binging. And guess what, we eat Pasta too! Your body actually needs a certain amount of healthy carbs, it's okay. We have whole wheat Pasta once or twice a week. At the same time, I do make sure I drink plenty of Water, eat healthy fruits and vegetables and lots of Protein. I also exercise and do martial arts. I eat an average of 1800 calories a day. I do not believe that living on 800 calories a day outside of your initial weight loss period is healthy for ones body. I am three years out, have lost over 113 pounds at a healthy pace and feel great and am happy.
    So, I guess what I am saying is, if you are of the "I will never put another unhealthy bite of food in my body" people, great! I think that is awesome. I will not try to push my methods onto you, I will not chastise you for the way you do things and I will be 100% supportive of you. In return, I ask that you not criticize me for my methods, especially when they are working for me, or make me feel like I am less of a person or a sleeve failure because I want to enjoy everything life has to offer, including food treats. If you see a thread where somebody wants to know about eating macaroni and cheese, instead of criticizing them or making them feel bad, either choose to simply keep the peace by passing up that thread, or perhaps offer some healthy alternatives like many have chosen to do.
    Peace and love to all!
    Sent from my iPad using VST
  23. Like
    Territravel reacted to BKMama in "you Have To Reexamine Your Relationship With Food"   
    Great post. The Psych I saw about knocked me out of my chair during our session. He said "food shouldn't make you happy. food should simply be the fuel to let you go and DO things that make you happy."
    I seriously almost got up and left. What do you mean food shouldn't make me happy?? I bust out a little dance when something is especially good. LOL But since then I have really given the things he said some real thought and tried to put them into practice. I can enjoy food without being so emotionally connected to it. The switch hasn't been completely flipped at this point, but I'm working on it.
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    Territravel reacted to fattymcfatterson in What Did You Name Your Sleeve?   
    LOL.. This is great! Keep the names coming. It's a great laugh. Still thinking of what to name mine. Two types of sleevers are really sticking out to me lately, the analyzing and the lets throw in some humor and cuteness to get through this. I will definetely name my sleeve and I will have a cutesy doggie bag for yummy leftovers that will make multiple meals.. And I will still lose weight and be successful. Sleevie ray vaughan bwahahahahah love it... maybe SLeevie Nicks too!! Slevette, Sleevietta, Sleveline, Minnie, Austin Growlers, Sleeva (like diva if she is picky), Pouchie, ok, i will stop now... hehehehe
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    Territravel reacted to Rootman in Husband Is Confused...   
    Well I would ask him to stand up very straight and place his hands on his head and close his eyes, and then kick him square in the nuts as hard as you can and promise to do it again if he ever pulls any more crap like that.
    Yes, marriage is a partnership, unfortunately sometimes it seems lopsided and some times duties cannot or should not be divided 50/50 - sometimes it just doesn't work out that way - but that's for you BOTH to decide, not just HIM.
    Get some counseling and get this straightened out as soon as you can before the kid starts being affected by it.
    P.S.: And please do NOT air any more of your dirty laundry in public, this can work against you both emotionally and legally.- if it comes to that. Take care of your business or confide in JUST your close personal friends - and even be careful there. Don't try and get answers from a public forum like this. It could prove humiliating if he ever finds out.

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