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    Territravel reacted to susanfaye in I Need Prayers   
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    Territravel reacted to Happy Camper in I Need Prayers   
    You always support others even though you have been through so much. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. God will walk with you and your faith will keep you strong. These tough times will pass, but please do not skip on your medication. You need to physically be well in order to be strong for your family.
    Bless you my friend.
  3. Like
    Territravel reacted to nadoue in I Need Prayers   
    You are in my prayer, so sorry that you have to go thru that but our God is faithful! Just praise him
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    Territravel reacted to notime in I Need Prayers   
    I hope it all works out for you. You have my thoughts. Please keep us informed.
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    Territravel reacted to Lander in I Need Prayers   
    It's never asking to much to pray for someone. We've all been through hard times and we all understand how hard it can be. Hold on - the light will come.
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    Territravel reacted to butter-fly in I Need Prayers   
    Faith can move mountains and can take care of bills! Prayers lifted.
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    Territravel reacted to NDN_RN in I Need Prayers   
    These times are so difficult on many. My prayers and good thoughts are heading your way

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    Territravel reacted to Nick'sMom in I Need Prayers   
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    Territravel reacted to LibbyLou in I Need Prayers   
    God can make a way when there seems to be no way!
    Prayers said. He knows our every need.
    God bless,
  10. Like
    Territravel reacted to AngelEyesInNJ in I Need Prayers   
    I will keep you and your family in my prayers No worries, things will get better
  11. Like
    Territravel reacted to buckeye_girl40 in I Need Prayers   
    Sending lots of positive energy your way... you and your family are in my prayers. Have faith, God will take away your problems. You're never alone even when it feels like it... God is always with you!
  12. Like
    Territravel reacted to ShapeShifter in I Need Prayers   
    Wishing you and your family WELL, in comfort and security, as well as good health. Remember to breathe deeply and believe that everything will be okay. Because... it will.
  13. Like
    Territravel reacted to mom2five in I Need Prayers   
    I will pray for your family. I know all about money problems. We had a rough time for a while too b/c my hubby was laid off. I hope it doesn't last much longer for you.
  14. Like
    Territravel reacted to suziebaby78 in I Need Prayers   
    I pray God answers you and your families needs swiftly, I believe in the power of prayer whole heartidly. Never to proud to speak to God
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    Territravel got a reaction from lozzad in Getting Too Much Protein?   
    Oh My, your a Protein Goddess! I'm lucky to get in 60g a day. CosleeveDude has provided all the info you need. CALL YOUR DOCTOR, see if he can see you sooner.
  16. Like
    Territravel reacted to doxieville in Complications Almost 5 Months Post Op   
    Just a thought: are you keeping a food journal? Maybe it's something you are eating that your body is reacting to?
  17. Like
    Territravel reacted to DanaInNewOrleans in What Were You Doing On This Day 11 Years Ago?   
    I sleep with the TV on (very low- like white noise)--usually on CNN. I woke up, stumbled out of bed and something on CNN caught my eye. It was a spectacular shot. They were showing a shot of the WTC with a giant hole and smoke billowing out. The first thing I thought was they must be showing a clip from a movie or something (remember, the TV was low so I wasn't paying attention to the sound). Of course within seconds I turned the TV sound up and was horrified and mesmerized. CNN (or whichever channel I watching ) was still speculating that it was a horrible accident. I watched it live as the second plane hit and then everyone realized it was no accident.
    I am now married to a man from NYC-Staten Island. He still will not watch any coverage or documentaries about that day. Almost every time we/he goes to NYC for a visit we go the site and pay our respects.
    God Bless America!
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    Territravel reacted to Spatters3 in What Were You Doing On This Day 11 Years Ago?   
    I was at work, just like today. It was a Tuesday too. When the 1st plane hit, we thought it was a terrible accident. When the 2nd plane hit we thought it was an act of war. When the 3rd plane hit the pentagon we were crying. When the 4th plane hit the ground in PA we immediately understood that someone had intervened. And then the towers came down. We all got very quiet, called our loved ones, prayed, cried...
    It is still such a horrific thing to have seen, I'm crying now. We're still all collectively suffering - our loved ones are overseas fighting terrorists every single day.
    God bless America indeed. Keep our children safe and close to home. My son is in the KY National Guard and he's heading to the battlefield soon. No mother could be prouder but my heart wants him to stay here.
    So yes, God please bless America ! Help us be the light on the hill to all the nations of the world ! Let us live up to our forefather's aspirations of being a good and kind and righteous people.
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    Territravel got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in What Were You Doing On This Day 11 Years Ago?   
    Sitting at work, sipping coffee, watching the news. We were stunned, in shock, trying to figure out what to do next. The goverment immediately shut down travel into and out of ALL airports. Since I'm in travel, our supervisor sent us home for the day. I went to school, picked up my children, went home and stayed glued to the tv for the next 24 hrs.
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    Territravel got a reaction from samsmom in What To Tell Them?   
    If they notice, you could say that you've decided to get healthy. You are doing a high Protein, low carb diet and are exercising. It's the truth, minus the surgery info!
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    Territravel got a reaction from thesmilos in Almost 2 Months Out And Feeling Great! Before And Now Photos.   
    Great Job!
  22. Like
    Territravel reacted to SpecialK1960 in The Top 5 Things You Will Not Miss After Vsg   
    Real Answer -
    1. Sweating - I had night sweats and would sweat at the least exertion. I do not mean I got a bit glisteny - I dripped like a wet dog.
    2. Pants - Having my pants dig into me. And my zipper going down by itself because of side to side pressure and being down to just 2 pairs of pants that fit. And they have missing buttons or clasps, because they got torn out.
    3. Shoes - having to hold my breath to put on shoes and tie them. Although I will miss the stars and little lightheaded "high" I got afterwards.
    4. Looking into a mirror and going - BLEEEEECH!
    5. Sitting on airplane seat with arms crossed on chest for 3 hour flight so I stayed on my side of the seats.
    But mostly...Knowing that I let my wife down. I was not the man she married. Well, actually I was twice the man she married..LOL
    Funny answer - things I will not miss...
    1. cutting myself shaving and having gravy come out.
    2. having button come off shorts and killing the neighbor's dog
    3. stepping on talking scale and have it tell me, "One at a time please!"
    4. Going to a buffet and feeling like I should pay for 2.
    5. Jumping into the pool and washing my grandkids out onto the lawn.
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    Territravel reacted to gaye jarvis in The Top 5 Things You Will Not Miss After Vsg   
    1. I will not miss going to the waterpark for our annual family vacation and all I can do is float in the pool, no rides cause I'm so
    2. I will not miss not being able to cross my legs for the last 25 years.
    3. I will not miss the rashes under all the skin or the stretch marks that keep breaking open at the bottom of my stomach.
    4. I will not miss telling my husband that I can't ride the 4-wheeler with him cause I'm to heavy.
    5. And the most important thing I will not miss is telling my husband I don't feel like having sex because after 32 years of
    marriage I was so ashamed for him to touch me, but let me tell you that has changed after only 56 lbs, he says he feels like
    he's having an affair!
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    Territravel reacted to Dooter in Goodbye Granny Panties! Hellooooooo....   
    Would a picture of JUST the panties be ok?? I'm not posing in them!
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    Territravel reacted to ashleyxx in 9 Months Post-Op Progress Picture   
    Hey everyone, I found a old picture today and wanted to show the progress I have made so far. The first picture is from 4 years ago (I dont know how much I weighed in it) and the second is from this past Saturday. My highest weight was 360lbs, day of surgery I was 338lbs and I am currently 237lbs, I have been in ANOTHER stall which seems like FOREVER but I hope I will be able to get down to my goal weight.

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