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    Territravel reacted to lovePINK in Twelve Weeks Pregnant, Four Months Post Op   
    I got pregnant almost 3 months out from surgery. I'm now 4 1/2 months pregnant and almost 7 months post op. My OB has not labeled me high risk. My pregnancy has been completely normal so far except the fact that I'm not gaining any weight (lost 15 lbs so far @ 19 weeks. which I'm not complaining about) I eat small healthy meals frequently. The baby is growing perfectly and I'm not deficient in any Vitamins.
    Just follow ur OBs instructions and u should be fine. The fact that you've lost 60 lbs already is nothing but good for you and probably the reason why u were able to conceive so easily. Good luck throughout the rest of ur pregnsncy and congrats
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    Territravel reacted to LaBelle509 in Twelve Weeks Pregnant, Four Months Post Op   
    CONGRATS ON THE BABY!!!!! I had this surgery so that I can have a baby! but I am sure the doctors will watch you closely. Follow their orders and take good care of yourself. God be with you and your little angel :wub:
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    Territravel reacted to suegirl in Self Pay   
    Just remember to save EVERY receipt pertaining to your surgery... anything over 7.5% of your gross income is deductible on next years tax return... that will help to offset the tax hit you will take for having withdrawn the money..
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    Territravel reacted to NDN_RN in I Did It!   
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    Territravel got a reaction from Capt Derel in High Protein "snack" Ideas.... Lets Start A List To Refer To When We Need Ideas   
    Imitation crab, on crackers, salad, or dipped in cocktail sauce...Yummy!
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    Territravel got a reaction from Capt Derel in High Protein "snack" Ideas.... Lets Start A List To Refer To When We Need Ideas   
    Imitation crab, on crackers, salad, or dipped in cocktail sauce...Yummy!
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    Territravel reacted to MsShaunaMarie in My Journey To Happily Ever After.   
    My name is Shauna here is a little background on my life and how I got here. And a link to my blog if anyones interested http://na-na2minina-na.blogspot.com/

    I’ve been heavy through all of my teen and adult life. I can remember adults when I was younger saying that I was just big boned and I would grow out of it, well I never did. I think it was their “Nice” way of saying that I was a fat child. I may have been a heavy person, but I never let it stop be from pursuing things I wanted in life, like a relationship, learning how to drive, or graduating high school and going to college. I have tried losing weight in the past, but I never really thought I was losing it for me I was losing it because someone else was pushing me to lose it. During high school my parents had taken me to the doctors for something other than a weight issue and I ended up being put on a medication that was to help you lose weight. I was only supposed to be on it for 3 months and that was it. The doctor had set up the prescription for me and he was giving me them in the office. My family moved a short time after that and I never returned to that doctor. And the weight came back on.

    At the end of high school I met the first person I ever fell in love with and gave my whole heart to. I was with him for 6 years. And my weight was always an issue. And I would join Weight Watchers to please him and try to exercise with him to make him happy and it was never really for me. I did lose weight with it, but once I stopped going for whatever the reason the weight would come back on. Being in a relationship where I was always judged on when I slept, or napped or exercised and for how long I exercised and it never being good enough really took a toll on me. So I was single for about 2 years after him and in Oct of 2009 I met the most amazingly supportive man I could have ever hoped for in a man. He has been nothing but positive and helps me through everything, all of my ups and my downs. Even in my breakdown and cry moments when all of the emotions of having WLS decided they want to come out. He pushes me when I need to be pushed and pulls me back when I go little too far. He’s everything I need.

    While struggling with my weight and my career choices I developed high blood pressure, I am pre-diabetic and I don’t have sleep apnea yet but it is in my near future. Snoring is a huge problem. By being able to have this surgery it will help me decrease my chances of getting diabetes and get rid of my high blood pressure all together. I so badly want to start a family but I am very scared that I will not be healthy enough to do so. I want to be able to teach my children healthy choices and be able to run and play with them. I want to marry the Love of my Life and be able to grow old with him.
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    Territravel reacted to smiller1982 in Laying In The Hospital Bed.   
    Hello my name is Sarah. I turned 30 about a month ago and I was hoping to have my surgery the same day. My thought behind that: turning 30 scared the hell out of me and I thought giving myself the gift of health was perfect. Things didn't go as planned because you know, insurance. I have 2 little boys, 8 & 5, that mean the world to me and the reason for my surgery. I want to set a good example for them and be around to meet my grandchildren. I was scheduled for gastric bypass but was really wanting the sleeve. My insurance changed their guidelines on 9/24 and I was approved for the sleeve. Surgery was yesterday, 10/01/12. I am laying in the hospital bed extremely sore and tired. Yet all I can think of is being able to run and play with my kids. I can only imagine how great I'll feel when I drop this extra 100.
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    Territravel got a reaction from cmf1267 in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    Can't wait to walk down the hall, and not hear the sweesh, sweesh, of chubby thighs rubbing together!
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    Territravel got a reaction from xavtay2 in 53; Fat And Ready For Help!   
    Your never too old to get healthy. Good for you! I'm 51, and wish I had done it sooner. Keep us updated.
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    Territravel got a reaction from xavtay2 in 53; Fat And Ready For Help!   
    Your never too old to get healthy. Good for you! I'm 51, and wish I had done it sooner. Keep us updated.
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    Territravel reacted to Malisima69 in I Feel As Though I Am Going To Fail At This Like All The Other Times... Any Encouraging Words?!?   
    Thank you so much for the pep talk. I really appreciate it. I plan to work hard and make this dream a reality. I want to be healthy, look and feel great, be more energetic, have a wonderful life without meds or atleast drastically minimize what I am taking now. I can't help genes but I plan to do whatever it takes to fight for a healthy, new me!
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    Territravel got a reaction from buffythefatslayer in My 1St Vacation With My Sleeve!   
    I've had two stalls so far. On both, I increased my calories and fat intake, and started losing again.Weird, I know. Maybe our bodies just need a shake up sometimes, and that's what you gave it!
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    Territravel reacted to eazye in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    Neilsleeve, nail on the head my friend, nail on the head! I feel the exact same way and am approacing the "diet" thing the exact same way. If I want it, I eat it...just WAY LESS! I am 2 months out, eat just about anything I want when I want it. If I am craving something, I will take a bite or two, it satisfies me, then stop eating it because I am not hungry for it anymore. Did I take in 20-30 extra calories, probably....is it going to hurt me, absolutely not, in fact, I will burn off 20 times that when I ride my bike or go play with my daughter, or go do something physical that I couldn't do previously. It is all about using your head, staying diciplined, and living your life, not deprivation. I am not going to spend my life being terrified of food!
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    Territravel reacted to NJSleeveboy in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    Sorry it's so long!! yes, I hope we hear from the veterans. .I have spoken to many of them, as I just wasn't buying into the golden rules and was able to tolerate so many things. I had a real spicy meal yesterday and no gas or anything. Sorry it was soo long, a lot to say, lol... I lost 26 pounds from the the one week liquid preop to today, which is two weeks post op, for a total of 26 pounds in 21 days. I am HAPPY to not obsess on each pound and slow down the weight loss to get onto a lifestyle diet that works.. My nutritionist (and mom), said that was music to their ears.
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    Territravel got a reaction from slojo in Low Bmi Questionnnnnn   
    Everyone's different. Men seem to lose faster than women, high BMI seems to lose faster than low BMI. I feel like I should be doing better myself. But, 30 lbs is great! Your going in the right direction..And remember, slower weight loss makes for less saggy skin!
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    Territravel reacted to Cookeeeeez in Yup   
    You B*TCH!!! Lol ME Wanteeeeee!!!!! ARGh soooooooooooo jealous!!!!!
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    Territravel got a reaction from slojo in Low Bmi Questionnnnnn   
    Everyone's different. Men seem to lose faster than women, high BMI seems to lose faster than low BMI. I feel like I should be doing better myself. But, 30 lbs is great! Your going in the right direction..And remember, slower weight loss makes for less saggy skin!
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    Territravel reacted to Delena2/11 in Feelin Blue   
    I'm sorry that you had to go through this rough patch. I look back at my life and see now that those troubled times came before some of my greatest gifts. There is no shame getting help if you are depressed. I have depression and have been treated for about three years. There are things that can help and you are worth it!
    I agree with the above posters. Keep your chin up. You will meet someone that you click with. Someone that has the same goals and healthy lifestyle. Sometimes the hardest endings lead to the most amazing beginnings! Best of luck to you! Dee
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    Territravel got a reaction from Tipintx in Defining A Higher Power   
    Great Word....
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    Territravel reacted to Illusionalta in Almost 6Months Out..123Lbs Down   
    Ok google helped me , my biggest non scale victory is the activities I'm now able to partake in with my children , without dying.. We ride bikes , play soccer .. I'm not tired any more , I barely wanna goto sleep at night.. So the energy I have now in surplus for everyday life made it more than worth it!
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    Territravel got a reaction from Earwood in Defining A Higher Power   
    I am sorry, and sadden to hear that you were abused spiritually. I am reading a book of selections by Max Lucado and he talks about Gods love. " God's love does not hinge on yours. The abundance of your love does not increase his. The lack of your love does not diminish his. Your goodness does not enhance his love, nor does your weakness dilute it.
    God loves you simply because he has chosen to do so. He loves you when you don't feel lovely. He loves you when no one else loves you. Others may abandon you, divorce you, and ignore you, but God will love you. Always.No matter what.
    Many blessing on Yom Kipper, day of Atonement!
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    Territravel reacted to Dooter in Defining A Higher Power   
    This is true. My best friend is tormented by anxiety and depression and she is one of the strongest Christians I know. Sanctification (becoming more like Christ) is sometimes a slow process, but is one that God promises us he is working in us. When one is first saved, it's like God has us by the ankles and is shaking all the sin out of our pockets. A lot of it falls right out and away, and some sticks like glue, but the process will continue. Christ has already accomplished these things for us so that if we are in Him, we HAVE the power to not do....whatever it is that needs to be stopped.
    That does not necessarily mean we will achieve it immediately because we will be fighting our flesh until we die. What we have is HOPE (expected dependancy) that we CAN put off these behaviors and continue to ask God for relief from it, because it is His will that we do not sin. And when we pray according to His will, He will grant us what we ask. It may not always be in our timing, because often times we have something to learn from our situation, and sometimes someone ELSE has something to learn from our situation.
    I told you....I'll blabber all you want Get me to talkin' about Jesus, and I'll go on and on! I hope any of it makes sense and/or helps....
    These are things I have learned and personally understand to be true.
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    Territravel reacted to Dooter in Defining A Higher Power   
    Ok....you asked....
    Any "religion" that centers on man and man's power and ability is destined to fail.
    The one true God of the Bible, who is the sovereign of the universe is the only one worthy of praise and glory. And that is our purpose. To glorify God. It is HIS wrath we are under, and He has gifted us with the answer to that problem through the Lord Jesus Christ because he loves us. God is not a power hungry ogre just waiting to cast us into Hell. He is perfect love and joy waiting with outstretched arms for us to answer His call.
    We are not banging our fists on the gates of Heaven, wanting to be let in, yet He is keeping us at bay, instead... We are all running as fast and as hard as we can straight for Hell, but in His divine sovereignty and love he stops this one, and this one, and that one, turning us to Him and welcoming us into His family and Kingdom in eternal splendor. That's where I am.
    I may have never been quite so vocal on this site about this subject, so I may lose friends, but... that's what I think and feel about it. The Holy Spirit confirms this in my soul.

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