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    Territravel reacted to allthatjazz4u in Theres no such things as stalls   
    This is my PERSONAL OPIONON and has become my MANTRA for this JOURNEY. I was sleeved 11/14/12. Like many of us I was obsessed with the scale...elated with a loss and dissapointed when the numbers didn't change. I have personally decided not to weigh myself(only on follow up dr appts) I have been sticking to my eating plan and working out everyday. I hAve complete faith that I WILL REACH GOAL. I am no longer going to allow the numbers on the scale and these supposed "stalls" To EVER DISCOURAGE ME or make me think I'm going to fail. All I see ahead of me is victory! For those of you being discouraged by stalls....STOP IT. It's quite natural for our bodies to go through brief periods of "stalls". I cringe everytime I read a post about folks getting discouraged. In order for anyone to have 85% of their stomach removed they have had to have a lot of courage to begin with. So STAY ENCOURAGED...you WILL LOSE! :-) remember...this is not a race....it's a lifelong journey :-)
  2. Like
    Territravel got a reaction from M_Johnson in 9 months out pics   
    Great job! I bet you feel terrific.
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    Territravel reacted to gmanbat in How can this math be possible ? The Sleeve is not working.   
    Keep in mind that the exact same thing would have happened if you had not been sleeved and just ate what you ate. It's just that you have invested much money and suffering and expect a result from it. Very understandable. I would mortgage my house and bet the money that you will drop eventually with the great discipline you are showing.
    I have been through many illogical stalls in the last year. Your body doesn't care about math. It does what it does and doesn't tell you why. Brats, aren't they?
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    Territravel reacted to LovinMe2013 in I love this & had to share   
    I'm really struggling with going forward tomorrow & this was on my fb.
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    Territravel got a reaction from carolina girl in 18 months later...no regrets!   
    You look fantastic and I'm inspired!
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    Territravel reacted to clk in Lighten up a little...   
    There is no one-size-fits-all approach to life after the sleeve, much the way the one-size-fits-all approach to dieting doesn't work. If it did, we'd all pay our Weight Watchers dues, avoid comorbidities and enjoy life as skinny people after successfully completing our first diet.
    For people without comorbids, it's usually NOT a health-related choice to have the sleeve. If you don't have high cholesterol or diabetes or high blood pressure, you're not making the choice to do this for the same reason as someone who does.
    I really dislike the "food Nazi" attitude. It's one thing to criticize someone that jumps on a board and complains about slow loss, stalls or discomfort after they confide that they're eating off their doctor's nutritional guidelines or that they're doing binges and grazing.
    It's another thing entirely to assume an all-or-nothing approach. For some people, that works. For the vast majority of us that have dieted most of our lives, it doesn't work. It didn't work before and it won't work this time, either.
    You will see me say this over and over again. The sleeve is NOT A DIET. It's not. If you treat it like one, odds are good that you'll experience the same success you achieved on all those diets you did before you finally opted to have surgery.
    The sleeve is a tool. Yes, we should make good quality food choices 90% of the time. If we can do that, why would we restrict ourselves with the other 10% of our choices?
    I did not remove most of an organ so I could stay on Atkins for the rest of my life, sorry. It's easy to be a carb Nazi in the first four or five months post op. But at some point, sanity has to set in and you have to learn to eat normally.
    This is not about getting to a set weight on the scale. That is the easy part, believe it or not. The challenge is STAYING THERE. It's being out there, post op and able to eat a larger portion of a larger variety of foods and being able to eat without doing it emotionally, grazing or binge eating. Maintenance is infinitely harder than the loss phase, and maintenance lasts forever.
    So learning how to eat in moderation, how to deal with the social customs and rituals we've built around food and doing it all without feeling deprived and resentful is a huge part of this journey.
    If you lose 100 pounds by eating 400 calories and 30 carbs a day, congrats. Your loss is no less a success. But tell me how you're going to stay there for the next thirty years without regaining if all you learned on your journey is how to diet more effectively?
    Good luck. It's important that we realize that VST is a place for us to share a wide range of experiences and feelings about this surgery and life afterward. Attacking someone for choosing a different way to live, when that person has shown success and isn't complaining, is not okay.
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    Territravel reacted to carolina girl in 18 months later...no regrets!   
    Thanks Annie B..you're sweet!
    amytug..sorry I forgot my tickler has been removed and I never put a new one up. I was 220 lbs(probably heavier at times)..now 133 to 137..I teeter back a forth! I wore a size 18, but it was tight... probably needed a 20 but wouldn't buy it. I now wear a 4 or 6 depending on what it is. I was taking 3 pills for blood pressure, ambien to sleep, lipitor, wellbutrin, prevacid and tums all day long! Now I take nothing except for my Vitamins of course! Before I couldn't put my shoes on without being out of breath, now I can run a 5k in about 27 mins! Life is good
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    Territravel reacted to earth2terra in Treadmill Is Kicking My Butt!   
    Maybe be its the incline that's doing you in? I read that 1.5 incline closely resembles outdoors normal walking conditions.. Good luck hope it gets better soon
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    Territravel reacted to Kalimomof3 in Horror Story   
    Wow crazy how someone's Horror Story turned into a huge debacle between believers and non believers.I have to admit I am skeptical when it comes to either extreme when someone tells their story.I am neither a fan of too much sunshine and rainbows or hellfire and brimstone I generally think the truth tends to be somewhere in between in most cases.That being said we are all here for support at least I know that is why I come here and personal attacks on people whether we agree with their opinions or not is not being supportive:) When I was new on the forum I allowed myself to be drawn into a couple of counter productive arguments until I realized it was exactly that. I appreciate coming on here and seeing people share their differing points of view without malice. I can see how some of this thread will be good for newbies doing their research but some of it not so much...but that is just my $0.02 Can't we all just get along
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    Territravel reacted to deedeemuffin in NSV   
    I don't have my 7 week weight until Tuesday, but I am definitely losing inches. Today I went to go babysit. All my yoga pants & sweat pants were dirty. I started out a size 32. My size 30 jeans were just too big. Then I remembered that I had bought 2 pairs of size 28's online accidentally (I meant to get 30's) quite awhile back. Pre-Surgery I couldn't even pull them all the way up. So, I crossed my fingers & not only could I pull them up but could zip them up without sucking anything in! I was so excited. I still am. This totally made my week & it's only Sunday.
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    Territravel reacted to Amytequilahouse in 7 mos out 123 lbs down   
    I've never been happier in my life. I had gastric sleeve surgery June 4,2012. They told me be ready for a life changing experience. I didn't think it would be so impacting so amazing as it has been. Yes ill admit right after surgery I was like what have I done!!?? But trust me that was my love for food talking. Once you start shedding pounds and fitting into smaller clothes you'll feel great. I felt trapped in my body. I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs cause I was out of breath. I couldn't sit in a theatre chair. I couldn't walk around the block to check the mailbox. That's a few of the many things I couldn't do. But now I'm on fire lol anyone who is thinking about having this surgery I strongly recommend it. You can also find me on YouTube. anyone with questions ask me. I'm 100 % honest and upfront. No sugar coating

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    Territravel reacted to pbnjsandwich in 100 lbs gone!   
    I was sleeved on June 28, 2012 & hit my first huge goal this week!!! I am working my butt off & loving every minute!! My hubby has lost 50 lbs just being a supportive partner & eating as I do!!! 5k set for Feb 9th & praying I can run the whole thing!!
    Jennifer in AL
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    Territravel reacted to iggychic in Do I really need to go to the ER...?   
    Well dang....I hadn't written it down yet for my 3 am call!!!!
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    Territravel got a reaction from Yasmine in My Story... For better or worse   
    Thanks for posting your story. Never doubt for a second that your brave, beautiful and on your way to being healed!
  15. Like
    Territravel reacted to Ms skinniness in I am really concerned please help   
    I buy my omeprazole over the counter at a drug store. Nothing to worry about.....
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    Territravel reacted to MoreganK in Omg im so cold!   
    I'm the same. My fiance said to me, "there is less insulation."
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    Territravel reacted to GeauxForIt in Anyone use protein shots?   
    MOST of these "protein" shots do not contain bioavailable Protein, which means that your wasting your money and punishing your taste buds for no reason!
    OTR, where are you???
  18. Like
    Territravel reacted to rxkid2384 in New Surgery Date: was 01/08 now it's 01/29 because I got sick   
    i was all set to go but then i got really sick. it was originally on 01/08. but the surgeron said i was too sick. i had even lost 20lbs. but now it's moved to 01/29 which isn't too bad. only 2 weeks away from today. i feel a lot better too. and i am hoping to lose an additional 10lbs for a total lost amount of 30lbs.
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    Territravel reacted to GeauxForIt in Jurors Biased Against Obese Women?   
    And they also leave out that celebrities have a cook on hand to prepare (or deliver) their food, personal trainers to come to their homes and work one-on-one with them using a personalized exercise plans, nannies to take care of the new babies (and/or other children) AND no clock to punch on a daily basis!!
    Hell, I'd be thin, too, if I had nothing to do all day but work towards it!
  20. Like
    Territravel reacted to Holly5.3 in 3 month post-op today!   
    Just got home from 3 month post-op and I'm thrilled! Down 48.5 pounds since 10/11/12 plus 22.5 lost on Pre-op diet for a total loss if 71 pounds since last Aug. 11th. I'm no spring chicken but it goes to show even over 50's rock the sleeve! My surgeon was blown away and asked me to give a quick testimonial to a new patient having a consult! I'm so proud! One bad thing, he wants me to have my other hernia repaired ASAP - oh no! More surgery-I'll wait til summer.
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    Territravel reacted to Amytequilahouse in 110 Lbs Gone In 5Mos :)   
    I'm so glad I made the decision to have the gastric sleeve surgery. What a life changing experience. I'm still single but that's the least of my worries. I fit in any booth, any chair, from 26 jeans to a 14/16. Shoe size from a 10 to a 9 my foot looks cute and skinny. Size 11 ring to a 9. I finally rode on an airplane and didnt need any extension. I'm sooooo happy people. I'm living life now

  22. Like
    Territravel reacted to chitowngirl in is sleeve healthy or starvation?   
    I'm 9 months post op, and I can honestly tell you the first month or two I ate very little. Little by little I've been able to increase my food amounts. What the sleeve does for me is now at 9 months out is it gives me the capacity to eat like a skinny person. I can eat only a sandwich and that is satisfying for me. I don't eat McDonald's, but if I did I would imagine that a happy meal would fill me up. When I go to Wendy's a small chili is sufficient. I love my sleeve. I feel normal again.
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    Territravel reacted to Kim Ster in OMG! I just can believe it!   
    Sleeved Election Day, Have lost 80 lbs since August. I fit into a Size 20 down from a 28....I am back on my Rollarblades! I am thrilled beyond belief! Its all happening so fast!
    Just thought I would share this wonderful news!
  24. Like
    Territravel got a reaction from Meliss000 in Weight Loss... Fork?   
    What will they think of next? If that fork could smack my hand when i overeat, or eat too fast, that would be worth buying!
  25. Like
    Territravel reacted to nix677 in 2 years post op!   
    Well tomorrow makes the two year anniversary since my Gastric sleeve operation.. I can safely say its the best thing I have ever done in my life.. Every thing has changed for the better for me .. I have lost over 9stone 4lb. (130lb) So I stand at 5ft 1' and weight 9stone (126lb).. I would still like to drop a little more and maybe deal with the loos skin on my stomach as that must weigh a few pounds in itself but all in all very happy I did this..

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