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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TJWRANGLER

  1. Hello everyone, im not sure if this is in the proper section or not if not mods could you please move it to the proper place? Let me start by explaining that I myself did not get lapband, but my girlfriend just had lapband yesterday morning at 7:30am and I have some concerns about what is going on so I decided to search around on here and get more educated. I dont want her to be alarmed by anything because she stresses out very easily. She did her research on the lapband for close to a year before deciding to get it done. She has been to group meetings, a psychologist, multiple visits with the nutritionist, met with the surgeon a few times and after all was said and done she decided the surgery was right for her. I had my doubts and still do about the surgery but I dont know what its like to walk in her shoes, she has been overweight her entire life and has tried everything to lose the weight but for one reason or another was never successful so she feels this is going to help her accomplish something she has longed for and i fully support her, but im still uneasy about it. I have been reading on the net about all these horror stories and major complications years down the road, and it has me really concerned. Ok this is getting long so I will get to the point and the questions/concerns. So yesterday morning she had the surgery at 7:30am and was out around 9:00am....they didnt get her to recovery until close to 3:30pm because they didnt have a room. When she finally got a room she was eating ice chips and a cold pop, and they gave her a perk for the pain....with nothing in her stomach! Well within a few minutes she felt nausea coming on and threw up orange Water only a few tablespoons worth....but was in alot of pain from the 5 incisions. Then she ate some broth and again vomitted liquid and was in alot of pain....the nurse told her this is expected and gave her morphin for the pain and more anti nausea meds along with putting another patch behind her ear. She was in originally supposed to go home yesterday but they decided to keep overnight (which I was happy about). So this morning nothing has changed and now she is complaining of a really bad stomach ache and still cant keep anything down. She she is worried that there is complications and asked the nurse to speak with the dr but he has yet to call back. Is there a reason for me to be concerned or is something that is common? .
  2. Well im finally at the hospital and it looks like she gained atleast 10lbs.....im guessing its from all the iv bags she has had....a total of 6 bags in 48 hrs....we went for a walk and she is walking well. The rn said she can go home today but she has yet to talk with the dr. Which is concerning me a bit. Atleast she is using the bathroom a good amount lol. Right now her biggest issue is the strong waves of nausea and pain in the chest area.
  3. Ouch, sounds exctaly like my girlfriend....if it can happen to her it will, but mostly for the negative. She has a huge support system everyone she works with, myself, my family, her entire family and all her friends as well. I just have my reservations because of the negative I keep hearing and sadly Im a cynic at heart and generally look at the bad more than good, but in this case I'm looking at everything. I cant relate to how it must feel to be very overweight because I have never experienced it, I have been an athlete my entire life, but being with my girlfriend (now fiancee I should say) for 15 years and meeting her overweight and seeing all the bs she went through with people pisses me off and I can only imagine how hard it is and thats why I will support her with this decision and do everything I can to help her, even if I dont fully understand. Well Im pretty sure she is sleeping again because I have not heard from her for alomst an hour. I'm curious if they are going to keep her overnight again, its starting to look that way
  4. Thank you for the advice, I truly appreciate it . I just fear that this could turn out bad for her because her entire life has been filled with freak accidents and good things going terribly wrong...she slipped down 1 stair and shattered her ankle and needed screws to place it, walked by a trash bag with a half inch long piece of glass sticking out of it caused her to get multiple stitches, tripped over a crack and broke her other ankle, and many other odd situations lol. She also gets sick very easliy so that also concerns me some what. She has been walking alot according to the nurse, but the stomach pain she is saying feels like a really bad cramp, so it might be gas. She told the nurse about 7am this morning about wanting to speak with the dr and he has yet to get back to her. I get out of work at 2 and will be heading to the hospital right away.

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