I've had mine for about a month now. I have sciatica and out started to flare up bad that same night I got it. I spent the first 2 wks in pain from my nerves and muscle spasms.I could feel the mirena when I leaned forward. I was going to have out removed but the midwife said to try it a little longer.
So now I am on day 8 of a light period. My sciatica is subsiding but have been on ibuprofen so it's managed. I'm due to ovulate next week so maybe the period will stop. It's not bad just annoying, not enough for a tampon so I feel gross having to use pads.
My hubby felt the strings the first time, but hasn't freely them since. Now the never-ending period is annoying us both, lol. I'm due for a check in September, since I have no pain, I will wait until then to see if I keep it. If my period can go back to 4-5 days by then I will be happy. If not this things gotta go.